diabetes with or without meds

Feb 28, 2009
winslow IN
03 ST1300 89 pc
How many here are taking care of their diabetes with out any medicine? I have tried this then fell into my old ways of eating as I please,now it seems things are a bit worse. I would still like to get my blood sugar back in line with out meds just wondering if any one here is doing this. My a1 is 8.1
diet and excercise. Like a broken record.........life style change, getting out and moving and staying away from bad foods.
seriously, I had to loose weight. Most of my family is D-2 some had juvinile so I was told to loose the weight and it should help, it did. Foods with too much sugar even carbs as well as alcohol can be your enemy. Having alot of your excess weight in the waiste line is hard on the Pancreas.
diet and excercise. Like a broken record.........life style change, getting out and moving and staying away from bad foods.
seriously, I had to loose weight. Most of my family is D-2 some had juvinile so I was told to loose the weight and it should help, it did. Foods with too much sugar even carbs as well as alcohol can be your enemy. Having alot of your excess weight in the waiste line is hard on the Pancreas.

Ditto that.. lose 20 lbs and watch it improve, and get some excercise!
It is good to hear that many of you are taking care of this with out meds gives me a goal. I am not a very active guy so it will be a challenge
I lost 60 pounds. got A1C to 5.9 and went off medicine. Been off 2 years. I have to watch what I eat and walk about 3 miles 4-5 mornings a week. Not fun but it works.
It is good to hear that many of you are taking care of this with out meds gives me a goal. I am not a very active guy so it will be a challenge

I'm not very active too, I know some might not like me saying this but I think of it as part of my daily chores to keep my weight in check, I still have 10 lbs to go (-130).
I also go to nutrition class once a month, its kind of like an over eaters anonymous class, it's sort of a bi*tch fest but it helps me, we also exchange recipes, and discuss what is helping us.
As for that daily chore I try to take my walks on my lunch break, before and after work is difficult with the meals (fix'n the proper B/L) , other chores, etc.
I use this website to calculate my calories/fat/carbs. WWW.myfitnesspal.com

my last Glucose fasting was 86 before that was 99 and the one before that 120, with each test it has gone down but each time with a significant amount of weight loss too.
A good book (he has more than one) is the GI Diet, written by a Canadian cardiologist.... explains the glycemic index of foods and how to use them to control blood glucose... basically, you alter what you eat, breakfast being the most important meal of the day (you've heard that before!), eat foods that take a long time to digest, you feel fuller longer and don't get the sugar spikes..... that in combination of cutting back on sugar-laden foods... several small meals during the day, no big dinner.... and more.... it is simply a lifestyle change that I've found not that hard to do. However having said that, everywhere you go for food, RTE's at restaurants, etc. it is difficult to find the more healthy choices. Also, in North America, there seems to be this overwhelming direction to add sweeteners to all prepared foods (read the labels for corn sweeteners, sugar, fructose, glucose, etc.), that isn't the case in Europe or elsewhere. Everything seems to have sugar added.

Example of glycemic index, one of the absolute worst foods you can eat is white bread. Most foods are converted to glucose as it is the body's fuel...... if sugar has a glycemic index of 100, white bread is 143. That means it is turned into glucose 1.43 times faster than sugar itself!!! So, get into the whole grain, rawer foods that take longer to digest... simply cut back a bit on portions and you'll find it not that hard to do. And, no pie.... oh :pie1::pie1::pie1::pie1:, did I say that? I WILL cheat from time to time....... just keep it all in perspective in your overall dietary habits. Lose the bun on that Moonshine burger? I think we all know what is bad for us, just learn to control it more. Excercise can burn off a couple of glucose points quite easily. My guess is, if you get enough cardio, you can cut back on the meds.

Cholesterol is a whole other story...... but the higher fiber foods that are harder to digest act as cholesterol filters in your digestive system. Chances are though that your cholesterol situation is inherited and you will need medication if it's bad.

But, like everything else, if you actually want to do it, you can.
I've seen the bad side of diabetes, and not to sound like the broken record I will say that 90% of this is the state of mind that you take with the path you PLAN PLAN PLAN. Make a PLAN and WRITE it down and talk to others face to face with this problem, this is reverseable, the key to sucess is a support group,diet,excerise, and you wanting a healthy as prosperious life. start out with small steps and goals, write about your ups and downs to reflect apon and tell yourself I CAN I WILL I DID, its your life,please post your steps (good or bad) we do care.
Thanks for the advice and support one thing is for sure this is something a person has to deal with it will not go away
When I showed my sister my new, custom fitted Motoport gear, she commented, "there's some good incentive to not gain weight." But the truth is I have a much better incentive to not gain weight. I basically live on a raw veggie diet, avoiding the carbs, smaller portions, etc. RTEs and general touring is the challenge, so I try to be religious about my daily routine of a good diet and walking my dog every evening after work. Then I don't feel so bad about the occasional splurge on the road.

It a can be done, you'll feel better ..., and you'll slip. Don't beat yourself up, just jump back on and get going again. Every aspect of your life will improve (other than cocktail parties!) :D
Hey Terry, about 3 years ago, after a motorcycle accident made me see a doctor, I found out that I was diabetic. I told the doc that I had recently retired from the Army and that I was much more sedate in my lifestyle, I had balooned from 190 to 237 and a1c was up to mid 7's. Doc said that if I could control it with diet and exercise, no need for meds. I went and took the 2 full days of dietary counseling at the hospital and went about changing my ways. I monitored my blood for about 6 or 7 months and seemed to be making the doc pretty happy. THEN, I laxed. About 10 months ago, I made a long overdue return to the doc's office. While I have my weight back down in the 210 range, I'm still not exercising like I should. My a1c was up to nearly 10. Doc put me on Metformin. It gave me incredibly bad headaches and upset stomach. But I stayed on it for a few months and monitored my blood for a couple months. Things seemed to be back on track. THEN, I quit taking the meds. Been about 4 months without any meds at all. Blood sugar is about 115, which isn't too bad. I joined a gym, but in all honesty, I'm not in there regularly.

I guess being on meds isn't such a bad thing if you (meaning me) can't seem to muster the the integrity to stay with diet or exercise.
I did about the same thing I was at 215 the first time I was diagnosed got down to 175 or 180 and thing were looking good. Now I am not back to my 215 only at 190 but my eating habits really suck and my levels are all over the place. I love junk food and all the other not good for you stuff so you know the old saying the mind is willing but the body is weak.
After less than a year, I finally have my a1c down to 5.9 with medicine, but my triglycerides went way up to 400 again. The Dr. wanted to put me on something to piggy back with Crestor. I got him to hold off for three months. Maybe it is inherited, but I know I can control it. I've done it before. Sherob mentioned it... Veggies. I eat raw carrots, radishes, broccoli and cauliflower every morning for a snack. I also have an apple or banana for breakfast. A couple of life long diabetic friends told me that they always found raw veggies and a serving of fruit a day helped them stabalize their blood sugar. Everyone is different though.

I always joke that 75 percent of my money as a kid went to candy. I'm paying for it now. I still sneak something in every now and then... I had a peanut buster parfait the other day. First time in a year and a half. 180 was my blood sugar the next morning.
Well, I am an Insulin taking type 2 diabetic who found out by actually losing 45 pouds in 2 weeks and peeing all over every telco cross box in the greater Muscoggee County Georgia area....

I used the insulin to eat whatever I wanted for 2 years.....and when the shots kept getting bigger and bigger I got tired of it.

I eat 4 small healthy meals a day....I read labels of everything I touch. If sugar or high fructose corn syrup are in the top 5 I leave it on the shelf.....I drink a 6 pack instead of a 12 and I buy pints instead of half gallons on weekends.

And I'm now down to 20 units of Lantus every OTHER day instead of 60 a day.

Moderation and exercise.....Turn off the TV and go do something!
Interesting that the diet for high blood sugar or low blood sugar is the same diet. It is amazing all the convenience fast foods that are available and people eat. My mother was an insulin using diabetic for years, loosing a leg and succumbed to a stroke. Diabetes is a serious condition and diet/excercise can do wonders in controlling it. One of the best ways I have found to control my eating habits, is to journal down everything you eat, before you eat. You will be amazed at what a helpful tool that is. Kinda like being "Stopped in your tracks". Dave B. Denver
I just had a 109 my lowest since I started trying to get back on track. Not really an average though I just got done push mowing , funny that 109 felt like it was a lot lower just shows how much of a slacker I have been.
I just went today to get labs done, I wonder what it will be?

I hope your numbers are better than mine. :sad: I know what I have to do.
I had been taking apple cider vinager for several years. My numbers were always good. Several months back I stopped taking it. And I was eating anything and everything. I thought the Metformin would take care of it. I was wrong. Doc wants to put me on another pill. I said no. I will do what I know I need to do. I'll show him next visit!
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