Curse you, Dark Side!


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Jan 15, 2020
Birmingham, Alabama
2008 ST1300A
Pulled off the interstate to my first job of 2 today, and as I leaned through it, the back end started squirming noticeably, and quickly got worse.
Limped into the WAB parking lot, maybe 250 yards from the exit. I KNEW it was a flat rear, even though the extra width and footprint made it predictable.
Turning into the parking space was a chore, it was barely rolling.
I was right.
I hate it when I'm right!
Getting it on the centerstand?
Not likely, not by my scrawny 150lb self.

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I don't think I can get a jack near the back because it will be in the way of putting the centerstand down.
There are only a couple of teenage boys in the dining room... where's all them big burly men when ya need 'em?
Roz will come get me and I can bring back my car with tools needed to remove the rear wheel.
Not likely to be resolved on a Sunday..
About 1200 miles on this new CT... I have the worst luck with new tires!
My last new Michelin was holed after 300 miles... @Igofar tells us Michelins are nail magnets, but this ain't no Michelin.
Ahhhh, on the Dark Side.
That is my fallback plan, but it's gonna have to be a tallish one.
EDIT: before Roz came to rescue me in the car, one big burly man drove up, and I accosted him when he got out of his car... "Hey, you got a second? I could use your help, and I'm not asking for money."
Showed him where and how to pull on the right side whole I held the centerstand down and pulled on the left.
Took us 2 tries... but now I can go back some day and take the wheel off.
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Well, that's a bummer! Sorry to hear it!

I had that problem with my 2012 (PR4GTs), a few years ago. Where I was at, I couldn't even get it on the side stand. So while sitting on the bike, I had to pull off the bags and topcase so the weight was reduced. I was then able to get it on the centerstand.

I had to call AAA, for a flat bed, because I was on the side of a freeway and there were just too many vehicles speeding by.
Thanks, all.
I don't see the puncture, yet.
It is still on the beads both sides, and it's not terribly far from the house. I'll remove the wheel, bring it home, air it up and see if I can plug it, then do all that in reverse.
Oh wait... I have to de-air it to get it in the swingarm... but I have a 12v Cycle Pump* that should work in the parking lot. Had it for 25 years, used it less than 5 times.
May or may not get done tonight, due to rearranging the household for the carpet install tomorrow.

Ok, I'm game.
Was gonna do a dunk test at home in a wash tub.
So a spray bottle with diluted dish soap? Look for the bubbling fizzles while rotating the tire?
I have the worms, contact cement, t-handle poker and t-handle reamer.
one big burly man drove up, and I accosted him when he got out of his car... "Hey, you got a second? I could use your help, and I'm not asking for money."

Unrelated to the main thread, but an interesting (to me, because I was involved) anecdote. I was at a gas station one day- had pulled in to fiddle with something, was not at the pumps- while a big burley fellow was gassing up his Harley. We struck up a conversation across the 30 or so yards of distance between us... and then I dropped the ST.

Without a moment's hesitation he stopped his pump, walked over to me, reached across the ST, and set it back upright with hardly a grunt. After he finished fueling his bike (an immaculate ride with lovely custom paint and a few additional decorations) he waited around until I could get the ST started again and he knew all was well.

Bless you sir, whoever and wherever you are.

And as for you, Mark, sorry to hear of your troubles.
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Ok, I'm game.
Was gonna do a dunk test at home in a wash tub.
So a spray bottle with diluted dish soap? Look for the bubbling fizzles while rotating the tire?
I have the worms, contact cement, t-handle poker and t-handle reamer.
Don't forget to LOOK for the nail or whatever the hole punch was.
1. it's only flat on the bottom....

2. if you don't see a hole, just inflate it and listen for a hiss. Alternatively spritz it with soapy water to look for bubbles. It may have just deflated around the bead as it already is running a lower air pressure. There may not be a hole at all.
Don't forget to LOOK for the nail or whatever the hole punch was.
I won't forget.
Was thinking of that very thing whilst contemplating how to hoist it up on the centerstand. All that rubber on the ground is an advantage while riding, but a definite DISadvantage while struggling to push it around on its increased footprint when it's flattened on the ground.
Much easier to turn the wheel with it off the pavement on the stand.
This what happens when the air isn't changed out on a regular schedule, I change the air every 6000 miles so it doesn't get layered from the centrifugal force. That keeps a uniform density all around the tire. When it isn't changed regular the heavy parts sink when it is parked and can make it shake for a while
This what happens when the air isn't changed out on a regular schedule, I change the air every 6000 miles so it doesn't get layered from the centrifugal force. That keeps a uniform density all around the tire. When it isn't changed regular the heavy parts sink when it is parked and can make it shake for a while
What??? I change air when replacing tires. PSA, check your air compressor every so often…..I’ve had three fail on me in the last 15 years. Luckily, I was riding with friends who had working compressors.
This what happens when the air isn't changed out on a regular schedule, I change the air every 6000 miles so it doesn't get layered from the centrifugal force.
All of that makes sense to me, BUTT!... I only have 1200 or so miles on it... so it wasn't time to change the air yet.
Pulled off the interstate to my first job of 2 today, and as I leaned through it, the back end started squirming noticeably, and quickly got worse.
Limped into the WAB parking lot, maybe 250 yards from the exit. I KNEW it was a flat rear, even though the extra width and footprint made it predictable.
Turning into the parking space was a chore, it was barely rolling.

Step one is to air it up and see how quick it goes flat. Can you ride it home stopping every 15 min to air it?
Or, find the hole and plug it.
Last option is a trailer.

So, other than the flat how's the tire riding??
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