Coldest Ride 2018-2019

There are still chances for competing in this game, just not as many chances. March 2-3 are expected to show us a HIGH of 9F and a LOW below zeroF. Unfortunately there is also precip expected the day before so that's not good for any chance to ride.
Interesting tidbit... last year, the last change to the Top 10 list was early in February, no changes after that. Now, we're almost into March for this year's contest.

The Dan - are you going to make the list this year? Are we all done for the year?
Still a day or three coming with lows well below zero F in the next week around here. If only the ice and snow pack on the roads would clear off!
yep..maybe one last chance to move up on the list.. Monday and Tuesday it's supposed to be in single digits. If the roads are good......
I'll have a tough task to match the temps you guys have, but it was 26F this morning on the way to the prison. Nice brisk morning ride.

Now I can call it a season for this game. Forecast is for rising temps as far as can be seen. Of course, that depends how far off the weather prognosticators are.

FINALLY was able to ride the bike to work this morning. Roads were clear all the way with just a very little snow/ice remnants in the work parking lot that were easy to coast over or around. Temp in most places was a cool -4*F but not where I was riding. As usual the main roads always seem to be warmer than everywhere else and since I wasn't going to venture out into some remote barren field where the temps were cooler I didn't get to ride in those temps.

I did however see -2*F on my aux temp sensor that I carry on my bike for such occasions. I don't expect to see anything close to that the rest of this season since it is, after all, March 4th. But it isn't out of the possibility to be that cool again for yet another month if this season of new records continues as it has. I want to have a serious talk with that ground hog. Maybe around a nice warm fire... with an empty spit at the ready. :tent3::mad: Wonder what kind of sauce I should bring?
That's a cold one Bob... you might get a Bronze for that!

I expect to see about 20°F tomorrow morning. We'll see what it turns out to be.
Well we got the worst..yesterday it snowed a couple inches, but it was so warm it was a wet slushy snow. That was followed by a cold front so last night it went down into the teens and the wet slush froze to ice. Walked out of my garage this morning to a sheet of ice on the drive. Took my wife's SUV out and the roads are two tracks with frozen ice between them. Not fit for motorcycle riding. Only in the 20s today, and teens again tonight so the roads are not going to improve, then the temps are supposed to go back up.

So icy roads, not fit to ride, and not cold enough to advance in the cold temp game anyway. Like I said just the worst lol.
It wasn't on STella, rather my Yamaha Zuma, but I rode in 5°F this morning about 8 miles to work. Not very far but fairly chilly. It was difficult to undo the helmet strap as I couldn;t feel my fingers.
I was serious! Seriously!!

I'm still a member of the Rounders.
The Rounders are men and women who enjoy their motorcycles so much they ride them year round. The group was founded by a bunch of Mid-Westerners (inspired by a Kook on the East Coast) who ride them even when the temps are below freezing or above hot. The object of becoming a Rounder is to have fun, promote safe, responsible motorcycle use on a regular basis for as much of the year as you can. In the spirit of fun we have concocted the following levels of Rounderhood following the Fahrenheit temp scale:

  • 100's+ Red Hot Rounder
  • 90's Sweating Rounder
  • 80's Half Baked Rounder
  • 70's - R&R (Rounder Relaxing)
  • 60's -Jr. Rounder (Just Riding)
  • 50's - LOTF Rounder (Looking Over The Fence)
  • 40's - FOTF Rounder (Fringe of the Fringe)
  • 30's - Half Rounder
  • 20's - TQ Rounder (Three Quarts)
  • 0-20 - Rounder
  • Sub Zero - KHOF Rounder (Kook Hall of Fame)
Members can proclaim themselves to be in the various categories based on the truthful telling of their riding conditions. If you lie, then a pox be upon you and may your valves need constant adjustment.

To be a True Rounder, you have to ride every month of the year.

Those guys put car studs in their motorcycle tires to ride all year long. When it gets that bad, I pull out the Subaru Outback. ;)

Also a member of Rounders here. Not able to be a Red Hot Rounder every year since it just hasn't been that hot around here in some years. But I have made KHOF Rounder in most of the last 12 years. But all other levels are cake. And I do make True Rounder every year for the last 13 years at least.

I wish those guys kept up the web site since I don't have a Facebook account (and refuse to set one up). It hasn't been updated since 2016.
I was optimistically hoping to maybe break into the top 10, but the best I could do was 21° this morning. Pretty sure that's the last cold morning we'll get this year.

Unlike last year, this year we've had a few changes to the list in March with this recent cold spell. We'll see how this plays out.

I'm still a member of the Rounders.

Fortunately, I do get to ride every month of the year. I used to visit the yearrounders site pretty often, but it's been dying a slow death for a few years now... less than 10 posts total so far in 2019.
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We've had sub 12 degrees the last 2 days but I am iced in. Hoping it melts enough to get out later this afternoon or tomorrow morning.

Not sure what a Rounder is, but I have ridden every month of the year for the last 12 years. I enjoy the challenge. Only missed 12 days so far this year, 10 of those due to ice and snow in January, 1 to snow in Feb, and 1 to ice yesterday. Only accumulated snow or ice keeps me from riding. Of course I live in southern Ohio and not North Dakota or Minnesota or southern Arizona. We only get a few days below zero and a few days above 100 each year, and average 19 inches of snow a year, so riding year round is not that difficult here.

Figure tomorrow is the last shot I have at advancing in this game.
A Rounder is as their web site says they is.
@the Ferret, sounds like you are one.

Thinking this game is likely done for this season. Chances of any cooler temps than what's posted for your particular area still exist but are getting rather slim.
We anticipate temps in the next few weeks to be in the mid to upper 30's, 40's, even 50's F. Lows will be cooler but not anywhere close enough to see the top 10 on this game.
Looking for the snow pack to melt within the next week. 18 inches remaining snow pack melting in a week around here means possible flooding in all the low spots so some of my preferred routes going home from work will be underwater week after next. Also expecting rain with the warmer temps and that always means faster melting of the frozen white stuff.
If it works out I should be able to get many free bike washes out of this weather (with just the need for a little after rinse). :D
Yeah, the days are getting warmer for sure... 68° on my way home yesterday and 59° on my way in this morning. Supposed to be almost 80° here (DFW) today.

Maybe some of you far Northerners might get one more shot at it.
A Rounder is as their web site says they is.
@the Ferret, sounds like you are one.

Thinking this game is likely done this season. Chances of any cooler temps than what's posted for your particular area still exist but are getting rather slim.
We anticipate temps in the next few weeks to be in the mid to upper 30's, 40's, even 50's F. Lows will be cooler but not anywhere close enough to see the top 10 on this game.
Looking for the snow pack to melt within the next week. 18 inches remaining snow pack melting in a week around here means possible flooding in all the low spots so some of my preferred routes going home from work will be underwater week after next. Also expecting rain with the warmer temps and that always means faster melting of the frozen white stuff.
If it works out I should be able to get many free bike washes out of this weather (with just the need for a little after rinse). :D

Yea, looks like we might be done here too. Snowed maybe an inch last night but it's going to 40 this afternoon so that will be gone. We had more snow than average this season, over 21" for the year, but that's less than some of you guys get in one snow event lol. What really cold days we did have this year seemed to be preceded by ice/snow and it was tough to get out on the really cold days. A disappointing year as far as this game goes. Still I had a lot of fun, getting out when I could (53 out of 65 days and 2995 miles as of yesterday), however it just wasn't cold enough on the clear roads days.

Heck, we are going to be near 70 Sunday.

Was fun playing with you gentlemen, appreciate all those who play along, even if you live in a warm clime and can't break top 10. Just getting out and riding when others won't is what it's all about. Congrats to fred fliintstone, T_C and rjs987 for their below zero accomplishments and to the rest of the top 10. Thanks to Paucbl for hosting again. Appreciate it sir.

See you next year guys when we can do it all again.
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