"Ay up Cafe" - 5/5.

Feb 25, 2016
Northumberland UK
VStrom 650
Can't get the date mixed up today. The French Roast and Crepes are served. Help ya'selves.
I await for someone to show me how indeed the date can be mixed up with bated breath.
The weather, shite, going to shite, before returning to shite. Pffffffftttttt.
I shall procrastinate about todays proceedings whilst finishing off another mug of FR.
I've just been reading about the fact you can now fly cheaply from London GTW direct to St.Johns. Canada you do not know what you are letting yourself in for. Just saying. £319.00 return apparently, you even get a seat.
Oi, oi, nuff said.
Av a gud un and remember, life will never be the same again.
Good Morning All - Happy 5 by 5!
Thanks Ray for the frabjous start as well as the potential weather forecast for Wooler.
Pretty Shitey (is that a word?)

Rain fell on Paradise yesterday. It tested out my grading of the future patio and I think(hope) worked OK.
Nothing slid, moved or otherwise shifted.
However the hyperbole channel for the ranch indicates rain, light rain, periods of rain and some rain. I guess it'll rain.
Texas was hit hard once again - Oh my! I recall flooding happened quickly when I lived there.

Today's rain will keep my activities indoors working on various this and that.
I completed a lot of my friend's birthday present yesterday - sometimes things don't take longer than you might think.

Meantime I'll have another mug. Y'all have a windafill day!

Morning all! 12C right now and we'll get one degree higher at 13C with rain.

I'm up early thanks to the bladder alarm and then the mind hamsters deciding to seize the opportunity to get some exercise wheel time.

To continue with apparent melancholy theme of the day, we're going for brunch at a vegan restaurant. Not an ounce of meat in sight and the eggs will be some sort of tofu scramble. Not sure what the point is and oddly enough, these facts were withheld until after I agreed to go. I can't back out now unless I wish to endure arctic temperatures indoors for the foreseeable future.

This whole getting out of bed thing just seems, on the whole, to be a rather bad idea.....

Hope everyone has a great day and remember, tofu is nofude!
Good morning and thanks for the coffee start, Ray

45 and cloudy in Loudon this morning, rising to 51, with rain beginning around noon. I guess I'll be testing out my new Frogg Toggs...

The track day went well, yesterday, and we expect the same for today.
Cars don't fall down like motorcycles do.

We had a Quattro De Mayo dinner at our favorite northern Mexican restaurant, and it'll be Chinese, tonight.

Enjoy your day,
Good morning everyone

Thanks for the French roast Ray. As with Wooler and Bahama, it's been wet, is wet now, and will continue to be wet until maybe sometime this evening, although it appears that there may be a less wet interval for a few hours in the later afternoon. We'll see. It's 51°F now and might soar to as much as 69. Yesterday I don't think it reached 60. Somehow though, even with all the wet, the pollen count is still in the Very High range.

I finished cutting the plugs for the failed screw holes and gluing them in place yesterday. Today I'll sharpen my chisels and work the stumps down to proper height on the side that will be under the hinges. The opposite side, where it'll show, I'll use a plane to level them with the surrounding wood. All in all they're okay- barely noticeable on the side that'll show.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.

already 25°C here, skies show mix of sunny and clouds like an old British naval war painting...

must have been around 0530hrs when the GF's house was shaken by a massive muffled impact... BOOOM!!
Followed by similar pounding steps closing in from the adjacent room towards the bed...
my drowsy mind formed one word... G O D Z I L L A ? ! :oops:
heavy, wet sniffing and breathing got audible... I swear, it sounds like a GIGANTIC French Bulldog...
right then the bed was struck, shaking massively...
the heavy breading and sniffing was really too close for comfort now...


My ears rang.... dang! I'd totally forgotten (repressed?) that ze GF has the grand-kid for a sleepover...
Amazing how the tiny feet of a lightweight 5 year old can cause so much abuse on hardwood floors...
Her jumping out of bed seemed like a wrecking ball hitting the hut...

The sniffing, grunting and breathing just didn't stop... so my GF exhaled a loud sigh, grabbed the kiddo and went downstairs...

So more pounding steps, now down the wooden staircase...
Downstairs the seating furniture shrieked in protest over being dragged and pushed across the floors... 5 times back and forth...
A high pitched, shrilly voice commanding my GF around about what to eat now and what not... nice... :rolleyes:

With bloodshed eyes I stared into the TV for another hour till the noises downstairs quieted...
Followed down and punched some tabs into the Nespresso maker...

already past noon and I'm still not quite myself... ;)

have a better one out there :cool:
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Morning all and thanks for the coffee Ray. Hope you didn't use rain water as I don't want it to taste like shite.

Seems everyone except me is having an adventure Sunday so far. I've got a feeling I'll likely follow suit.

As for the date, 5/5=1. WHT is 1? No named descriptor, nor reference to the numerical year, month or day. Does someone have a Sex Pistol out? It this the 2nd coming of anarchy in the UK?
"Are we all just reduced to numbers again?" asked 3548557. "I think so" replied 6534410.

Well, I'm starting to see a number conspiracy.... starting here with 4 and sunny, headed to 15. And all those times and temperatures above... all numbers. Even the O's are starting to look like zeros, and the chairs are starting to look like upside 4's. At this rate the sideways 8's may go on for infinity!

I'd better go eat my breakfast.... I'm sure I'll be reminded about all those numbers on the side of the packages telling me how good or bad it is for me...


OMG the cereal is shaped like zeros....

Quick, run and hide... I fear the Ɛnd 1s nƐar!

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Thx Ray!
I won the weather lottery today….10˚c/50f, calm, overcast, okeyish.

Yesterday turned out nicely, I even got to an oil change and a clutch bleed on the iron horse.
Guests brought more wine than they drank.
Haven’t seen that in a while….

Peter and his dad is coming over for dinner, and that will be it.

Have a good one, don’t make a number out of it!

From the archives…..Måbødalen
Thx Ray!
I won the weather lottery today….10˚c/50f, calm, overcast, okeyish.

Yesterday turned out nicely, I even got to an oil change and a clutch bleed on the iron horse.
Guests brought more wine than they drank.
Haven’t seen that in a while….

Peter and his dad is coming over for dinner, and that will be it.

Have a good one, don’t make a number out of it!

From the archives…..Måbødalen
Ay up me o'd cock sparrow. You ain't half got some squiggles and dottie things in ya alphabet.
Good morning all!
Thanks for the numbering start Ray!

We’re off to a birthday breakfast celebration!
I really didn’t know this was actually a thing!
What could go wrong?

@Obo, I think you did a bang up job of it this AM!

@STooRay, what is the best timeframe to visit Norway & get to enjoy warmer weather?
Enjoy your Sunday!
Good morning, and thanks for the coffee and crepes, Ray! Wait...OMG, they're shaped like 0s! Obo, you may be on to something. Be afraid, be very afraid...

It's a grey, wet and soggy day here too. Our temps seem to be mirroring Ted's today: The temperature is already as high as it's going to get at 13°C/55°F. And it's going to rain all...day...long, sometimes heavily. Pfffftttt. Oh, well, lots and lots of indoor things to be done, so I'll go try to make a dent in that list.
Perhaps with a shot of Tequila every once in a while. It is Cinco de Mayo, after all! Now, where are me lemons? Ah, there's Juan.

Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

good morning all. thanks for the coffee Ray. 58F on the dog walk with clouds, stars and just a small slice of moon to enjoy as I walked. yesterday went well I did a brake inspection on the 99 Subaru. in good shape. Arizona has no inspection laws on vehicles. only emission tests to get plates every 2 years. and that is only in some counties. I try to check stuff myself for the safety of us and others.

the real boss of this outfit is still sleeping so I don't know what's in store for us today. the high should be 89F. enjoy the day.

stay safe
"Are we all just reduced to numbers again?" asked 3548557. "I think so" replied 6534410.

I like way Neal Young put it...
He said red means run, son. Numbers add up to nothing.
-- Powderfinger, as if you didn't know. One of may favorites, on my fave Young album.

So, yeah. See what happens when I don't get enuff sleep? Got in at midnight after an extended orange kitchen tour of 15 hours yesterday, 4 stores, 300 miles, and I haven't even thanked Ray for the coffee. Thanknyou Ray, my bad.

Maybe one day soon we'll git some of that shite wether over here. But not yesterday, and not 2day.

No oil changes, obvious, and at least one if not 2 more trips today. I've already pushed the first ETA back 90 minutes because I was over-ambitious when I set the alarm last nite. Or mabe I was just to tired to thimk right.

Did I miss the tractor tales this morning? I seem to recollect someone's landscarping has withstood the test of rain and runoff, so I guess that's a tractor story.

Here's a quote for today, the 5th:

"I'm tired."
Perfect weather for it, though.
Vroom, vroom.
Morning Ray & All from a very :wind1: morning in Southern Utah!

The winds started up around 10am yesterday and haven't let up since! Currently @ 15mph, earlier we have gust up to 29mph. It is 53F right now @8AM, but later our high will be, wait for it...

53F is our high, later it will drop down to mid 40F's by the afternoon! We are expecting rain at some point and the clouds south of us look pretty mean. But we'll see.

As for tractor stories, I continued on removing as much of the gravel that was embedded into the clay we call soil. It took me, pretty much the whole day. I was even using the drag blade on the back to try to break some of it lose, but I could only get so much of it up. My last bucket full, had so much dirt in it, that I dumped on my "dirty pile" (where rocks and dirt live together).


Chris is now up, so we will have our Lazyman's breakfast, with bananas, and a Pepsi will be had after church.

Anyone :bl13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
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I called the Tuscaloosa store, and manager told me all the printers are printing today.
(Yay! Working on inquiry. Closed the ticket!)
She said "But they weren't working yesterday."
(Duh. That's why we opened the ticket.)
"But you can come and check them out."
(Um, thanks but no thanks. I've seen your printers before, and likely will again. I'll pass on this invitation.)
So, now I'm freed up for the list of honey-dos.
That don't feel like freedom to me.
Oil change?
I called the Tuscaloosa store, and manager told me all the printers are printing today.
(Yay! Working on inquiry. Closed the ticket!)
She said "But they weren't working yesterday."
(Duh. That's why we opened the ticket.)
"But you can come and check them out."
(Um, thanks but no thanks. I've seen your printers before, and likely will again. I'll pass on this invitation.)
So, now I'm freed up for the list of honey-dos.
That don't feel like freedom to me.
Oil change?
The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.

That is kinda how I feel after celebrating Quattro de Mayo last night with neighbors.

Where's the Sinko.....????
Overcast and windy with rain later. Better stay in and hold the couch down for the day.....
Only three fence posts to go....they can wait.

Hope your Sinko is pleasant.
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