You'll never guess what Larry sent me!

cool. I've backed a lot of primitive bows and crested a lot of traditional arrows with those.
Couldn't really tell where the shed went (on my phone), is it on the shafts?
I'd have thought it wouldn't hold up for repeated use.
Would that make a good mouse deterent if placed inside your bike near the air box?
I'd be curious to see how mice react to it.
Couldn't really tell where the shed went (on my phone), is it on the shafts?
I'd have thought it wouldn't hold up for repeated use.
we use dried snake skins on the back of wooden bows for decoration and bits of skin on the arrow shaft just ahead of the feathers for what they call a "crest" which identifies the owner of the arrow. The arrows I made for the cover of the book (which I co-wrote) were made from dried river cane, with self nocks, hand stripped wild turkey feathers applied with hide glue and stripped and pounded deer leg tendon, snakeskin cresting (I used Copperhead snake skin for those arrows) and tipped with heads made of bandsaw blade and flint. Very labor intensive, but very cool.
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