Yoga Yoda?


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Oct 26, 2020
Makefield Highlands PA
2016 ST1300P
2024 Miles
I was reading a MCL riser post from 2010, Yoga came up. Some of the links are dead, others very general.

Does anyone know specific Yoga poses best suited for being in shape for LDRs?

From the previous thread:
The woman in the photos is the owner of the studio I practice at. When I had her and her husband make the photos I left out this yoga pose because it looked "too" yoga like and didn't want to have people snicker but if you want ONE pose that will strengthen more muscles that you use in motorcycling try holding this for just 3 min straight

Don't laugh, there are many NFL's that take yoga classes on a regular basis.
When I read the title of this thread, I was hoping to find some useful info here. I'm thinking about trying yoga, it might help with my back pain.
It's a pity nobody has replied here.
So, sorry for bumping, and any experience is appreciated.
Interesting. There is a guy, Joe Hippensteel, who offers a whole stretching methodology, and it ain't cheap. A different way to stretch, long sustained stretches, quite similar to Yoga. I didn't pay for it, was able to glean some of the info from other posts, sites, etc. I can tell you that what I've done has worked, and worked very well, it's just a big time commitment. But if you are hurting, you do what it takes. No monetary connection, just interesting stuff that actually works. Google it. Done some yoga too, also great.
I watch ( and participate) Miranda with her "Classical Stretch" series on PBS.

"...  longest-running  and highly ranked fitness  television  show ..."

" ...  Classical Stretch has helped people of all ages and fitness levels to rebalance their body, relieve pain and stiffness ..."

Read about chair yoga. I think it is great for the beginners and those with the injuries.
Here is some good description of it -еniors/, maybe you will find interesting as well.
Those are the only exercises which i can do, no matter how bad i feel and afterwards can actually feel some improvement.
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Any Yoga, if done regularly will increase your flexibility. The key will be finding a group/leader that is geared for older folks and will encourage you while not pressuring you.
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