2025 WoodSToc 3 - Aug 14 - 17, 2025 - Kingsclear, NB

New Brunswick is known for naming every little clump of houses, as well as hamlets, villages, etc. Road-signs don't always indicate where you are, but no worries, you're not lost! The map to which the link leads you, will show "Upper Kingsclear". From there, look for Mazerolle Settlement Road - our venue is at about the midway point along that road.
Btw, the venue's name as shown in their website, is a bit misleading, since there's no grill! However, its a prime location, with not only domes, but also tent camping, as well as an increasing likelihood of cabin completion. By "completion" I mean their plumbing and wiring still must be connected to the buried piping and wiring. Of course, I'll keep an eye on the place, and ST-O people will be the first to know!
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