Gloves Wet gloves dye your hands black?


It's hungry in here...
May 31, 2008
Oklahoma City, OK - USA
'07 ST1300 ABS
If you've ever ridden in rain, soaked your leather gloves, removed the gloves and found your hands dyed black, you know how difficult it can be to remove that stain. Have I got a trick for you...

On a recent trip out west we ran through driving rain in the Texas panhandle. My sister-in-law, Wandra, suffered the aforementioned malady and was unable to remove the dye using typical hand soaps. A hotel manager suggested using Soft Scrub with Bleach.

Wandra reported that this stuff took it off immediately and completely. Now, I wouldn't recommend using this stuff often, as I'm sure it's caustic and there's probably a warning about using it to scrub sinks without dish washing gloves, etc. But, as a quick remedy for removing that icky black dye stain on your hands it simply works.

Thanks, I could have used this last weekend. I rode in rain with new deerskin gloves and my hands came out dyed yellow. I looked like Donald Duck waving my mitts around. Most of the dye came off in two-three days but my fingertips still have a faint hue of yellow like when Rush and I were still smokers.
Long ago on the first day of a trip to Baja, Mexico, I bought a pair of sneakers in Ensenada. They were blue. After we launched the boat, so were my feet. For a month.
Thanks for the tip, I could have used it years ago when I bought a new tropical blue fishing shirt. I made the mistake of not washing it before wearing it the first time and turned myself blue from the neck to the waist. My wife was SCRUBBING the dye off of my back when our 3 year old grand-daughter saw my new dye job and pitched a fit saying "I wanna be booo like Grappaw!" I replied, Oh no you don't kid. I still crack up at the thought of Grappaw and the kid, matching Smurfs.
Is there anything that will 'set' the dye in the gloves so the gloves don't bleed? We used to use vinagar in hot water to set dye in cotton clothing so the colors wouldn't bleed through.

Yes, soaking in apple vinegar seems to help with prevention
Thanks for the tip, Dave. I've got my RevIT H2O's pretty soaked without getting my hands discolored. So far at least!

I've been wearing tan/brown gloves for years to end this problem. When it rains I've got a old set of BMW rain gloves that work well. I got tired of black gloves bleeding even from sweat on a hot day. Tourmaster makes a really nice tan deerskin glove that is cooler and doesn't bleed.

Black these?

(Upstate NY 2003)


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Blame the EPA for the dye bleeding though, the chem's used in the process to make it a permanent dye were outlawed so any good dyed leather has to come from 3rd world countries now, Nat Geo had a special showing how they dyed the leather,,,,,you don't want to know.:03biker:
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