Wednesday Feb 26th coffee

good morning all. thanks Obo for the coffee. 57F on the dog walk with a few clouds, lots of stars but no moon. I'm sure he will show up soon. got gym this morning so that kind of shoots the morning. but we still have the afternoon which will be 81F so we have a great temp, now all we need is to find something outside to do. enjoy the day.

stay safe
Thx Obo!
Non is nei in norwegian, but I say yes = ja.
Please remember this for your finals.

4˚c/39, calm, sleet and hail. Shite.

Been to the Toyota dealer for the annual service on my Rav4.
Only a small service this year they said. Only $540, they said.
And we can offer you a new battery they said, only $510 they said…

Beware of the man who doesn’t smile, and who doesn’t talk!

Cooking, reading.

Have a good one!

From the better times archives….Aurland early May

Good morning, everyone. Thanks for the coffee start, Obo.

40 to start the day. Partly cloudy and 72, for the afternoon forecast. Today calls for a quick garage cleanup and a trip to the dump. I have to rearrange the bike parking in the garage, since the tire changer is blocked by the sidecar (tire changee).

33F/0.5C in SoMD as I am finished feeding the animal herd. A quick cup o Joe before I head out the door.

Got the parts for the snow throwers installed yesterday and both work good now though one needs a governor adjustment, rpms too high. I bet the neighbors didn't like hearing that over revving at 11pm, nor me!

Today's another office day then go give platelets at a new place. Haven't done it in a couple years and they're finally offering decent compensation for my troubles. Still don't like doing it though, near the end it makes it difficult to focus my eyes. Weird. Only lasts 15-20 minutes, then I can drive home. But I guess it's nothing compared to what patients in need are feeling, so...

Anyhow, should be another mild day here, up into the 60s, so get out there if you can and enjoy. Take care y'all!
Good morning all!
Thanks for the FR hot start Obo!

We added just over an hour to our jaunt up 75 yesterday, vehicles were playing bumper cars!
One pile up had a car halfway under another vehicle on an exit ramp.

The mover is coming this afternoon & my sister isn’t near ready, so I’ll catch up later!
Good morning everyone

Thanks for the French roast Obo.

French roast is in the pot. How could you say "non?"


Glad that's not what you are offering; I'll say "OUI, s'il vous plait" instead.

Still straightening out the garage, which I should have built larger.

Although it IS definitely possible to build a garage (or workshop) that's too small I've never heard of the opposite: "garage (workshop) is too big" is not a phrase you're likely to encounter in the real world.

we can offer you a new battery they said, only $510 they said…

What's it made of? Gold, with platinum posts?

Anyhow: it's a fresh, bright 37°F in Rockville, where the air definitely now carries that early spring aroma of thawing earth. Nothing compares to it, in terms of early promise. Not even the smell of bacon frying brings me such pleasure. We'll top out around 62°F with sun all day.

Mulan the cat has a vet appointment this morning, as she's still showing signs of a limp in her right foreleg. In January the vet clipped her claws, one of which had grown to the point where it had curled under and was impinging on the pads of that paw; I thought the limp was reduced but now nearly two months on it's still discernible so we'll go back for another consult.

Other than that, I've got nothing in particular planned. Perhaps Mrs. Fun is interested in walking to one or another of our usual breakfast haunts; we could both use a stretch of the legs, I think. I had a tee time reserved but had to cancel on the orders of the doctor who was concerned that I'd possibly tear the stitches she put in my neck Monday.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Almost finished with the first cup of Black ⚫️ Rifle, so thanks Obo for sparing me the trip upstairs fir a refill. About 3 more cups and we'll be ready for the office trip.
Somebody just posted while I'm posting, I'm gonna bet it's Patty...
Heard yesterdayit was going up to 75 today (you may have to read that again, but it was intentional) but now they upped it to 77. Oooooh, this is delicious! I can omit one layer of garb.
Not much of note round here, but Sunday I volunteered to help cook for a men's breakfast this Saturday. Starting at 0630. On a Saturday? What have I done?!?! On a Saturday?!? What was i thinking! When I heard the menu, though, I had a moment of weakness... Conecuh sausage, eggs, bacon, pancakes... I might be filled up before 8 when we start serving.
Was told we'll be out of there about 10am, so I suspect a nap will be scheduled when I get home after.
Then I'll get to putting the ST battery back in, as it's been on the tender due to all the riding I've done on the GSA... Hippo Hands, heated grips, heated seat AND power for the Warm and Safe jacket and gloves keeps me wayyyyyy more toasty than just the WnS on the ST. I know it's been at least 3 months since I cranked the Honda, maybe a bit longer. Not only that, but now the tires on the GSA are due to be renewed.
Hmmm... dark side on the GSA...? Nah.
Hope y'all can ride today, with your dog or without.

EDIT: no, not Patty at all. Sorry, Keith, it's just that she normally posts just a bit before I do.
"If coffee can't fix it,
its a serious problem..."


5°/8°C, fog & drizzle today...

Another dull office day...

Banks have decided to either stop ATM services entirely, or have the self service foyers closed between 2200 and 0500hrs... so this just fans their campaign on abolition of cash... :cautious:

STill can't locate any Bridgestone Exedra G547, 110/80 -18 TL 58 V anymore...
Looking for T32 GT instead, no luck, only the T32...

oh well...
Good morning, all, and thanks for the French roast, Obo. That's a "oui" from me as well. No, Mark, it wasn't me - I slept in way later this morning than I normally would.

It's still mild, but not quite as mild as yesterday and it looks like this will be the last of the current "spring tease." Ah well, it's been grand while it lasted. We have overcast skies this morning, going to a mix of sun and clouds and then to mainly sunny conditions. The current temp of 1°C/34°F will rise one more degree to 2°C/36°F. Then the mercury drops again - much colder tomorrow, with snow tomorrow and Friday.

Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

Morning alll! It's a gorgeous morning with the sun starting to creep over the horizon. The sun, in various guises, will be with us all day which makes a nice change from the constant rain. Currently it's 6C with a forecast high of 11C.

Waiting to hear if my travel will be approved at work for a meeting and site visit over on the mainland. The client has approved and committed to pay the travel expenses (ferry rides and mileage) but my employer is in the midst of an austerity campaign and for whatever reason, this extends to other people paying the bill as well. The ok may not even be forthcoming if I volunteer to eat the costs. Ah bureaucracy, without you, we'd only have family (and searching for the 10mm socket of course) to drive us nuts.

Hope everyone has a great day and remember, it's not only in basketball that travelling is frowned upon!
Well, we certainly did with our Maytag washer!

Yeah, we had that problem too. A two year old Maytag washer when we moved here in January 2021, by February 2022, while I was out in CA helping my brother clean out my mom's house, the washer went kaput! :censored: A friend that works on such things told us that it had multiple problems and would be more to fix then buy a new one. He recommended Speed Queen. Which I bought and had delivered, after I got back.
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