Almost finished with the first cup of Black

️ Rifle, so thanks Obo for sparing me the trip upstairs fir a refill. About 3 more cups and we'll be ready for the office trip.
Somebody just posted while I'm posting, I'm gonna bet it's Patty...
Heard yesterdayit was going up to 75 today (you may have to read that again, but it was intentional) but now they upped it to 77. Oooooh, this is delicious! I can omit one layer of garb.
Not much of note round here, but Sunday I volunteered to help cook for a men's breakfast this Saturday. Starting at 0630. On a Saturday? What have I done?!?! On a Saturday?!? What was i thinking! When I heard the menu, though, I had a moment of weakness... Conecuh sausage, eggs, bacon, pancakes... I might be filled up before 8 when we start serving.
Was told we'll be out of there about 10am, so I suspect a nap will be scheduled when I get home after.
Then I'll get to putting the ST battery back in, as it's been on the tender due to all the riding I've done on the GSA... Hippo Hands, heated grips, heated seat AND power for the Warm and Safe jacket and gloves keeps me wayyyyyy more toasty than just the WnS on the ST. I know it's been at least 3 months since I cranked the Honda, maybe a bit longer. Not only that, but now the tires on the GSA are due to be renewed.
Hmmm... dark side on the GSA...? Nah.
Hope y'all can ride today, with your dog or without.
EDIT: no, not Patty at all. Sorry, Keith, it's just that she normally posts just a bit before I do.