Want to get a tank bag for ST1100

1100 is plastic. I had a bag long ago that clipped on. I found that steering was more difficult if it's too bulky or too far forward.
Another vote for Bagster/Baglux...

I'd be a little worried about the magnetic ones... one brief careless maneuver during refueling or handling the tank-bag on the way to your overnight accommodation (like in a tight elevator) and the magnetic strip on your credit card is history... :unsure:
Another vote for Bagster/Baglux...

I'd be a little worried about the magnetic ones... one brief careless maneuver during refueling or handling the tank-bag on the way to your overnight accommodation (like in a tight elevator) and the magnetic strip on your credit card is history... :unsure:
Also never set your wallet on the demagnetizer at Home Depot, or the wireless phone charger.
The frame on the st1100 aready has brackets for the original Honda ST1100 tankbag, you might be able to use those. Take your seat off and you will see a fastening point on either side, the straps can be slid through. Similarly, on either side of the headstock. You can just see the side strap position in this pic.

I have two tank bags that I use, a small one for short rides and a big one for long rides that my GPS mounts to. I glued rows of magnets to the bottom side of the fake plastic fuel tank and they have worked great for thousands of miles. You might want to check which side attracts and which side repels before you glue them down to make sure the polarity is correct. I used that
clear E6000 glue I got at Ace hardware

I always found the one strap at the back didn't keep the bag steady in side winds. I prefer the double strap and attached where ST1100Y has indicated. The bigger bags are more useful and you have to get used to sometimes hitting the handlebars in turning the bars to the extremes. I like them on long day trips and while on tour. Look for one where there is shoulder strap that can be unfolded and you can put your stuff in it (GPS, Phone etc) and still have 2 free hands.
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