VERY early coffee and weather, 12 March


Still above the sod
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Jan 8, 2015
Rockville, MD, USA
Bikeless (9/29/2019)
Good morning everyone

Erf. It's not quite 0300 Eastern Daylight Time yet here I am, sleepy but wide awake. How does that work exactly?

Whatever. There'll be French roast in a minute or three, at which point y'all are welcome to a share of the bounty. It'll even be available as a breakfast beverage for our European and Britich members.

It's 53°F in Rockville and of course dark, but Windows claims it's clear and who am I to argue so let's go with that.

Yesterday's golf was wonderful- not from a scoring perspective, which was only about average by my standards and mediocre to poor by the standards of those who play well- but from a companionship angle. We played with a random stranger, but also with one of the part-time employees at the course. That man lives up to his name: Blessing. He is the nicest, most easy-going fellow a person could hope to meet.

Today will involve some yardwork- Mrs. Fun wants several bushes dug up and moved elsewhere around the yard- and ukulele playing.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Thx Keith!
You must be happy to have a wife who wants you to play ukulele..

7˚c/45f, sinny, quite calm, a beautiful day.

Yesterday I went for shorter walk. Knee better, but still not painfree.
Will try again today.
Mrs Stu still sick, but fever is down a bit.
Still need some service though…

Have a good one!

Trout lake yesterday, it’s colder than it appears….


gonna get me a new office mug... :cool:


hectic voices on the other side of the hallway... me, thankful that I got my office all to myself...
not my circus, not my monkeys... I'm just watching the show, observing... ;)

9°/18°C, quite some fog in the morning (astonishing at such warm temps), partially sunny now... GF too her "mobed" to commute... (mine still in the hangar :( )
I too was already wide awake at 0500hrs, got up at 0500 then (alarm is set to 0545hrs, as I like my peace and quiet in the morning...)...
Slurped my Nespresso, scrolled newsfeed, rubbed ze GF awake at 0600, left for work at 0650...

Poured some Liqui Moly Pro-Line cleaner into the Toyota's tank this morning, as the engine sounded a tad sickly...
More of a sensing then an actual noise, a slight rumble upon acceleration, felt like a partially clogged idle jet on an ST1100...
Thus I assumed a partially obstructed injector...
Seems I was right, the cleaner cured that almost instantly, the 1.8ltr 7A-FE is also reving more freely now...
People are stingy, buying the cheaper regular, so the premium fuel I prefer has a lot less turnover and aged in the underground tanks at the stations...

Well, off to updating more price-bases in the system, its Toshiba today, already done LG, Hisense & Mitsubishi Heavy...

have a good one!
Good morning, everyone. Thanks for the early cup, Keith. I, too, woke up way too early. I rolled over in bed and saw light through the blinds and headed for the coffee maker. About half way through brewing a cup, I realized that it was the moon, identifying as the sun, that was shining in. The sun won’t be up til……I have no idea when it comes up since the time change. Maybe, I can go back to dreamland after a cup. Maybe not.

Changed oil in the ATV yesterday and decided to take a short ride through the woods, when I finished. I almost couldn’t stand the pain in my new hip, when I threw a leg over, but after a few minutes of dodging trees, the pain went away and I feel fine this morning. Beats the heck out of my other physical therapy.

It’s 50F this morning, going toward a high of 77, with nothing but sun. I can already see an afternoon of iced tea, sitting on the deck, complaining about the heat.

Teddy says hi, y’all. IMG_0256.jpeg

Morning all, and thanks Keith for the insomniac blend.

1C and a few clouds, but the moon is there, albeit orange. Temps are headed downward today to somewhere between -4 and -9. Let's just say it will be cooler today. That has more of a Summer vibe to it.

Not sure what mischief I'll get up to today, but they're still pumping out lawyers and judges, so anything is possible.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

Thanks for the coffee Keith!

I too am suffering from the phase of the moon and can't sleep. I finally wandered out to see if anyone had made coffee and you had!!

It is currently about 31F with a forecast of clouds and 37F being the high. Yesterday made it to 51F here so my sinuses are complaining about the variability of the temps. Since it was so warm yesterday I managed to get to the garage and finish installing the winch on the Side-by-side. A quick test even shows it should work as required!!

In a few minutes I will head south for our monthly retiree breakfast and afterwards I'll make a couple stops to pick up some spare parts for the reloader and scope rings for the new rifle. I still need to plan a menu for the coming days and hit the grocery store....

Be safe, be careful and enjoy your day.


P.S. @Peppermint Patty - I hope you are healing quickly, that burn stuff is a pain in the .. wherever. Hugs.
Good morning, and thanks for the coffee, Keith.
Brenda made banana bread, yesterday, so I'll offer some of that up. Yummy...

It's 35 and clear this morning. Still somewhat dark, but that'll change, to make a mostly sunny day and rising to 48.

I made it to the gym, yesterday, but not much more.
I did stop by my friend's restaurant for a visit, and walked away with a few projects.
I had a visit from a former co-worker from Bose, and I knew of him when I worked at DEC. Spent a bit of time catching up, and we'll probably meet again.

I was looking at the weather up North, with an eye toward skiing, but Brenda reminded me that we have an appliance repairman coming this morning. :eek:
So, I'll probably head to the gym, after they're gone, and maybe walk our neighbor's dog, again.

Enjoy the day,
good morning all. thanks for the coffee Keith . 50F on the dog walk with a ton of clouds out to cover the moon's glow. dog #1 was acting funny and as I was just about to ask her I felt a drop of rain then the whole sky opened up.... and me with out rain gear and 1/2 mile from home. we made it home and I dried off and got dry cloths and rain gear with a umbrella. had to drag #2 out the door but it wasn't raining and didn't for the whole rest of the walk.
got gym today so that will eat up the morning. should hit 71 for the high today. enjoy the day

stay safe
Good morning, yeah another day,woke up at 3 went to bathroom, back to bed, mind hamsters till 4:30 gave up and made breakfast. Looks like going to get wet opening the Airports front gate. Phone says it's Raining,6 C add 2 for the high,windy at 18 mph from the east. Thinking of opening gate now and then go back to bed. Take care Y'all, G
Good morning, folks, and thanks for the early-bird coffee, Keith. I probably could have joined you for a cup - I didn't get much sleep last night either.

@STooRay: I wonder if Mrs. Fun would be as patient and accommodating if Keith were learning to play the bagpipes? :biggrin:

It's significantly colder than yesterday and mainly sunny this morning, but it'll get cloudier as the day progresses. -7°C/19°F now, -4°C/25°F later. Or something like that.

I am now in a lot of pain. I pretty much expected the pain to get worse after the accident (given all these severely damaged nerve endings), but dayum, this HURTS. :( I can hardly put wait on it now without yelping, and I certainly can't flex my foot in any way.
I still haven't heard a peep from anyone concerning the necessary dressing changes, and today (tomorrow at the absolute latest) should be the first. So in a few minutes, I'll call the central 'dispatch' again to find out whether the document I sent is, indeed in the system, and what I should do next...just walk into the clinic and yell "help," or go back to ER. I fully expect to be back in ER today. How I'm going to get there has yet to be determined.

On another note, did I miss a post somewhere, guys? Where's Ray? Have he and his lovely bride gone somewhere? Looks like he was last seen on the site on Friday at 4:04 a.m.
Calling @Upt' North, come in @Upt' North, do you read me? Over...

Have a good one, everybody, stay safe and go safely. And where the heck is Ray??

Lots of early birds today, I don't count myself in that class... sounds like I'm repeating yesterday. Thanks for the coffee, Keith.

Didn't get a ride in to work yesterday, not for weather but for time. It just doesn't stop, nor do my commitments. But the ST is back together, I only removed the parts necessary to remove the battery, which seems to be good after time on the charger.

I'll leave y'all now, to check / add gaseous mixture to the inside of the tires, as necessary.

Still getting incrementally warmer day by day, and I'm reminded I need to get all my cameras and their batteries prepared for riding.

For those sleep- deprived friends here, I hope y'all can get a nap today. For my burned Canadian friend, I hope you get the treatment you need. I would just get the antibiotic cream and bandages, to treat it myself... but I'm not saying you must do that, nor am I giving medical advice.

Except for the brown water and ice mixture, for internal use only. Tried that yet? Just wondering. Quick healing, girl!
I would just get the antibiotic cream and bandages, to treat it myself

Oh, HELL no, not on a burn like this, I'm afraid. That would be an open invitation to severe infection. :( Once it heals a little more, then they might tell me I can change the dressing myself, but not at this stage. Sigh. This, too, shall pass. That seems to be my mantra these days.
Good morning all!
Thanks for the hot start Keith!

Good thinking Patty!
You’re having a tough time of it!
This too shall pass!
It could always be worse!
But happily it’s not!
54/80 F here in Ridge Manor, we’re promised a light west breeze!
The day will be interesting, no doubt!!
Already fielded a call from one niece!
Enjoy your day!
WB :well1:
Well, the sun did finally come up. I never went back to sleep, but did manage to get a couple of loads of laundry done, before sitting on the deck and feeding my birds as the sun came up.

@Peppermint I hope you can get the proper care today. All the paperwork just adds insult to the injury. Maybe, walk in the ER and just start sobbing hysterically and non-stop. Loud helps, too. A few well timed screams will get you moved to the front of the line. Didn’t work for me, but maybe you can get away with it.

Morning all! Grey, rain, repeat all day. 6C now, maybe 8C later.

Patty, that sounds awful, I'm sorry to hear that you are having so much pain and that the medical folks haven't got their fecal matter properly collected, sorted and tagged. Hopefully, they'll pull the finger out soon and get you seen to.

As for pumping out lawyers and judges Obo, it's not our fault. Those "party of the first parts", "henceforths" and "In witness of", not to mention various latin phrases, collect and gum up the workings of a well oiled high performing legal machine. So they have to be pumped out on a regular basis. Think of it as regular know, like a legal version of honey wagon with similar olfactory effluent :D .

I am informed that I will have the opportunity to attend another dance recital this evening to view the choreographic efforts of our daughter. The last one we went to, her work stood out and even though I acknowledge my bias, the kid has talent.

Hope everyone has a great day and gets pumped!
Morning Keith & All from what's turning into a cloudy morning (was sunny when I got up), in Southern Utah!

Currently, while the clouds are moving in for our next storm, the temp dropped in the last 10 minutes to 40F. Expected high is 50F. We already have winds from the SSW @ 8 to 16mph and later we'll see them up to 33mph.

@Peppermint : Patty, hang in there! I had 2nd degree burns on elbows and knees back in '87, from a 65mph motorcycle crash. I took me a couple of weeks to get to the point where I could get around. So I feel your pain! :hurt1:

Our little trip to Costco was a success, for them anyway! :well1: They managed to suck out, over $600 from our wallets! :cautious:

My Partzilla order arrived yesterday as well. One of the parts I ordered wasn't supposed to be available until next month, so I have no idea hop they got it this early, but I'm glad they did!

Also, on eBay, one of the motorcycle dismantlers had a Top Case Rack for a really cheap price, so I couldn't resist and bought it. When I bought it, I thought it was just the plastic plate, but instead it came complete, except for a couple of the plastic screw covers. It's not like I needed it, but for the price. :hat3:

Today, I plan to reinstall the rear tire & shock, so I can push it to the side of the house and take the pressure washer to it again, to remove the rest of the oil residue off the frame, before I start putting things back together. I also need to get the 05 engine out of the garage (I'll move it to one of the sheds), so I have the room I need to work.

Eggs, bacon, toast & OJ to start the morning. Pepsi(s) will come later!

Anyone :dr13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
Im up...... I'm up......
Mmmmmm. Coffee....thanks.

And yes....Where is Ray?? Where oh where has Raymond gone. Oh where oh where could he be........

The rain has arrived....but the hill has two new inches of slick white stuff.. yahoo...!!

No plans today, none till maybe Friday...... then maybe more skiing.

Patty, so sorry for the pain. Keep that chin up.

Hope everyone has a humpy kinda day,
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