For Sale Value of ST1300 used RDL seat??

Jun 27, 2006
North central Idaho
2004 ST1300A
I've got a nice ST1300 vinyl RDL solo seat with their rain cover and an Alaska Leather sheepskin. I used it on 1 longer trip about 10 years ago and a few short hops. It's been stored for the last 8-10 years and it's time for it to go. It's like new and I'm trying to figure out what it's worth? Thanks, Pat
I bought a used RDL for one of my Valkyries last year. It was a leather, heavy guy, solo for $450 shipped to me.
I've got a nice ST1300 vinyl RDL solo seat with their rain cover and an Alaska Leather sheepskin. I used it on 1 longer trip about 10 years ago and a few short hops. It's been stored for the last 8-10 years and it's time for it to go. It's like new and I'm trying to figure out what it's worth? Thanks, Pat
I want it! If it's good for taller riders with longer legs.
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