Tuzdaei October 15 Coffee

Dec 26, 2019
Bahama, North Carolina USA
2003 ST1300
Good Morning from slightly chilly (wonderful 48 Heits) NC!
Step next to the pot and enjoy a mug of Simon's Hot Ground, courtesy of Simon's Garden Center.
Git yer mugs out - g'wan try it!

@Sadlsor the balance referral was to; "A Question of Balance" by the Moody Blues.
I think their music was always ahead of their time.
One day I've got to get to the Barber Museum. I've see the pics and I'm sure they don't do it justice.

Shortly, I'll be taking some friends to the airport so I'm pounding down some of Simon's caffeine.
They are off to Colorado to visit family for a couple of weeks.
I am the DD today.

Maybe some puttering in the shop later today.
I am fabricating some sort of wheel thingy to move my plate compactor around (it's HEAVY).

Y'all have a winderfill day!

Sorry Nick I've been a bit tardy this morning, week, month, year, life.....
Ta me duck.
Whatever it is I want a mug full. A biggun too. None of those lady mugs.
That's better.
Yesterday was splendiferous if a little cool and lunch was taken overlooking the North Sea, we saw Stoo. He should really wear swimming attire. Although there was little to see.
Today will be payback.....isn't it always the way......gardening will fill the partially cloudy 50f day.
The B's front brakes will have to wait, again.
Av a gud un and remember, brakes and breaks are important too.
Good morning, all. Thanks for the hot cup of ambition, Nick.

Brrr….Feels like winter I woke up to 39, but in the last hour, it has climbed to 42. Usually it keeps dropping until sunrise. Anyway, the high will be only 60, just right for taking a short spin on the mower. Frost is predicted for the next two mornings, so I have to make room for some ferns to come inside.

@Upt' North I thought you were referring to Leon Russel’s Tightwire…..One side ice, the other one fire.

good morning all. thanks Nick for the coffee, hit the spot this cool morning. 66F on the dog walk with a great big moon out to light the way. there are some places I use a flashlight but the moon had the way lit up. stars and no clouds to enjoy. yesterdays ride to the gym went well. little traffic to deal with.

this morning our landscaper will be here to do our Fall yard maintenance. so I'll look into an oil change on the ST and just screw around in the garage until they are done. enjoy the day

stay safe.
I am the DD today.

Maybe some puttering in the shop later today.
I am fabricating some sort of wheel thingy to move my plate compactor around (it's HEAVY).

So you're the Dunkin Donut today? Guess whatever turns your crank....

As for moving the plate compactor, you just need to know how....

Thanks for the coffee btw, and a good morning to the rest of y'all.

It was a cool 6C for the ride into work. Yesterday's thunderstorms and heavy rain stopped sometime overnight. Today should see a cloudy 11C as the high, if the forecasts can be believed.

After yesterday's holiday, today is the new Monday; along with all the Monday goodness that comes with. Huzzah.

Hopefully you all have a great Tuesday, and not a Monday at all.


Good morning, all, and thanks for the wake-up and yet another interesting coffee blend, Nick! Sip...smack, smack....hmmm. Notes of moss, compost and Scott's Turf Builder. Not bad.

First light arrived about 20 minutes ago, but it's so overcast, it was hard to tell. Sunrise is still about 4 minutes away. We should see the sun peeking out here and there until about 10, and then all bets are off. Cloudy for the rest of the day, with rain starting to fall at around 1 p.m. It's a chilly one: 4°C/39°F but feeling like 0°C/32°F now, going to a high of 9°C/48°F with a windchill of 6°C/43°F. And to think we were sweltering just a few weeks ago.

Last night's feast was as yummy as expected. I'll be eating turkey for weeks, but that's OK...it freezes well. And I'll have plenty for one of my very favourite things: turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce sammiches! They get gobbled up in no time.

Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

Good morning, and thanks for the coffee start, Nick.

It's 38 in MA this morning, going to 54, later. Blue sky prevails.
It must have been colder, though, since I found a film of ice on the pans that I use on the deck to clean the cat's dishes!
I think I'm going to start keeping the water in the unfinished kitchen.

Yesterday, was low-key, and Brenda actually pushed me to go to the gym before we went to dinner with the other Grands.
Dinner went well. Joe, Megan and Elouise were there as well, and we had a good time catching up on things, before dinner.
Elouise is starting to talk, mostly one-word sentences. No seems to be the prevalent word, but she uses others, as well as some ASL.

Today, I'll hit the gym, and try for a walk at some point.
My friend aske me to open the restaurant for a worker to fix one of his burners, so I'll do that as well.
Speaking of turkey, that's my plan for lunch. Leftover smoked turkey breast and the fixings from Goodstuff BBQ.
Brenda will be working, and then bowling this evening.

Have a great day,
So you're the Dunkin Donut today? Guess whatever turns your crank....

As for moving the plate compactor, you just need to know how....

Thanks for the coffee btw, and a good morning to the rest of y'all.

It was a cool 6C for the ride into work. Yesterday's thunderstorms and heavy rain stopped sometime overnight. Today should see a cloudy 11C as the high, if the forecasts can be believed.

After yesterday's holiday, today is the new Monday; along with all the Monday goodness that comes with. Huzzah.

Hopefully you all have a great Tuesday, and not a Monday at all.



That's hilarious - I love it.
Good morning all, and thanks for the coffee Nick. Gloomy cold day here to start the week after a break. Got the garage cleared out to prep for the sad day when I have to put the bike to bed for the winter. It is always amazing to me how muck crap can accumulate in just a few months. I guess it is a fundamental law of the universe that all horizontal surfaces eventually become shelving. Have a great day all, stay safe.
Good morning and thank you for the morning start. 44 in Nampa Idaho this morning going to a high of 79 later in the day but I will be hitting the road towards home.

I took one of Uncle Larry's bikes out yesterday for a ride up to the Sawtooth Mountains and back to Nampa putting on 425 miles. It was a nice day to see the all of the trees turning.

Enjoy your day and be safe out there.

Here is a view from there PXL_20241014_210630658.jpgPXL_20241014_204258476.jpg
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Good morning to all, including all of you already into your afternoon on the other side of the pond.

I'm starting to trust Nick's "coffee" inventions less and less. Oil, sludge, dirt and all these creative ingredients or nicknames (see what I did there) make me suspicious, and i can't gamble with my morning brew.

It's that important.

So anyone else questioning his concoctions is welcome to share my Black Rifle -- is consistent day to day, and it goes best when taken straight and unadulterated. Trust me.

I'm still disappointed that I didn't catch the clue about yesterday's Moody Blues song. Either I was misled, or I misunderstood the parameters... I read it that we were to deduce a BAND name, not a song name, from the era. I actually considered Leon's "Tightrope", did balance, but quickly dismissed it, thinking we were to guess the band name.

As one of the self-annointed 70s music experts, my feelings are still hurt.

But I'll get over it... I still have a chainsaw clutch to install, and an air line to repair on the trailer. No time for the luxury of a pity party, and besides, there's no whiskey in the house.

So at 47 F's at the moment, and a *cough* "high" of 72, I'm preparing to go into a full-fledged, no-holds-barred, pull-out-all-the-stops curmudgeon mode. Can't be a grinch yet, as it's still too early.

I'll get the dog out, and we'll get this day started. Y'all have a good day, and pay no attention to the crabby old guy getting ready to be uncomfortable and cold.

Winter is coming.
-- John Snow
Morning all......
Thanks for the mug o mud.

This will be our last nice day of the year. Slight overcast and going to mid 70s again today. Like Mike said.....it was a really nice fall day yesterday. So I went for a ride with my older neighbor, the one who was attacked back in July. Nice back roads ride into Spokane for a burger and fries. Couple pics for ya. Go have a Satuesday.......


Good morning @Paul, @ToddC, and the other West Coasters. Good afternoon and evening to everyone east of the Mississippi River and in Europe. Thanks for the coffee, Nick.

It's 77°F in Florence and still sunny, ahead of a predicted four days of rain starting tomorrow.

Mrs. Fun and I tramped through Florence to get to the Pitti Palace and its art collection, which was of greater interest to her than to me. Tonight we're having dinner at a place that serves a signature Florentine dish, steaks about four inches thick. I'm hungry already.

A couple pictures from today, just to prove I was here.


Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Morning Nick & All from sunny, Southern Utah!

Currently it is 53F, up from a low of 38F and going to 77F. A slight breeze now, but later, we'll see the winds out of the W @ 7 to 10mph.

We should have good weather today and tomorrow. After that, it's anyone's guess! :well1:

I made it to the dump yesterday, then stopped by Home Depot to pick up the cement, 2x4s for forming and the rebar. As for the cement, I had planned on picking up 40, 80# bags, which is 3,200 lbs., which my trailer is rated for 3,500 lbs. Well when I got there, I found out that a pallet was 42 bags, and since one bag had busted open, they threw one extra on. So, my poor trailer was pretty much maxed out at 3,440 lbs! I took it real slow going home!

Today, I'll form it up with the 2x4s and my neighbor insisted I cancel my order for the mixer and use his. :smile: That saved me $270! :hat3:

Boiled eggs, bacon, toast & OJ to start the morning. Pepsi(s) will come later!

Anyone :bl13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
Morning all! Overcast with the chance of rain today. It was about 10C for the ride in and so it remains. The predicted high will be 15C but likely still cloudy.

The weekend passed uneventfully. Nothing too exciting, a couple errands here, one or two chores there. But overall a lazy relaxing weekend. And not a bit of turkey in sight, though I did do some pork tenderloin in the air fryer for the first time. I am a convert; quick, easy, less cleanup and it came out great.

I have to say, I am really enjoying the rides in and home each day. It's not a particularly exciting ride in, Pat Bay Highway into the City then a main artery to work. But it's not in the car. On the way home, I can be a bit more inventive as to route and have found a couple windy twisty roads. When you get on one of those and there's no traffic, it's about as good as riding gets. Even stuck behind cars, it still satisfies. I'm hoping to keep riding for most of the winter but I'm sure there will be the odd (hopefully) day where the cage will be required.

Hope everyone has a great day and before you know it, Tuesday will be gone with the wind!
Morning, Nick. Thanks for the stimulant.

It's another beautiful day in Texas Hill Country. I'll be sitting in front of the computer all day glancing at life through a window. Possible jury duty tomorrow. Ugh. Why can't people consider my inconvenience at deciding their innocence or guilt prior to committing crimes?
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