Touching Stories, especially those that are Gripping Tales

I always have both of my index fingers holding a grip, so that I can steer quickly and control the throttle well, regardless of what I am doing with the hand levers [using my middle, ring and little fingers].
In winter, the type of gloves that best accommodate this type of grip seem to be called shooting gloves, or shooting mittens.

Here is a photo of some of those mittens in textile. (They are also available in leather.)
I use the BrakeAway system. It immediately unlocks as soon as you hit your front brake lever. Kinda finicky to set up but a really nice piece once you get it set the way you want it.
Made a few miles from here! Great system; wish I could afford one.
The N.E.P. throttle lock installs and adjusts easily and works perfectly.

I've put one on every bike I've owned. Great for quicker warm-up, too.

As little as $15:

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