Call up an independent broker. They represent several companies and will shop around for the best deal for you. GEICO will only tell you about GEICO, even if they know you can get a better deal with another carrier. All the other single-carrier insurance companies will do the same.
When I went looking for insurance, I did an online search for customer satisfaction ratings in my state. It does no good to get the cheapest insurance if they will nickle and dime you to death, leaving you with a bad taste in your mouth.
I would also look at what your medical insurance covers. You want basic coverage on the two bikes. What if you get in an accident and need to be airlifted? Is that covered? My motorcycle medical had about $5000 coverage, and that was probably used up in the first 15 minutes. I was airlifted from Northern California to Medford, OR. I think the cost of the helicopter ride was $90,000 alone. Then there was the X-Rays and other tests. I paid nothing.
Believe it or not, in some localities, if you damage one of the road markers on the side of the road, you are liable for replacing it. Cha-ching!
I didn't wake up in the morning last June saying that this seemed like a good day to get into an accident. Till it happened, I wouldn't have even said it was going to happen. One moment, everything was great. The next, it wasn't. We don't buy insurance planning to get into an accident. But when we need it, we don't want to have the cheapest insurance around.