Throttle Body Removal/Stop Set Screw Question

Sep 18, 2023
Iowa, USA
'05 ST1300
Happy Friday! I am posting this because as I was adjusting the idle on my ST1300 yesterday the idle adjustment cable/stop set cable broke off. I was able to source a replacement cable but I am unsure how to best proceed with installing it. I was hoping that I could lift the throttle body to get enough clearance to re-install it without removing the part entirely. I was able to loosen the four clamps that hold the throttle body to the engine, but the throttle body still seems to be stuck tight so I am not sure if I am missing another fastener. I am also unsure if the throttle body will need to be completely removed anyways to install the new idle adjuster. Any insights would be appreciated.
The cable screws into the base of the wax valve assembly. If you can still get a hold of the cable enough to turn it maybe you can back it all the way out and screw the new one in. I have attached a photo of the cable and the wax valve. If you have to remove the throttle bodies there are many threads discussing this. I just removed mine using a 2x4 across the frame, 2 carefully placed nylon strap loops and 2 6" C clamps along with PB Blaster, an air nozzle and heat. Avoid this if you can.
You can easily replace the cable without having to remove the throttle body assembly.
As Jerry pointed out, avoid removing the TB assembly if at all possible.
Not only will you risk damage, prying it off, but you should also replace all the boots with new to avoid air leaks.
And, if that was not enough, you don't just tighten the hose clamps down on the boots, each one has a measurement across the flats on the bands that they must be measured and tightened to.
If you tighten them incorrectly, you'll have air leaks.
If you remove the air box base, and move the 5 way tee hoses and assembly out of the way, you should be able to guide it into place, then it just screws into the housing.
You do know that your not supposed to use the "knob" to make adjustments right? You should use your JIS screw driver to adjust it.
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