The Million Dollar Highway?

Don't worry about what you can't control. Just GO RIDE. If you run across a bunch of unpleasant traffic. Just pull over and take a short walk about and then continue on. My .02 is to ride early in the morning before the tourist get out and about.
Yeah, Chuck, you are right. My post was meant to be more tongue in cheek than what may have came across.
Here in the GWN, if you let a little snow scare you off, the riding season is VERY short!!
I went through late morning in May and saw one other motorcycle. It was on a weekday, I think a Thursday. May be more traffic on the weekends. It should not be missed.
Hey Jon:

Like what?
Like being a Harley hater, no different than being a Jap bike hater. Ever hear a loud Honda ?
Whenever I hear someone despise a certain Brand for whatever reason I think on how much they all “sound just alike”
My buddy just put loud pipes on his Yamaha venture,carbueraTed bike.If he is going for the Harley sound it didn’t work.
loader sure,but what I call a “Rice Crispy”. Snap,crackle& Pop”..rice burner.Ruined a nice bike imho
My buddy just put loud pipes on his Yamaha venture,carbueraTed bike.If he is going for the Harley sound it didn’t work.
loader sure,but what I call a “Rice Crispy”. Snap,crackle& Pop”..rice burner.Ruined a nice bike imho
I heard in the state of NY if you touch a vehicle exhaust system they will bring rath apon your soul.
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