The evolution of drive splines...


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Dec 4, 2012
Vienna, AuSTria
ST1100Y, ST1100R
By now among one of the most expensive items on that 1100...

P/N 42610-MT3-000, Flange Assy.,fina, € 190,20,-, up to VIN SC262401241 (discontinued)
SP/N 42614-MT8-010, Flange Comp, Finl, € 288,60,-, VIN SC262401242 onward and GL1500
SSP/N 42630-MT8-305, Flange Comp, Finl, € 288,60,-, only GL1500 shown, but pups up for the SC26, all years...

The issue bugging me:
if I have an early (pre '96) ST1100 running the steel thrust washer, and need to put a "new" (MT8) drive spline in, should I also use the newer nylon thrust washer... :unsure:
Are there any variations on the depth of the wheel's bearing boss and/or the drive spline assy across the years? :unsure:
After all is that nylon washer (42616-MAJ-G20, '96 onward) at least 4 times as thick as the early steel one (42616-MT3-000)...
I would be surprised if there as any difference in the wheel.
You might check the wheel/drive spline part numbers between the years and see if they are the same.
But since I don't have a pre-96 I can't be sure.
Could you put some sort of precise measuring device to see if there is a difference?
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