The end is nigh......

I know they're better now but I think one of the best ones I've been involved with has been a solar panel installation where the justification for the project was that the capital cost would be recovered through energy savings after only twelve years.

The only problem was the manufacturer recommended that they be replaced every ten years.

Over here (England) about 10-12 years ago there was a ‘fad’ (maybe that’s being a bit unfair actually but anyhow) for cavity wall and loft insulation, a Government backed scheme. I heard about it from word of mouth, contacted my local council and yes it was correct. The gist was the Government put a chunk towards having it done. So we did, can’t remember the costs exactly now but it was about £3000 to have done and I paid about a third, £1000. We have a small 2 bed bungalow. So the firm came, did a survey, then came back a few weeks later to do it. All fine, thought no more of it……

Well, we now know with the benefit of hindsight that scores of dodgy cowboy firms sprung up all over the place doing this work on properties that should never have had it done. Owing to house wall construction, property age, type etc etc. All these dodgy firms vanished as soon as they had plundered the market and got as much out of it as they could. So any guarantees they gave were worthless. The politicians (today) won’t have anything to do with it (not their mess), nor the councils that gave these firms licences (ditto), the MSM aren’t interested (yesterday’s news and not a WOKE topic) so jog on everyone…..let’s go electric, it will all be fine!!

There’s hundreds of thousands of homes, flats and the like with horrendous damp in the walls because of this cavity insulation material. The stuff ‘wicks’ up the moisture from ground level and acts like a big trapped sponge that will never dry out. It’s horrendous. Many people cannot claim on insurance, homes are uninhabitable, they can’t sell them. Seriously.

So the point is, while its all well and good well heeled metropolitan types talking about ‘going green’ the reality for many ordinary people with ordinary lives and average incomes is that it’s not that easy.
Broken that loop decades ago as my motorcycle bought new is now 21 years old. Same for my old 16 year old Toyota. 14 year old Samsung tv so yeah I'm on the band wagon. But now that you mention it come Jan 1 2022 they are going to shut down the 3G network forcing me to give up my 10 year old flip thats cruel:(
I am as well such an "economic pest", hindering growth and profits... as well as diminishing the state's tax revenue...
Rather spend (my hard earned) good money on quality products with lifespan and keep those in operation as long as possible...
But our hereby quite different CO² footprint doesn't get weighted... obey and consume is the motto...
Over here (England) about 10-12 years ago there was a ‘fad’ (maybe that’s being a bit unfair actually but anyhow) for cavity wall and loft insulation, a Government backed scheme. I heard about it from word of mouth, contacted my local council and yes it was correct. The gist was the Government put a chunk towards having it done. So we did, can’t remember the costs exactly now but it was about £3000 to have done and I paid about a third, £1000. We have a small 2 bed bungalow. So the firm came, did a survey, then came back a few weeks later to do it. All fine, thought no more of it……

Well, we now know with the benefit of hindsight that scores of dodgy cowboy firms sprung up all over the place doing this work on properties that should never have had it done. Owing to house wall construction, property age, type etc etc. All these dodgy firms vanished as soon as they had plundered the market and got as much out of it as they could. So any guarantees they gave were worthless. The politicians (today) won’t have anything to do with it (not their mess), nor the councils that gave these firms licences (ditto), the MSM aren’t interested (yesterday’s news and not a WOKE topic) so jog on everyone…..let’s go electric, it will all be fine!!

There’s hundreds of thousands of homes, flats and the like with horrendous damp in the walls because of this cavity insulation material. The stuff ‘wicks’ up the moisture from ground level and acts like a big trapped sponge that will never dry out. It’s horrendous. Many people cannot claim on insurance, homes are uninhabitable, they can’t sell them. Seriously.

So the point is, while its all well and good well heeled metropolitan types talking about ‘going green’ the reality for many ordinary people with ordinary lives and average incomes is that it’s not that easy.

Not just in the UK. 20 yrs spent fixing problems caused by insulation being incorrectly installed. It wreaks havoc in the structure.

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Over here (England) about 10-12 years ago there was a ‘fad’ (maybe that’s being a bit unfair actually but anyhow) for cavity wall and loft insulation, a Government backed scheme.
Same "thermal renovation act" over here... new windows, wrapping walls in styrofoam... up to 20cm/8" thick...
Then the problem with condensation starts, residents get accused of improper venting/not heating warm enough, so they cut vents into the frames of the expensive, multi sealed, vacuum glass window frames...
Depending on the age of the building new windows might make sense, but the rest bears the question of comparing all the emissions caused by producing the styrofoam plates, the cement glue, the plaster, truck transports, etc, etc... with the actual gained savings in heating those buildings during the winter months...

Within the "thermal renovation act" they also force home owners to install solar collector systems for domestic hot water...
Mind that such easily adds € 8000,- and more in building costs... that those systems fail at least once a year (overheating during the summer months causes vapor bubbles, requiring calling a plumber to bleed the system) and need overhaul/replacement of glycol every 4 years...
Now take a guess how many decades one could make his warm water with a modern, state of the art natural gas powered condensing boiler (+135% COP) or an air to water heat-pump with those € 8000,-... either system you'll need to install anyway for heating the place...

And BTW: they'll now ban natural gas boilers by 2040, oil powered already by 2035...
Banks drool over the dawning mortgages... I wonder how many home owners will go bankrupt...

Yeah, they all only want out best... our money...
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