TGIF 21March Coffee and Weather


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Nov 13, 2011
Theta TN
2015 Versys 1000LT
Mornin’ y’all. It’s Friday, and a fresh pot of Folgers has brewed and is waiting, so help yourselves.

Spring? Pffftt. Still feels like winter to me, since it’s only 28F this morning, but feels like 22, due to a pretty good breeze. High of 51, hopefilly.

I’ll get to try out my new steps and sidewalk today. Between sleet, rain, and falling temps yesterday, the concrete didn’t want to set. During the removal of the old sidewalk, we found the buried underground electrical service to the garage, so there’s that to fix at some point. The wire was easy to find with the mini dozer, as it was just laying on top of the ground, with the old walk poured over it. No problem, just an opportunity to upgrade the wiring.

Be safe.

Good morning everyone

Thanks for the Folgers, John. Hitting an electric wire with a bulldozer? Shocking. (Had to beat @Obo to it)

It's windy in Rockville, along with cloudy and 40°F. It'll be 50 something later but still windy so I'm not planning anything requiring me to be outdoors for extended periods.

Mulan the cat has just emerged from wherever she was, and is giving me the "Feel free to feed me any time. NOW would be great, thanks." look so I'd best get on the job or there will be he'll to pay.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them. Do it today, NOW, because tomorrow may be too late.
"How would you like your coffee?
Continuously...?! :coffee: "


2°/14°C, again sunny bright skies... w/e will bring a rain front though...

Me, a 'straw widower' this w/e... GF is having her grand-kid over...
The little feral brat hates me, apparently cause I'm the only person saying NO to "fun things" like slamming doors, running around the house with muddy shoes, stealing things out the fridge/freezer (and leaving the door open) without asking, etc... pfffff... :cautious:
Planning to teach her to ride ze GF has removed the training-wheels from the kiddos bicycle... that's going to be some fun with that short-fused, uncontrolled girl... :unsure:

Having to work on my '00 ST I don't mind the free time though...

Office, still wading through price lists, Daikin Split & SkyAir systems done, now the VRF catalogue... pfffff...
Beyond this some pow-how is scheduled... dunno... will hear/see about that later...

looking forward to the w/e, enjoy!
Morning all, and thanks John for the coffee.

@ibike2havefun I have no idea what you're talking about....

4C here, accompanied by fog and heavy drizzle / rain. It'll rain all day with temps getting just slightly higher, before dropping below freezing tonight. We're supposed to get 5cm or so of snow. Happy Spring indeed.

Here's hoping everyone has a great day, or some variation thereof.

Morning all.... weather can't make it's mind up here. Spits and spots of rain, then cloud and the hint of sun. Sure the weather forecast said dry with broken sunshine... heyho. Lawns succesfully attacked yesterday but there's a lot of moss in the garden where our lake appeared during the winters extremely wet patch. Aerator will be next then!

Today brings roofers to our house to sort out a persistent leak. This will be our third attempt after two cowboy outfits had a go over the last 3 years :mad: . Hoping this company will be more successful. Having roof eave caps fitted as well so my wallet is going to be quite a bit lighter in the next few days :rolleyes:
Good morning, all, and thanks for the coffee, John! Glad to hear the concrete finally got its act together.

We got some pretty heavy rain for a bit yesterday evening, but I don't think it lasted that long. Our 'temporary' spring was lovely while it lasted; it's considerably colder today. -1°C/30°F now, going to a high of only 6°C/43°F, with windchills ranging from -18°C/8°F to 2°C/36°F. We still have heavily overcast skies at the moment, but that will all clear away and we'll have sunshine later.
The foot's not doing too badly this morning - I'm still experiencing the "hot pins and needles" sensation, but nowhere near as severely as before. The particular pain/inflammation med I've been ingesting is doing serious numbers on my gut (and you're not supposed to take it for any sustained period anyway, as it can mess with your kidneys/liver), so I'm going to try to do without it from now on. Fingers crossed. I'll be off shortly to have my bandages changed yet again (but that's good - seems to be doing the job and keeping infection at bay). My next-door neighbour, who is also my friend, is a flight attendant for Transat but is home for a few days and is taking me to the clinic this morning, bless him.

Have a fine day indeed, everyone. Stay safe and go safely.

Good morning, and thanks for the coffee start, John.

It's raining and 40, but it will merely be cloudy this afternoon, while the temperature rises to 45.

I made it to the gym, yesterday, but didn't get too far, once I got home and Freya climbed on my lap.
As predicted, Brenda had a few naps to catch up on her sleep, after here stint watching our granddaughter.

Today, I'll stop by Home Depot for some plumbing supplies for my friend's restaurant, and stop by to take a look at some other plumbing items for his pre-wash station. Did I ever mention how much I hate plumbing?

I'm also supposed to pick up a car that my son's interested in purchasing, so it can be inspected by a local mechanic.

Gym... Maybe...

Planning to teach her to ride ze GF has removed the training-wheels from the kiddos bicycle... that's going to be some fun with that short-fused, uncontrolled girl... :unsure:
Which girl are we talking about, here?

Enjoy the day,
Thx John!
And Dave.

Almost summer today….12˚c/54f, sunny, a breeze.

Been entertaining Peter the past two days, nice but busy, as always.

Today I’m dodging a visit to my fil at the nursing home, and I’m as popular as a pope in a mosque.
Mrs Stu has been sick for two weeks, and has not been able to visit him.
It’s not my problem.
I NEVER leave home on Friday afternoons.

The boat needs a wash, aaaand I have to practice for the choirs performance on Sunday evening.
So there’s that.
And some vino later.

Have a good one!

From the «summer» archives….Ørskogfjellet, early May
Friday, finally.
Thanks for the coffee John, our weather is just like yours, but... the 10-day forecast shows highs in the 70s that whole stretch. It's about time, and I'll go so far as to say it's LATE. Not that I'm going to do anything about it.
This weekend should provide ample opportunity to turn my GSA front tire round right-ways. It's funny now, because we were so careful to ensure the direction arrows pointed the right way when we mounted them on the rims. Then for us to put it on the bike the wrong way... dumb. But still funny.
I say, 50/50 chance, and I'll blow it every time. And that's why I don't gamble.
No harm, the ABS speed ring isn't damaged, nor the sensor, far as I can see.
I'm READY for some consistently warmer weather, and it looks like we're almost there. And I will not be whining while riding in the 90s or triple digits -- bring it!
Riding is all i have on my mind, so I'll stop blathering for a few minutes.
Do like @Obo and have a great day!
Mornin all, thanks for the cup John! Woke up to 38 whole degrees, and look forward (sarcasm) to a summery 48, blech.
Take it easy on that new sidewalk and steps, John. Can sometimes be a bit on the slick side after all the moisture. Mebbe one mississippi at a time. Hope the healing comes quickly Patti, I will send up a prayer that it does. "Wheel mounted backwards" after careful assemby of said wheel and tire... and some say God has no sense of humor :)
Have a delightful day celebrating the 1st of Spring!
Morning all! It's overcast here with sun poking out every so often. It'll stay like that for the rest of the day interspersed with rain. 6C right now, the high will be 10C.

Bit of a busy day in addition to work; the energy audit folks are coming post reno to do their assessment so we can move ahead with the grants application with the Greener Homes program. Government provides funding for upgrading the energy efficiency of the house. It won't cover the cost by a long shot but it will be a nice reduction if we qualify, which we should do.

Then it's off to get my ears lowered as my dad used to say. I've gotten quite shaggy over the past couple months (Ruh roh!) and it's time to tame the tangle. I don't think I've had hair this long since my early twenties, maybe I should just cancel the appointment, go back to the centre part and relive my.....nah, once was enough.

Patty, glad to hear you are healing well if not at the pace you might like. John, you must be amped to get started on the new wiring...

Hope everyone has a great day and seize the day, remember hair today, gone tomorrow!
Good morning, finally awake enough to type, lousy night's sleep, to many trips to the bathroom,dang stomach has been bothering me for two days now. Weather pretty much the same as Weiselinsuit's cold,wet and windy. Agenda,go to Cancer clinic pharmacy to pick up next cycles meds, play with newly acquired Vessel screw driver bits. Got them from Amazon only $15 . May try fixing my mini lathe, grabbed the wrong can of spray and destroyed the plastic switches, brake cleaner instead of contact cleaner,OPPS. Wasn't working that good to start with so I can only make it better. Well must be going,GIMG_6648.jpg
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Good evening, Stomach finally back to normal, so got to play in Tractor shop this evening. Vessel bits don't work fit in my Ridgid 1/4 inch impact gun,wah! So found a grommet to fit the top cover on the left side. That holds a M style air fitting nicely. Glued said fitting to side cover and will see tomorrow how it works. Sleep well everyone on the wet Coast, and have a good day if you're up all ready on Saturday! GIMG_6649.jpgIMG_6650.jpgIMG_6654.jpg
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