tank venting

Apr 7, 2007
Tacoma, wa
i have a question about the tank venting. and let me apologize in advance for what's probably blaintly obvious to everyone but me, but... i know that the fuel cap is vented via a hose - i'm thinking it's 1/8th' dia, that runs down the left side of the engine. but i'm a bit confused as to the venting cap- is it able to release air when the fuel tanks contents expand because of temp rise, or is it just for drawing air in? or both?
Good morning all
Yesterday I I opened the gas cap on my 93 1100 for the first time in many months. It was a cold New England day and there was a fair amount of pressure that burped out. Should the vent line flow freely in and out? Dose it run to the bottom of the bike with the T fitting mentioned earlier in the thread?
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