Good morning, all, and thanks for the coffee start, Obo.
It's sunny and 28 this morning, rising to 44, with continued sun.
It'll cloud up, tonight, and the Weather guessers say to expect a little snow, tomorrow.
Yesterday, our youngest and family picked up their new-to-them RAV-4 from the dealer, and we met them for lunch, afterwards. After lunch, we stopped over to the local dealer to let them know that I'd like the Wing out of storage.
I finally got the trim-clips into the inner fairing of the VFR, installed the battery, and joined the many others for a short ride. I need to pull the left switch assembly to get some contact cleaner on the horn switch.
I almost lost one of my hearing aids, when I took my helmet off on the way from the shed to our deck. It took a while, but our neighbor and her daughter came over and helped find the flesh-colored hearing aid in the brown yard grass. I *HAD* to show her little one the VFR and she was all giggly when I started and rev'd it.
Today, I have a Flag and Fire school to attend at
Thompson Speedway, to get ready for the race season, there. It's supposed to run till 5:00pm, so we'll head to dinner, afterward.
Enjoy the day,