Sunday, March 23rd coffee


Oct 22, 2019
East Coast Canada
24 GL1800 Tour DCT A
Morning all. French roast is in the pot. Bacon will be along shortly to help solve what coffee can't.

Still dark and 2C at 5:30am, headed to a snowy -2 by lunch.

Did see a lot of bike and scooters out in my travels yesterday, with at least a dozen in total.

Hope everyone has a great day.

"Intended to sleep in...
urge for coffee overwhelmed though..."


7°/19°C today, cloudy morning with a chance of a few spritzer, mostly sunny afternoon...

Procrastinating, gargling my 3rd mug, did some laundry (well, the machine did...), out to the shed completing the '00 ST1100 later on...

Yeah, with night temps constantly above freezing, riding is a viable option again... next week certainly looks good for that :cool:

enjoy your Sunday!
Thanks for starting the procedure, Obo. Although there'll be some grumbling about this morning's skiff of miserable snow, it's worth mentioning that yesterday was wonderful. Temperature became inviting toward - you guessed it - a decent motorcycle ride! For me, it was my first ever experience with a new to me '18 Yamaha Star Venture! It had been sitting in the garage since it's acquisition a couple of months ago, and now, I'm beyond impressed! Gobs of torque, and intoxicating comfort.
But back to the present, coffee mug in one hand, mouse in the other, all good. Soon, time to get ready for church...
And a great day to all!
Good morning everyone

Thanks for the coffee @Obo. You're up early today.

It's 36°F in Rockville, clear, and calm after a rather breezy afternoon and evening yesterday. Sunny skies and a high of 53 are called for.

There's nothing specific on my calendar for today; in fact it turns out there's not even anything vague, either:

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them. Do it today, NOW, because tomorrow may be too late.
good morning all. thanks for the coffee Obo. 52F on the dog walk with clear sky and lots of stars to see. mr moon was gone at 0225 when I stepped outside with dog #1. but as always with or without the moon it was still an enjoyable walk.
went to the air show yesterday. had a great time. forgot the sunscreen. so face and arms are a little red. I haven't seen the thunderbirds fly in years. it was an outstanding show. and all admission and parking was free. I could go again today but we have dog training. from jet fighters in afterburner to 4 paws and pooper scooper. the high should be 83F. enjoy the day

stay safe
Good morning, everyone. Thanks for the start, Obo. I was ignoring the bladder, but the urgent need for coffee got me out of bed.

43/71, partly cloudy and windy, with storms rolling in, late afternoon.

I think I’ll put off the household chores and save them for a rainy day. Instead, I believe I’ll give the dog a bath. The windy weather should help him dry. Getting him hung on the clothesline may be a problem.

Good morning, all, and thanks for the coffee, Obo!

We're back to more wintry weather for a few days here, too. We got some rain yesterday, which eventually turned to a dusting of snow. It'll be mainly sunny all day today, but the temps will range from the current -10°C/14°F with a feels-like of -17°C/1°F to -1°C/30°F with a windchill of -5°C/23°F. After our recent stretch of balmy (not to be confused with barmy) weather, that feels downright brrrr. We're going to get a proper dump of snow tomorrow, as of about 6 a.m. I'm going to have to make my way to the clinic in the middle of it to have my bandages changed. If conditions were still dry and mild, I would have driven myself there and just worn a flipflop on my left foot, but this changes the equation. Guess I'll take a cab or Uber this time.

Whelp, have a good one, everyone. Stay safe and go safely.

Good morning, all, and thanks for the coffee start, Obo.

It's sunny and 28 this morning, rising to 44, with continued sun.
It'll cloud up, tonight, and the Weather guessers say to expect a little snow, tomorrow.

Yesterday, our youngest and family picked up their new-to-them RAV-4 from the dealer, and we met them for lunch, afterwards. After lunch, we stopped over to the local dealer to let them know that I'd like the Wing out of storage.

I finally got the trim-clips into the inner fairing of the VFR, installed the battery, and joined the many others for a short ride. I need to pull the left switch assembly to get some contact cleaner on the horn switch.

I almost lost one of my hearing aids, when I took my helmet off on the way from the shed to our deck. It took a while, but our neighbor and her daughter came over and helped find the flesh-colored hearing aid in the brown yard grass. I *HAD* to show her little one the VFR and she was all giggly when I started and rev'd it.

Today, I have a Flag and Fire school to attend at Thompson Speedway, to get ready for the race season, there. It's supposed to run till 5:00pm, so we'll head to dinner, afterward.

Enjoy the day,
Good morning All
Thanks for the hot start Obo!

Well we’re getting things in order for our trip back to Canucksville.
Miss Judy has been a busy beaver!
It’s been tough watching her do all this cleaning!
“Could ya bring me another one, on your way back, please?” :shrug2:

55/82F with a SE breeze and a 40% chance of showers.

I wonder what the Wooler weather is like today?

Hugs to all!
Thx Obo!

11˚c/52f, sunny, windy.

We had a nice celebration yesterday, but we (I) had to pick up mil at the airport late night….

Today have been a walk.
A performance with the choir later.
I’m nervous.

Have a good one!

Pic of the day from the hills

After getting home after 1am last night from my casino event, could I look forward to sleeping in, even just a little??? NOOOOO. Princess #2's squirrel-sized bladder just HADTOGO at 7am. And when one gives the signal, the whole herd follows. UNGGGHHHH.

38F/3C and supposed to be mild today before more rain sweeps through overnight. Got one mower cleaned up, touch-up painted, and wobbly wheels fixed yesterday. Today is some more of the same, plus pulling battery out of the 87 Yam to see if it is chargeable and pulling the carbs to clean them & see why it won't start without full choke AND throttle. I mean, I know WHY... just need to find out why the air/fuel is so out of whack. I understand carb basics, but I don't have the KNACK. Not a carb whisperer. It's why I'm thankful my ST has been (mostly) trouble-free all this time and not bad enough to pull apart bc things usually end up worse after I this poor thing. Anyhoooo...

Thanks for the kickstart, Obo. A little biscuits & gravy to fuel up then go help with a set strike. Then come home and do some, all, or none of the above. Take care of y'all!
Good coffee, Obo, I'll have some with ya. But I'm suspicious of the bacon... is it bacon- bacon, or Canadian bacon? I know I'm being rude, but I just want to know what I'm getting into. I'm not a breakfast guy, in most mornings.

Simple enough to put the BMW wheel in the right way, and as i had suspicioned, the ABS error did not return. I'll try to save the Big Mule tire wear for the dirt... we'll see how that goes. The Trailmax Missions are decent road tires too, but they're not Double Dark, and I'm getting spoiled by the life of the rubber on the ST... with regular tires I'd have had to replace both on the Honda, since my last tire change.

But no chainsawing yesterday, and I got my weekends mixed up... great-nephew's birthday is next weekend, not this one. Roz had a baby shower that fortunately I wasn't invited to. I didn't go to the Slingshot 10th Anniversary deal at the local Moto dealer yesterday, not really interested, and i expected a bunch of folks competing for the loudest sound system. I could be wrong. Also didn't go to the Supercross races they held a baseball stadium?! They are talented riders, but not the same as say, a BDR ride on big adventure bikes, which interests me more.

Told y'all yesterday we have 10 days of warming temps, so looking forward to more commuting miles on the "little" Honda. It needs a bath, but with all the pollen everywhere, that could easily turn into a daily chore for a while. Don't wanna go there.

Be well, do your best with what ya got, and as skiing season winds down, may your roads be clear of snow and salt.
Good morning and hello everyone, got a reasonable sleep last night. Still woke up at 6 AM hungry so have had breakfast and working on second cup of coffee thanks Obo, and Dave for Funnies. Forecast is rain all day and next week,5 C high of 11 C, wind 10 mph Gusts to 20 mph around here that means 20 mph with 90% humidtiy . In doors kind of day, wife will want pancakes for brunch, which is the only thing on my agenda.
My second attempt at side cover repair on Lady turned out okay, did have to grind out the grommet a little as pin moved slightly while glue was setting,dang it. Any sits flush with top cover so I'm happy with it. Forgot to take pictures. Oh yeah replaced the brake light connector on the truck with a two wire connector instead of two 1/4 inch spad connectors . Should make putting trunk back on quicker. Okay hopefully Y'all will have a great day,G
I'm going to have to make my way to the clinic in the middle of it to have my bandages changed. If conditions were still dry and mild, I would have driven myself there and just worn a flipflop on my left foot, but this changes the equation. Guess I'll take a cab or Uber this time.
If you need a ride let me know.
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