Sunday June 16th Café.

Looks great, Keith, and is a very pretty piece of furniture. I can see that as a family heirloom. Something to be proud of.
I watched a LOT of sewing table iterations, and sewing room transitions and upgrades, living with my Mom, who constantly had multiple sewing projects going on simultaneously, and frequently multiple workstations as well.
If you were 100% satisfied with the final product, I would question whether you were a legitimate craftsman.
Thanks for the update!
Good afternoon, everyone, and thanks for the start, Ray.

We attended my aunt's memorial, yesterday, and gave her an excellent send-off. She was celebrated for her contact smile, volunteering and generous nature. She was a voracious reader, so instead of a mass card, her daughters gave away bookmarks to remember her.

Afterwards, my sister and brother hung out at my brother's place, until sister had to return to their home in PA.

Brenda and I stayed over at my brother's house in NJ, and left for home after lunch.

We've got a cat waiting to be fed at home, and we'll head to dinner, after.

Enjoy the day, and be careful getting washed and vacuumed,
@Sadlsor mentioned a few days back that I was overdue with the progress reports on the sewing center. As of a few minutes ago, it's officially DONE. It's been delivered, inspected, and accepted, warts and all. Happy Anniversary, Mrs. Fun.

All buttoned up.

Open for business, machine lift in lowest (machine storage) position

Another angle

And another, with the lift fully raised. There's one other position available, which puts the machine's "working surface" flush with the desktop. I expect that to be the way it's used the majority of the time.

Detail of the drawers

I'm mostly pleased with the end result though there are many things I wish I had done better on. At least it shouldn't fall apart on first use, and doesn't look like something made of MDF and covered in wood-grain pattern vinyl contact paper. Oh, and I have some new tools that came out of the project, which I count as a win. Finally, I get big time brownie points with Mrs. Fun, which is always something of inestimable value.

Delivery is timely: Mrs. Fun just began another sewing project yesterday so the new machine and its work station will soon get a real-world test.

You are indeed the Wizard of Wood, a veritable Henry Ford of sewing machine cabinetry.
Excellent work!
@Sadlsor mentioned a few days back that I was overdue with the progress reports on the sewing center. As of a few minutes ago, it's officially DONE. It's been delivered, inspected, and accepted, warts and all. Happy Anniversary, Mrs. Fun.

All buttoned up.

Open for business, machine lift in lowest (machine storage) position

Another angle

And another, with the lift fully raised. There's one other position available, which puts the machine's "working surface" flush with the desktop. I expect that to be the way it's used the majority of the time.

Detail of the drawers

I'm mostly pleased with the end result though there are many things I wish I had done better on. At least it shouldn't fall apart on first use, and doesn't look like something made of MDF and covered in wood-grain pattern vinyl contact paper. Oh, and I have some new tools that came out of the project, which I count as a win. Finally, I get big time brownie points with Mrs. Fun, which is always something of inestimable value.

Delivery is timely: Mrs. Fun just began another sewing project yesterday so the new machine and its work station will soon get a real-world test.
Respect Keith, bostin.
@Sadlsor mentioned a few days back that I was overdue with the progress reports on the sewing center. As of a few minutes ago, it's officially DONE. It's been delivered, inspected, and accepted, warts and all. Happy Anniversary, Mrs. Fun.

All buttoned up.

Open for business, machine lift in lowest (machine storage) position

Another angle

And another, with the lift fully raised. There's one other position available, which puts the machine's "working surface" flush with the desktop. I expect that to be the way it's used the majority of the time.

Detail of the drawers

I'm mostly pleased with the end result though there are many things I wish I had done better on. At least it shouldn't fall apart on first use, and doesn't look like something made of MDF and covered in wood-grain pattern vinyl contact paper. Oh, and I have some new tools that came out of the project, which I count as a win. Finally, I get big time brownie points with Mrs. Fun, which is always something of inestimable value.

Delivery is timely: Mrs. Fun just began another sewing project yesterday so the new machine and its work station will soon get a real-world test.
Beautiful job Keith!
A wonderful piece to be valued by your family in time to come!
Thanks for sharing!
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