Sunday June 16th Café.

Feb 25, 2016
Northumberland UK
VStrom 650
Ay up, Er'Indoors and yourselves are being treated to buttermilk pancakes and stewed apples, all dusted in icing sugar with a dollop of mascapone. You're welcome. Help ya blummin selves. But save some for Patts! Greedy urchins.
The weather, I could tell you what's forecast but there's no point, it hasn't been right for over a week. It'll probably be OK'ish. Or not!
Todays Brummie lesson for our resident Brummingham and his German mate is.......It wor me, ar day do it.
Before you think these are made up I have decided to organise Black Country trips for you all. I will fly you over at my expense, escort you around Dudley, Smethwick and Brum itself; this tour would include accommodation and one portion of Wassall Battered Chips from the Wassall Chippy. As I say it will be at my expense for a very reasonable $20,000 (US) per person with a 1% discount for early booking. It will obviously be in January when the true beauty of the area will be all too obvious. You're welcome.
Form an orderly queue.
Av a gud un and remember, free offers like this don't hang around for long. Apply at Big Lad, Wooler in the kingdom of Northumbria, England.

Special rates for accompanying canines.
Tara a bit.
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... the delicious Capriccio was one of the firST four(!) flavors they'd opened business with back in '86 ...
Arabica and Robusta from Columbia, gently roasted, resulting in a full, lasting aroma, with a slight hint of cereal...
Delicious, help yourself and push one out...
Fresh baked whole grain bread anyone? Grab a slice...

Partially cloudy, but already 25°C/77°F, should clear up during the day, could reach 28°C/82°F in the afternoon...

BTW classics: DIL dropped in... unannounced, sudden, loud, stubborn, set in his ways...
he does that at times (likely when MIL gives him a hard time :biggrin: ), having them within walking distance gives my GF's place the slight touch of an "auxiliary girls room"...
He's short, bald, barrel-chested... a Danny DeVito chassis with a Jerry Stiller OS installed... ya' wanna piece of me?!!...
One night he will pop up in the master-bedroom, waving his index finger at me " can't touch this!"... ;)

So he sat down at the table and bloused "... and where is my cup of coffee?!!"... and without catching his breath he rants on...
He's the kind who knows everything, does everything, has everything... and of course: b.e.t.t.e.r.
Whatever you have/do/build/proceed with is ridiculous, useless, waste of time/money, anything...
Alone when I got that NT700VA for her, his daughter... way too big, way heavy, way too powerful, way too expensive... (likely because he dropped it within 3 yards upon trying it out... :rolleyes:)
Norway?! Why do you have to ride those bikes to Norway?! This is way too far for a trip! And this year you go to Scotland?! For what?!...
knowing the routine I normally keep quiet... stay off his lawn and that...
No use of responding anyway, there is no interaction, he just keeps yapping, ignoring whatever anyone brings up...
Bit concerning is him repeating the same stories over and over and over, the sometimes slurry speech, his increasing grasping for vocabularies... and that I notice it whilst his close relatives don't...

Anyway, upon leaving he points at the robo mower whirring along: ... you're not supposed to have those; its V.E.R.B.O.T.E.N. ...
me: elaborate?
him: small children get hurt by those machines... tens of thousands incidents each year!
me: yeah... and just how many toddlers do you count rug-ratting on the grass right now?
him: ZIS IS TOTALLY BESIDE THE POINT!! and storms off...

me, giving my best Bruce Willis smirk: bye dad! :cool:

have a great Sunday folks...
Ay up Indeed!
Thank you Ray for a very privileged "How Y'all" this AM.
Great coffee and oh, them 'cakes....
'Check's on the way. Will you have things like souvenirs of the trip? T-shirts, key chains?
I can't wait!

I still had lots of things to do yesterday and many didn't get done.
After the marathon this week of "digging it", the mind said yes, but the body begged to differ.
This is what happens when you run a marathon. Yes, and don't argue...
A nap happened I'm told.

Today looks like that antique fan will get reassembled.
Too much marathoning this week for something delicate.
After that, I don't know what. Hmmm, more planning for something...

Y'all have a wonnafill day!

PS: See youse at the King's place... (well, it's one for the money, two for the show....)

Good morning everyone

Thanks for the brew and batter-cakes Ray. @ST1100Y how do you really feel about your father in law (ish)?

It's a gorgeous, clear, cool morning here in Rockville: 61°F, sunny, calm, low humidity... expecting sunny skies and a high of 85. Beautiful weather for most any summertime outdoor activity (not so good for ice skating, sledding, or ice-climbing a frozen waterfall). So, I'll have to think of something outdoors to amuse myself. Cycling and kayaking come immediately to mind as possibilities, but probably not simultaneously and maybe not even in sequence.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Thx Ray!
Good coffee and a nice invitation!
Should I buy a ticket or a new ECM….hmmmmm

15˚c/59f, sunny, windy.
It was supposed to rain..

Been for a walk.
Now what?
Cooking perhaps, or maybe not….Mrs Stu is with her parents on a barbeque at the church.
Maybe I’ll just go for a RTE somewhere.

@ST1100Y sounds like the male version of Mrs Stus’ mother…

Have a good one!

Bridge over untroubled water….
Ay up Indeed!
Thank you Ray for a very privileged "How Y'all" this AM.
Great coffee and oh, them 'cakes....
'Check's on the way. Will you have things like souvenirs of the trip? T-shirts, key chains?
I can't wait!

I still had lots of things to do yesterday and many didn't get done.
After the marathon this week of "digging it", the mind said yes, but the body begged to differ.
This is what happens when you run a marathon. Yes, and don't argue...
A nap happened I'm told.

Today looks like that antique fan will get reassembled.
Too much marathoning this week for something delicate.
After that, I don't know what. Hmmm, more planning for something...

Y'all have a wonnafill day!

PS: See youse at the King's place... (well, it's one for the money, two for the show....)

1718530526944.png Turn West at Bamburgh Castle and travel for 10 miles. In metric that's exactly 10 miles.

And of course all relevant merchandise will be available, I'll be offering a 10% discount on a 200% mark up. I know I'm going soft.
good morning all. thank you for the coffee Ray. 73F on dog walk with a nice sky and stars to see. the neighborhood was still but then not much is moving at 4:10 am. coming home from Chinese the AC went out on the 2015 subaru. went about 25 miles in 98F temp with out cooling. but I'm lucky I have the tools to fix it and the gas to charge it. I believe I will start on it this morning. enjoy the day

stay safe
Good morning all, and thanks awfully for the robust coffee and yummy yumminess, Ray! Now, what to pack...what to pack...

It's another lovely day here, and it will be the last one for a while; the rest of the week is going to be way too hot to enjoy. Today, we have sunshine and temps of 17°C/63°F to 23°C/73°F with no humidity. It's just mean of "them" to tease us like this. Tomorrow, the heatwave rolls in and sticks around until Friday.

@ST1100Y: Your FIL sounds like what we call a "seagull in-law": flies in, flaps around, sh*ts on everything and leaves.

Happy Father's Day to all the papas out there (even the ones you don't like)!

Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

Go Oilers!!

Thanks for the coffee and commentary Ray. While Roz (preface: the world's top Beatles fan) has been making noises about visiting England since before we met, it's unlikely she ever will. And if she does, I will attempt to remind her - as I do - that there is precious little of the 1960s culture left, that she seeks. And Liverpool was never a highlighted attraction of British architecture, to begin with.

Sadly, even if she were to go, I doubt she could enjoy it as she imagines, because she doesn't handle changes to her routine well, at all, and she really can't walk all that far with her health conditions. The way I see it, her mental pictures and fantasies would far exceed the reality. I could be wrong but I doubt it.

Me, on the other hand... I'm absolutely convinced the reality of riding all the BDRs (Backroad Discovery Routes) on a great big adventure bike would exceed my expectations, even sluffing through deep sand, dropping it on steep rocky uphills, and getting stuck in the occasional mud pool.

Riding all 13 (or so) of them, scattered across the USA, is not likely to actually happen given my accumulated birthdays, but doing a couple over the next few years seems plausible.

Have you watched any of them on YouTube? Their documentaries really float my boat, not just the riding and the scenery, but the overall production is fantastic.

But alas, today requires more mundane trips like taking used computer parts to FedEx so I can organize my garage. And the storm-induced tree limbs and growing brush piles in the back yard will take a combination of sweat, gas and 2-stroke oil and bar oil for the chainsaw, and I'm sure a huge dose of exhaustion before it's done.

And it's not going to get any cooler today as the sun continues to climb.

But first!

Another cup of coffee ☕️.

Enjoy your Father's Day, children or no.
Ay up, Er'Indoors and yourselves are being treated to buttermilk pancakes and stewed apples, all dusted in icing sugar with a dollop of mascapone. You're welcome. Help ya blummin selves. But save some for Patts! Greedy urchins.
The weather, I could tell you what's forecast but there's no point, it hasn't been right for over a week. It'll probably be OK'ish. Or not!
Todays Brummie lesson for our resident Brummingham and his German mate is.......It wor me, ar day do it.
Before you think these are made up I have decided to organise Black Country trips for you all. I will fly you over at my expense, escort you around Dudley, Smethwick and Brum itself; this tour would include accommodation and one portion of Wassall Battered Chips from the Wassall Chippy. As I say it will be at my expense for a very reasonable $20,000 (US) per person with a 1% discount for early booking. It will obviously be in January when the true beauty of the area will be all too obvious. You're welcome.
Form an orderly queue.
Av a gud un and remember, free offers like this don't hang around for long. Apply at Big Lad, Wooler in the kingdom of Northumbria, England.

Special rates for accompanying canines.
Tara a bit.
If yowm thinkin of comin to ar neck of the woods old pal reckon its best if yow goo to the lost city in Tipton fust, yow car beat it fur the ambulance, speshly the faggits un gray pays. Any road up, gotta goo now cos mi wench wants me to goo down the Hop Pole in Bilston and fetch her a babycham and a bag o scratchins. Mite av a pint of Banks's mild when I'm down there. Could be on a promise, but these days I av to tice it out with a bit of lettis. Tarra a bit ar kid.
@Sadlsor mentioned a few days back that I was overdue with the progress reports on the sewing center. As of a few minutes ago, it's officially DONE. It's been delivered, inspected, and accepted, warts and all. Happy Anniversary, Mrs. Fun.

All buttoned up.

Open for business, machine lift in lowest (machine storage) position

Another angle

And another, with the lift fully raised. There's one other position available, which puts the machine's "working surface" flush with the desktop. I expect that to be the way it's used the majority of the time.

Detail of the drawers

I'm mostly pleased with the end result though there are many things I wish I had done better on. At least it shouldn't fall apart on first use, and doesn't look like something made of MDF and covered in wood-grain pattern vinyl contact paper. Oh, and I have some new tools that came out of the project, which I count as a win. Finally, I get big time brownie points with Mrs. Fun, which is always something of inestimable value.

Delivery is timely: Mrs. Fun just began another sewing project yesterday so the new machine and its work station will soon get a real-world test.
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