Sunday January 5th Café.

Feb 25, 2016
Northumberland UK
VStrom 650
Now here's a thought, where's the sun? It's "Sun"day. Best have some fine continentally named Roast coffee to throw us into the day.
And the guessers finally got it right, it's snowing. Only a couple of inches on the ground and it shouldn't be about too long. We'll see.
They've had four flakes fall over London so that's all we'll hear on the news today, I can see it now, "Londoners battle through the snow". Pffffffftttttti'ttttty.
The day will be a steady one I hope, fruit to stew, items to put on ebay, venison to butcher......steady.
Av a gud un and remember, watch your pets closely.
good morning all. thank you Ray for the coffee. 43F on the dog walk with nothing but stars out no moon or clouds to see.
wife is going to dog training this morning so it looks like I will be unsupervised for 1/2 the day. the high should only hit 66F. I think after some more coffee I might plan a Christmas decoration removal and pack them away until they are needed again. enjoy the day

stay safe.
Morning all! Danged mind hamsters struck again. Dark and rainy now at just a smidge past 3 am. Currently 7C with a predicted high of 8C. And rain....more rain.....

We'll do second Xmas later today with our daughter who was away for the first one.

In the meantime, I'm off to drown said mind hamsters and hopefully catch another couple of hours of sleep.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Good morning everyone

Thanks for the Euro coffee Ray. French, Italian, Bulgarian, Slovakian... doesn't matter much to me as long as it tastes good- which when you make it, it always does.

It's 20°F and clear in Washington and dang cold. I've even resorted to turning the thermostat up earlier than the schedule calls for, just to keep sensation in my fingers. We'll top out at around freezing, with partly sunny skies for the day ahead of clouds that are expected to bring snow overnight and through the day tomorrow. Since I never staged the snow shifting equipment yesterday that remains on today's to-do list.

Also on the to do list is to apply some clear coat to the ukulele stands I've built (nothing fancy or photo-worthy, just utilitarian and simple) and a get-together for an early dinner with friends late this afternoon. They're the ones responsible for igniting my case of uke-mania.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Dark roast regardless of nationality sounds great, Thanks Ray. Here in mid Florida we have 35 and 69 on the outside edges of the temperature chart and not a cloud to be found. I could almost understand why people move here but that's the exact reason I couldn't. Too many people. Nothing worthy of mention on the schedule again today. I hope to take my wife to a great vegetable stand we found an hour east of here. Sweetest cauliflower I've ever had and well worth the drive to fetch it.

Hope everyone has a super Sunday. Remember be safe out there.
Indeed: gray, dull, overcast, had some sleet this morning, ghastly...

-1C, won't reach more then +1C today... and a "snow warning"... of course... :rolleyes:
Its winter for crying out loud, what else should people expect?!... media idiots...


I like good coffee and good music, so here we go... ;)

Nothing planned today, GF's "spares" me the torture of another family gathering later this afternoon... :cool:
Yeah, a dozen people I barely know, all yelling at the same time about other people I don't know at all... why would I want to miss out on that... :unsure:
If I'd even dare to drop a remark, they're all offended... same if I decide to keep quiet the whole time... another Catch 22...

Anyway, Monday is another holiday (Holy Three Kings, not to be mixed up with the George Clooney movie, that's about another topic...), Tuesday its back to the mines for me...

have a great day!
Good morning all!
Thanks for the dark start Ray!

What venison? Road kill?? Gift??? Inquiring minds need to know!!!

48/75F with an easterly blow to blow away those pesky clouds & warm up SW Florida.

Patty, sorry to hear of your older sister’s issues!

Ted’s sawing logs, I can hear hm from here!

Keith, you just can’t tease us, we’ll need to see your handy work! You do a wonderful job on anything you tackle!

I must get up to see my pal in Lutz, he has a Ford tractor collection that grew so much, he had to add a third building! That’s where we left the truck & trailer when we hauled 2 gold wings down from Canucksville & toured southern Florida including the Florida Keys into key West.
That’s an interesting ride, one that should be on anyone here's list.
Have a wonderful day! Don’t weaken!
Good morning, and thanks for the continental coffee, Ray.

It's 27 and mostly cloudy in MA this morning, rising to 31, later. The wind will be 20-30mph, so it'll feel colder.

Yesterday, we both hung out at the house, enjoying the warmth.
I was online, and ordered some items for our bathroom, and Brenda shopped for new towels to go with the new decor.
The gym never happened, unfortunately.

Today, we'll try for breakfast at Carl's, and maybe some shopping.
Brenda was interested in drawer trays for our utensils and such.
We've also started "discussions" about where things will go in the cabinets.

Patty, I'm another who's sorry to hear of your sister's decline. I hope you got some quality time with her.

Enjoy the day,
Morning all, and thanks Ray for the coffee.

It's sunny, but -14 with a windchill of -17. It'll pop up to -9/-16 late this afternoon. Brrr.

Looks like we're going to miss this latest "weather bomb" by just a being a a few hours too far South, East, West and North. Yup, it's passing all around us, but not over. Huzzah.

Not sure what's on the list today, but we're thinking about actually planning meals for the upcoming week in order to simplify grocery shopping, meal planning, and even nutritional content. Radical ideas, and definitely not good ones - at least according to the fast food restaurant association.

Hopefully you all have a super day, regardless of what, when or where you eat, and if it's cold, cool or hot.

Good morning, all, and thanks for the juice of lovingly roasted beans, Ray!

Whelp, January has blasted in with the usual bone-chilling cold in tow. It's snowing lightly this morning, but we should see a mix of sun and clouds for the rest of the day. The current temperature is a bracing -12°C/10°F with an even more bracing windchill of -19°C/-2°F, and it will pretty much stay there all day; it might increase by one degree, but no more than that.

Today will be a day of recovery and "puttering" for me before I return to the proverbial salt mines tomorrow. I see a mug of hot chocolate and a movie and/or an episode or two of a series in my future. There will be a load of laundry and a grocery run this morning to replenish the bare cupboards, but that will be the extent of the "chores."
The Cirque du Soleil show yesterday was fabulous, as always - they never disappoint!

Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

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Morning, everyone. Thanks, Ray. The coffee’s pretty good. Is it from Isitreadystan?

I’m late. I know. All the forecasts say it will stop snowing in 1 1/2 hours. Dang if I can see it. It’s 36 of them F’s right now and should reach 52 later, so I’d say the chance for snow is a “Fat Chance.”

Who know what today brings? I might even fire up the chainsaw and help Teddy saw some logs.

Be safe y’all,

We await the impending "snow doom" in SoMD, what I call a light snow. 32°F now after a bitter night around 20°. Around here, the battle is less against the snow and more against all the other a**hats gathering food/beer for their clan. All I need is pet food, so off I go so the two princesses and the master cat are satiated in between driveway shovelings. TC y'all!

Oh, and I sold my overly huge snowblower for twice what I put in to it, and regained a lot of residential square footage from it! #MURICA!
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Morning all.......again! I did manage to catch a bit more sleep. Still darkish here though. Weather report has not changed though I am attempting to clear intracranial fog with heavy insertion of caffeine....we'll see if it clears

Re: Stu's pic, I see the bleak nihilistic existence of man depicted with the faint hope of future years.......definitely time for more caffeine

Hope everyone continues to have a great day and if someone sticks in your craw, tell 'em to fog off!
While Teddy and I were finishing up the last of the Cafe Bustelo, we were reminiscing about the snow from last January. He’s hoping for a repeat. Me, not so much, but it was fun for a couple of days, as evidenced by Ted’s big smile.

Forecast was right. The non-snow had stopped by 10:00.

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