ST1300 left over screws

Feb 27, 2012
central NJ
2010 Honda ST13
I had the fairings off and I was overly confident that I would remember where everything went back. Well, I almost remembered.

These 2 screws were left over and I can't figure out where they go.

Please help.

left over screws.jpg
It's been a very long time since I last did that but they look like the ones on each side underneath the mirror covers IIRC. They screw into the fairing stay that supports the mirrors and the front of the middle cowls.
You may find this useful. Download the pdf. Last two pages describes all of the screws and where they fit - but also explain why a particular screw fits where it does.

First 6 pages show you how I put my fairing back on - all with nice pretty pictures.

You do know, having extras (and not from not putting them back where they belong) is a good thing to have? Over the years, I have gone on to eBay and have bought a few "mostly complete" sets of ST1300 hardware.

I find having extra air box screws are the most handiest to have on stock. :)

Get a compartmented box. First fixings go into first compartment. As strip down progresses move to another box, labelling compartments as necessary. Then for rebuild start with last box and work backwards. That means you must use all the fixings in compartment for that area and no surplus screws at the end.
or, as I found mentioned in another thread, put the screws back in their holes after taking things apart so you know exactly which one goes where.
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