So I cut down 2 spare keys, bought some knobs at radio shack and some expoxy and spend some time putting everything together. The knobs were $1 each and had a brass insert. The drill press was used to snag and remove the inserts. I cut the keys at about a 20 degree angle because of the tilt of the lock. This way the knobs look level and when you turn them a quarter turn, they do not bind anywhere. Somewhere I saw instructions, but I could not find them so I winged it. The epoxy set up quick enough but JB Weld would have been better. The knobs have a white indicator mark that I mounted pointing inboard. The look funny out of the bike with the key tilted 20 degrees, but when in the locks, they look perfect, almost factory.
If you buy these 1.5 inch knobs at Radio Shack, you may need to make the key narrower slightly on the wide side. This allows the 20 degree tilt offset.
All the parts, including the keys cost $15. Worth twice the price not to have to constantly pull the ignition key to stash or retrieve something.
I used a Dremel tool and abrasive cutting disk to cut the keys, a bench grinder for the clean up of the key, and the drill press to remove the insert. Less than an hour of labor. Great addition to a wonderful bike.
If you buy these 1.5 inch knobs at Radio Shack, you may need to make the key narrower slightly on the wide side. This allows the 20 degree tilt offset.
All the parts, including the keys cost $15. Worth twice the price not to have to constantly pull the ignition key to stash or retrieve something.
I used a Dremel tool and abrasive cutting disk to cut the keys, a bench grinder for the clean up of the key, and the drill press to remove the insert. Less than an hour of labor. Great addition to a wonderful bike.