ST1100 2 side case types?

Aug 21, 2007
Probably everyone knows this already, but I did not: I recently bought a spare side case for the ST1100 and found the "hook" that connects to the lock is a different design than the one on my 98. The 98 has a U shaped hook. The spare case (red) has an L shaped hook and I suspect this is an older design.:confused:

The U shape hook allows you to unlock and remove the case WITHOUT removing the key. It won't let you forget and leave it there, which makes perfect sense to me. Beware if you try an "L" on a "U" bike, as the case will slide back about 3/4" from where it ought to be.

I searched the forum for this and came up empty-threaded.

Yes I know this is minutiae, but I read all kinds of complaints about how difficult it was to remove the side cases, and never understood it as I had no trouble doing it at all. Perhaps that complaint applied to the earliest models, now approaching 18 years old.

Does anyone know what year this improvement was made? Must have been 98 or earlier. I am now searching for an improved U shaped hook, or I might make one if I have to.

Now that I am on the subject of small inconsequential variations, how hard is it to change tumblers in the side case locks? Possible? I notice that there are two ST1100 key varieties also: one has a left hand groove, the other is on the right. They appear to be mirror-image of each other.
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Both my 91s have U shaped hooks. I'll bet this one was straightened out somewhere along the way.
Maybe my "L" was once a "U"> Must be. I will take some pictures so you don't think I'm crazy.

If that's the case, what a clean break! As good as my Bridgeport would do! I will have to get the microscope out. Completely fooled me.

OK, what about tumblers, changing them, or buying new locks to a specific key?
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Maybe my "L" was once"> Must be. I will take some pictures so you don't think I'm crazy.

If that's the case, what a clean break! As good as my Bridgeport would do! I will have to get the microscope out. Completely fooled me.

OK, what about tumblers, changing them, or buying new locks to a specific key?

Bob, did a complete disassembly and clean on the right side bag latch mwhile at Taos. Complete success. Won't try to describe the process here but suffice to say ya want a clean, padded surface to catch all the small bits when ya take the tumbler apart. I have three more to repair but no rush.
Bob, I'm thinking you have a PFO problem:) Heavy on the F...

I had reason to look at Marks 2000, and it is the same latch that my '93 wears. I doubt the '02 (red) was different...

As many failures as there have been on the bags, somebody ought to have a latch or two laying around....
Bob, I'm thinking you have a PFO problem:) Heavy on the F...

I had reason to look at Marks 2000, and it is the same latch that my '93 wears. I doubt the '02 (red) was different...

As many failures as there have been on the bags, somebody ought to have a latch or two laying around....

Hey! Don't make my bike any older! Its only a 2001!

I think you've got a bad latch too... maybe George's hulk; but, surely Freestyle has one...

The part is bent out, 90 degrees, nearly perfectly, and I didn't realize it. I am astonished that the plastic is still intact, as this must have taken a lot of force to bend that steel part straight like that. Yikes!

That fooled me completely, as it looks like it was supposed to be that way. I will look for the part now, or make one if I have some time. Not sure if I want to torch it and bend it back but that might be worth a try.

There are still two types of keys/locks in the collection of various ST1100 parts I have here, that I am certain of.
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My 91 and 97 have the same kind of latches. I am wondering if the previous owner of yours had one come off because it wasn't latched properly and tried to make something better.:03biker:
Just got this lefty on ebay last week. I am putting together a "spare set" of cases with some additional features, electronics and graphics, and already had a good right side case in hand.

I have it here on the bench preparing to drill out the rivets. That hook is one stiff object and I don't believe I could bend it back without breaking something.

A little heat from the torch might allow a shape-restoration job, and I will try that, but if it looks fatigued or cracked, forget it. Is there a PN for that part?

The bike it came from was in a deer incident. Rider OK, certain parts now on sale.
Ahh, interesting. When I needed to replace mine, I just replaced the lids, not the actual bag. That way, no lock issues, no connection issues.

Good luck, if I had a spare bracket I'd send it to you, but I'm fresh out!

BBob, I need to check my stash, but I might have a spare "hook". Let me know if you need it.

I had one straighten out a few years ago and did rebend it. Still holds okay.

I have a situation on STick right now. I broke the plastic tab behind the latching lock. Now the right bag will "unhook" itself on a rough road. I've ridden a bunch of miles in the past couple months without losing the bag but it's just a matter of time.
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I brought the hook up to a cherry red with the oxy-acetylene torch in a scene very much like the one to the left, and it looks ok now, but thank you for the offer.

Steel is a wonderful and plastic material, if you have heat.

Not sure what plastic tab behind the latching lock you are talking about? Is that on the case, or the bike? Are you talking about the web area behind and above the hook?

Hard to believe how strong these cases must be. No problem putting the subwoofers in these! BTW I have had my ST for a year now, and it is, by far, hands know the rest.

On the lookout for one with ABS while I do the "The Prisoner" themed customization for the present black 98. Pictures here
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bbob, george or anyone having trouble with the shutter or dust cap in the lock cylinders? two of mine have cracked and one of them fell into the cylinder and jammed it up. had to pic it out. Can they be replaced? Dealer says $20 a piece for cylinders but does'nt know if they are keyed to my code or not.
I have several broken dust caps on STick, due to a burglary attempt in 29 Palms a couple months ago. Caused me grief at Taos as 2 of the locks jammed up. That also caused the broken tab behind the right bag latch on the bike.

BBob, it's the plastic hook that holds the latch closed when the bag is _not_ on the bike. It also (apparently) provides some stability to the latch when the bag is _on_ the bike. I broke it trying to get the latch removed so we could dig that dust cap out.

MC Larry helped me disassemble that lock down to component parts to get the residue out, in the parking lot at Taos.
I have several broken dust caps on STick, due to a burglary attempt in 29 Palms a couple months ago. Caused me grief at Taos as 2 of the locks jammed up. That also caused the broken tab behind the right bag latch on the bike.

BBob, it's the plastic hook that holds the latch closed when the bag is _not_ on the bike. It also (apparently) provides some stability to the latch when the bag is _on_ the bike. I broke it trying to get the latch removed so we could dig that dust cap out.

MC Larry helped me disassemble that lock down to component parts to get the residue out, in the parking lot at Taos.

So george did you decide to leave the dust cap out or have you found replacements?
Ah, I know the part you mean. I guess if that if it's gone, there's nothing to stop the hook from sliding behind the latch in a big bump.

Somebody tried to steal your cases in Taos? Sorry to hear. I guess those punk thieves don't fear us nearly enough. Spread the word: I might not beat them up like a gang leader, but I can be real cranky, and repeat my old stories and make them real sorry.
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