Saturday Coffee/Weather

Good morning everyone

Thanks for the double shot, Peter and Dave. I'll have much of each, please.

It's 41°F and trying to be clear in Rockville- there's a very faint, thin veil of cloud overhead, giving the moon a vaguely fuzzy and unfocused appearance but not really obscuring it. The high will be 63, under partly sunny skies. I may break with my general principle and go for a walk on the goof course- something I generally avoid on the weekends, since (a) prices are higher, and (b) I try to leave the tee times available for those poor unfortunate working stiffs who can't play during the week.

Other than goof and uke practice, I have nothing planned for the day.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them. Do it NOW, today, because tomorrow may be too late.
Good morning all - Peter -thanks for the start!

26F here in the north of New Hampshire. Supposed to be heading to 56F under partly cloudy skies. We will see how accurate that set of guesses will be!

Snow piles are rapidly decreasing although the ones I packed with the tractor are hanging on for dear life! Even the mud is starting to firm up in places. Of course Mother Nature is fighting the change with a possible 3 inches forecast for Monday (Better than the 6-12 inches originally in the long range forecast a few days ago. )

Today will be mostly spent at the local range becoming certified as a Range Safety Officer.
This evening after class will likely be spent looking thru recipes in an attempt to find one or two that catch my fancy and will sustain me for the coming week. Hummm, chili seems to be floating around in my mind a bit.

Be safe, be careful and watch out for mud puddles on dirt roads - some of them will swallow a small car!

good morning all. thanks for the coffee Peter. 51F on the dog walk with clear sky and a bright moon with some stars here and there.
the Air Force base has an air show for today and tomorrow. its been some time since we went so I'm kind of pumped to see it. the weather is to be clear with a high of 84F. I better remember sun screen. enjoy the day.

stay safe
Good morning, and thanks for the coffee, Peter.

It's clear and 28 in MA, rising to 58, later.

I didn't do much more than bring Joe's potential new car to our mechanic, yesterday.

Today, I'll head over to my friend's restaurant for some maintenance, and then come on back home.
Joe is supposed to pick up his new car, and they say that they may stop by, afterward.
I've still got a few trim clips to install in the VFR's inner cowl, and with the warmer temperature, I may get to that.

Enjoy the day,
Mornin' from SoMD. I'm not supposed to be up this early, but everyone and everything else awake just needed my attention all at once.

36F/2C before the sunrise. First horse show of the year for the Mrs, so everything from last year has "gone missing". And of course the Prince and Princesses require feeding. With all settled and out the door, I can sip some coffee before I go play photographer at the show. It's really too early to try and assess all I'm going intending to do today....

Only thing I KNOW I'm doing is working a casino event tonight. Yes, I'm a dealer too. Craps is my specialty, but can deal the major casino games. No, not a real casino with real money...too much pressure. Entertainment companies bring in the tables for whatever event: company party, fundraising, bar/bat mitzvah, birthday, etc. It's fun and challenging though the many hours standing is decidedly not fun. Good shoes help. I don't do them as much these days as they are usually far away, but I sign up to keep in the loop.

Anyhow, have a good day and take care y'all!
Morning all and thanks Peter and Dave for the coffees.

Weather's a cloudy with some sun 9C. Clouds are scudding across the sky. Should reach 11 with all sun later on.

Today's agenda is go help my mom pack for her move. She's in a seniors place, but they told her her cat had to go, so she decided to move out to a newly constructed non seniors hi-rise. Her new place is 4x the rent. It's like having another kid. :)

@sah48 Scott, you could make up a, or some, shepherds pie. If you do one large, leftovers store well, or do multiples and freeze them.

@jdmccright be careful saying you're a dealer, as you might get deported. As for your specialty, who doesn't love a good crap.

Hope everyone has a great day, well other than JD. Hope his night is the crappiest it can be.

I have a lot of moose-burger in the freezer so shepard's pie and meatloaf are definitely in the running.
"Glop" might also be considered.... hamburg with onions, garlic and cream of mushroom soup which is then "glopped" over some form of noodles/pasta. (Named when my boys were little).
Porcupine balls are in the running too ... a meatloaf type of mixture with minute rice added, formed into small meatballs and simmered in tomato sauce ... served over rice or even mashed taters...

The possibilities are endless!
Never had porcupine. Heard it often tasted "piney."

Have used the quills many a time to pick my teeth. :rofl1:

Last year at WoodSToc, myself, @Happy Rob and the two Mrs.s stopped and picked up some quills from one that didn't make it across the road. Rob had it on his bucket list to get some to take home. They don't have porcupines in Newfoundland. Said he might adorn his wall with them.
Good morning, all, and thanks for the coffee and breakfast, Peter and Dave!

It's a lovely morning here, and it will stay sunny until about noon, when we get rain. That may or may not (40 to 60% chance) continue until around 7, when it may or may not turn to wet snow before stopping all together. Today's temps will range from the current -1°C/30°F to 9°C/48°F.

Not much on the agenda today, just stuff that falls into the "Can-Be-Done-While-Hobbling" category. Tomorrow I'll be attending a luncheon at someone's house with a bunch of linguists/translators/editors who are also very dear old friends and former colleagues. One of them is (finally) retiring from her job, and we'll be celebrating that as well. I'm very much looking forward to it, not only because this particular group is so dear to me, but also because I'm coming down with a rather bad case of cabin fever.

Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

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Good morning, Wide awake at 5 am, thanks to Dexamethasone yesterday, cancer clinic has some wicked drugs man. Some Airport tenant opened the gate for me,yah. So when I feel like seeing how my side cover repair works I can go when ever I feel like it . Have a good meeting with friends Patty, and thanks Peter and Dave for coffee and comics. Weather should be not so rough today,presently 4 C /39 F high 9 C/48 F.
Cloudy but dry till late tonight.Mild breeze from 233°SW at 4 mph. Have a good day Y'all,G
Morning all! Still dark here. The weather network says a mix of sun and cloud till midafternoon when the cloud takes over and rain arrives this evening. It's 2C now and we'll get up to 10C.

The plan is to try and unpack some more bins and maybe get some more grass cut. It may even turn out to be the case.

I've heard of people eating porcupine, quill this eating off the land fad never end?

I think a return to bed to see if I can grab a little more sleep would be a good start to the day, hope everyone has a great one!
I've said before, if you regularly wake up too early due to mind hamsters, you should consider getting a cat (bearing in mind of course, there's no such thing as a "free" kitten), but I'm contemplating retracting that statement. Wife's youngest, the obese little chonk that she is, woke me up at 10 till 7 this morning reminding me her bowl is empty. Well of course it is, you little bugger, because you always eat everything in sight.

I constantly have to remind her that breakfast isn't till SEVEN O'CLOCK! and no amount of whining, meowing, scratching, purring or rubbing on me is going to make me feed you one minute before then. But she still doesn't get it, no matter how often I tell her. Fer Pete's sake, there's even a clock on the wall across from her food bowl! Kaiser never bothers me or wakes me up to feed him, he knows I'll take care of him. Dumb cat. Even her 2 older brothers can't seem to get her to understand.

Meanwhile, and sorry for the rant,... thanks Peter and Dave for the wakey juice. 46 going to 70-something, or close enough. Warming all week, and no showers forecast. Well, no rain showers, anyway.

Today is my great nephew's first birthday, which seems odd. I mean, it's not like he's going to remember it. I think my nephew may be doing it for my wife, she's into being a great aunt. But my nephew and his lovely wife told her, if she doesn't stop bringing so many gifts for the boy, they're not going to let her in the house. She does go overboard. And its not like she ever buys ME any motorcycle parts, ever. Not even spark plugs or an oil filter.

Anyway, I'll turn my front wheel around, and get rid of that ABS error. Could throw some sawdust around and cut up d some of the down trees back in the back. Maybe i should find out what time this party is...

But before all that, another cup of coffee or 3.

Can't wait for our Southern warming. It's happening!

Y'all have a great Saturday. I'm not going in to work today.

EDIT: where's our picture of Norway today? @STooRay should be up by now.
Good morning all!
Thanks for the start Peter & Dave!

We’re on the count down, leaving North Fort Myers Tuesday morning.

My sister is wanting us to stop for a day or so, so we’ll still get to enjoy a bit more of the Florida sunshine!
56/78 F with a gentle S breeze.

Still no sign of Ray!
Is he ok? What is happening?
Ray, you are missed!

Enjoy your Saturday folks!
Thx Peterz and Dave for the double pepper upper!

Late to the party, I don’t have any excuse though, it’s just a very slow day.

12˚c/54f, 40mph wind, sunny. Too windy to be outside…

It’s our 39th wedding anniversary today.
I’ve bought flowers, and there will be sushi on the table later.

Have a good one!

From the summer archives……Østfold 2024

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