I've said before, if you regularly wake up too early due to mind hamsters, you should consider getting a cat (bearing in mind of course, there's no such thing as a "free" kitten), but I'm contemplating retracting that statement. Wife's youngest, the obese little chonk that she is, woke me up at 10 till 7 this morning reminding me her bowl is empty. Well of course it is, you little bugger, because you always eat everything in sight.
I constantly have to remind her that breakfast isn't till SEVEN O'CLOCK! and no amount of whining, meowing, scratching, purring or rubbing on me is going to make me feed you one minute before then. But she still doesn't get it, no matter how often I tell her. Fer Pete's sake, there's even a clock on the wall across from her food bowl! Kaiser never bothers me or wakes me up to feed him, he knows I'll take care of him. Dumb cat. Even her 2 older brothers can't seem to get her to understand.
Meanwhile, and sorry for the rant,... thanks Peter and Dave for the wakey juice. 46 going to 70-something, or close enough. Warming all week, and no showers forecast. Well, no rain showers, anyway.
Today is my great nephew's first birthday, which seems odd. I mean, it's not like he's going to remember it. I think my nephew may be doing it for my wife, she's into being a great aunt. But my nephew and his lovely wife told her, if she doesn't stop bringing so many gifts for the boy, they're not going to let her in the house. She does go overboard. And its not like she ever buys ME any motorcycle parts, ever. Not even spark plugs or an oil filter.
Anyway, I'll turn my front wheel around, and get rid of that ABS error. Could throw some sawdust around and cut up d some of the down trees back in the back. Maybe i should find out what time this party is...
But before all that, another cup of coffee or 3.
Can't wait for our Southern warming. It's happening!
Y'all have a great Saturday. I'm not going in to work today.
EDIT: where's our picture of Norway today?
@STooRay should be up by now.