Satdee coffay March 8th


Oct 22, 2019
East Coast Canada
24 GL1800 Tour DCT A
Hi all. How's it goin?

Better once you grab a cup or two of french roast I hope.

Sun's peeking over the horizon here, with a few clouds in the air. -6C headed to -3C. Yesterday's heavy rain turned or snow in the below freezing temps, and it's snow dusted out there; the earlier rain decimating the snow, but not effecting the ice. Lots of flooding and I'm certain the roads are dangerous. No need to be out, so inside I stay.

Hope everyone has a super day!

G'morning all, and thanks for the coffee, Obo!

We have cloudy conditions with sunny breaks this morning, but it'll be mainly cloudy for the rest of the day. -7°C/19°F with a feels-like of -16°C/3°F now, -4°C/25°F with a windchill of -12°C/10°F later. The wind seems to have died down a little - sure was howling yesterday and overnight.

Gotta go, things to do and people to see. Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

Good morning everyone

Thanks for the French roast Obo.

It's 42°F and mostly sunny in Rockville. Later on it'll be 47 with mostly sunny skies and a return of the blustery winds we've had for the past few days.

Yesterday's golf was enjoyable but not especially noteworthy from a results perspective. Later in the evening we joined the neighbors for a night out at a small wine-and-snacks café, where the music was being performed by friends and former colleagues of both neighbor ladies. It was a good mix of popular tunes (Eagles, Beatles, Three Dog Night, CSNY, CCR, that sort of thing) from the 60s and 70s. We've heard them play before and it's always enjoyable.

Not a lot planned for today, other than a social event late this afternoon where I'll be arm candy to Mrs. Fun.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
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Good Morning, and thanks for the coffee start, Obo.

It's partly cloudy and 34 in MA today, buy the Weather Underground predicts snow this morning, tapering off and becoming windy, later.
The temperature should rise to 37 with 25-35 mph winds with gusts to 40.

I visited my PSP, yesterday, and he had me test for flu, Covid and something else, all of which came out negative. So I guess it's just a cold. I seem to be caughing and draining less, so I'm hopeful that whatever it is is finally coming to a close.


I'll probably stay inside, and maybe visit one or two stores for a bit.

Enjoy the day,
Good morning, everyone. Thanks for the weekend coffee, Obo.

Currently 50 and clear, but still windy. High should reach 62.

Looks like a decent day for yard work. I haven’t walked to the back of my property since the heavy winds at the first of the week. I imagine I’ll have enough downed limbs to justify gassing up the chainsaw.

G'mornin y'all! I got to sleep until 7:32am! The one mutt tried to get me up at 6:15 but I said "no!" and rolled back over. Guess I told her! The French roast is delish, thanks Obo!

45F/7C here in SoMD and I think they said we'd hit into the 50s. Got the oil changed in the car yesterday. Time to summerize the winter eqpt and get the mowers ready for working...i flip those too. Gotta do what I can before the spring showers...err, storms arrive. Time to go make some sugar bacon and gather groceries. Also headed out to meet a guy with a parts 1100 I want a few bits off of it. Take care, y'all!
Hello and Good morning, weather same as yesterday's last post I made. Dark and Raining. Agenda, take car out of Tractor shop. Wife going to Ballet class, at 10 o'clock, quality "me time" for three hours, yeah! Maybe go shopping, eat my last sausage this morning,also should see if Auto parts store has a accessory serpentine belt for the Mazda, noticed cracking when I replaced the headlights. Speaking of cars anyone use Costco's 0/20 W engine oil 10 liter at 50 dollars was a good price, if it's good quality? Oh yeah thanks Obo for coffee and STinner for the cartoons, rest of you people's have a great day,G
good morning all. thanks for the coffee Obo. 47F on the dog walk with clouds so thick the moon was just a small glow spot in the sky. we did get some rain sometime last night the roads had puddles. funny how some are getting rain and others are dry. I'm about to break down and do a rain dance.
we will see how things go this morning as we are going to work on the trucks emergency brake today. got all parts and things we need (I think). the high temp for the day should be 63F and sunny. enjoy the day.

stay safe
Morning all! It's grey and wet out there. Rain forecast all day, there are scattered reports of another atmospheric river, guess we'll see. It's6 C out there with a predicted high of 10C.

Cleaning this morning in advance of my MIL's arrival, then shopping for groceries. I should take the young dog out for a good walk but am hesitant given the rain. It doesn't mix well with long shaggy coats. I expect the guilt will win out in the end and I'll be doing a load of towels in the laundry later as well :D .

I'm hoping to reduce some of the garage clutter at some point this weekend and continue the campaign to purge the junk collected over the years. At some point, a supply run to the office will be necessary for some pads and pens so I can continue to work from home. I know I should be doing more paperless stuff but old dogs....I might even take the bike to get the supplies and damn the rain, I have new rubber after all.

Edit: I just checked the Canada Post tracking number for the replacement cartridge for my airbag vest. It apparently arrived in Richmond BC (near the airport in Vancouver) Thursday evening but it's not going to get to me on the Island until Tuesday. How does that work? I guess it means that it will simply sit in Richmond over the weekend and then they'll move it over. Bah Canada Post....

Hope everyone has a great day!
Morning Obo & All from mostly sunny in Southern Utah!

Currently it is 39F, up from 26F and heading for a high of 48F. The winds are already blowing from the NE @ 7 to 14mph. The next couple of days should see us in the 60Fs.

I got back to the 2005 yesterday. Even got one of the heads off. I'll get back to it on Monday. And I got word, Partzilla has my parts on their way! :hat3:

Chris made some hot cereal and had some toast and OJ. Pepsi(s) to come later.

Anyone :bl13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
Good evening everyone!
Thanks for the hot start Obo!

We’ve been very civilized this weekend, even took in a dinner theatre today, we saw”Crazy for you,” fun show!

It’s getting closer to our Florida closeup time, then the trek back home.

Presently 75/91 F was our high, a beautiful day here in the neighborhood!
Thanks for the funnies Dave, but what happened to our hugs?
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