Well sad for me anyway. It was cold and rainy yesterday here in Illinois so I said I'll make myself useful and hibernate my bike. Rode it in the rain to fill her tank up with Shell gasoline and red stabil gas treatment. Got it back into the garage and tried 5 times to get it on the center stand before i was successful.... I was 45 Y.O when i bought the bike when I could get it up easily ( the bike im talking about here) damn i hate old age. Filled it up with my $58.00 dollar oil change kit of 4 QTs of Honda 10w 40 and a oem Honda filter. After checking my oil installation I took the battery out and wheeled it into the coroner of the garage. So now im left with driving my old Corolla down to my monthly RTE or is it DTE when I see my motorcycle friends that I visit a 100 miles away. These guys are tuff old birds as some ride all year long. So now begins the count down come on March.