Removed linked brakes?


Jul 12, 2018
I have been riding since 1969. In this time I have put over 136000 miles on my 1979 Triumph Bonneville and over 250000 on all the triumphs I have owned. Also countless miles on other brands motor cycles.

I have always completed all the maintenance and repair on my bikes. Even after crashing a few.

I picked up a 2005 ST1300 Honda from a friend that had some health issues and needed to down size his inventory. He rode this bike like he was 20 years old and stolen it. (He is 75 years old.)

His favorite thing to do was to allow some unsuspecting bullet bike riders to catch him and pass. This was on the twistiest roads you can find. Then jump on their tale all the way down the canyon. Until they give up and let him crews by. There has been more than one time that that black wing has been grinding on the ground as he cut around a corner.

There are more than a few in our riding group that are over 65 that will go just as fast. Most come from a racing back ground.

I have ridden the bike for a few hundred miles. Lately I have noticed that the rear brake is dragging. The owner told me he had just replaced the pads earlier in the year. The rear disk does get hot, I haven’t noticed the red hot disk that some have seen. After reading some posts it looks like rebuilding the caliper is what will fix the problem..

Some questions that I have are…

Has anyone ever tried to remove the linked system? Because this seems to be part of the issue.

I talked to a Honda mechanic that had success with similar Honda braking systems on other models.

If so does it affect the antilock brakes? Never had them haven’t ever needed them.

Best place to get rebuild kits?

Any other information or point me in the correct direction would be appreciated.
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Welcome to the forum and congrats on the :dr13:

As for the linked system, you'll find that leaving them linked works best. But your rear calipers dragging is probably due to the SMC needing rebuilt or replaced. And depending on the maintenance he did for the rest of the brakes, a good flushing will probably be in order.

Search this site for the SMC and you will find all the info you need on these brakes systems.
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Welcome aboard fellow STer. Congrats on the new ride. A wealth of knowledge awaits you on this forum. Great folks.
The previous owner was a tip top mechanic, especially with Hondas. SMC seems to work well enough. I also have flushed the system quite well.
Check to see if the caliper is straight and the sliding pins are not misthreaded. That was my problem. If not yours, try cleaning pistons with shoelace. If not helping, bleed system again. If unsuccessful, I'd take the caliper off to see if it needs a rebuild.
Just fix the brakes. There is an absolute load of information here for doing that. There is no rationale for delinking them IMHO.

The linked brakes on the ST1300 are very good and operate more or less transparently allowing very deep trail braking during aggressive riding and also allow delicate use in low speed maneuvering. They are not tolerate of neglect or half-measures servicing however and since the bike is capable of logging very high mileage there comes a time when those two bugabears can cause problems however the system is easily set to right again.
JBS, I can see the point to your question. If you don't want linked CBS/ABS why have the hassle of maintaining what can be a tyresome system. I spoke to a bloke on the channel tunnel last year who claimed to have removed his on a ST13, from what I remember amongst the clickety clacking he had removed his CBS but not ABS, although I can't verify if he had or how he did it. Interestingly Techy Tone posted earlier today he is getting on with his transformation from a Non ABS to a full CBS/ABS. It seems some want it and some don't.
Good luck with sorting it.
Thanks for the information/ directions. Just what i was looking for.
When I found out that the brakes were dragging I did get the pads pulled away from the disk. and then only used the front brake after that.
I did this several times. The out come of this is the rear brake started dragging again. Witch confused me until I red about the linked system. However could not figure out if it was the caliper or the linked system locking up the rear wheel.
At the moment there is 12 motorcycles in the garage with no room to do anything and 6 inches of new snow out side with more to come.
The work will have to be postponed untill the snow melts and space can be made to work on anything.
Thanks again and any more information will be appreciated.
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