Passenger Backrest for stock seat question

May 28, 2009
Sacramento CA
1999 ST1100
I have a stock seat on my 1999 ST1100 and want to put a backrest for my wife on the back. Is this an accessory I can just get from the local Honda dealership? Can I, or do I have to, find a third party that sells a back rest? I don't want an ugly mounting bracket sitting just behind my seat as I don't use a top trunk. Maybe I'll get a top trunk that will also serve as a backrest if I can find one that looks good on a black ST.
There is a honda backrest. They come up here every now and then and on ebay. New they are pretty expensive or were. I don't know if they are still made. They bolt up to the 4 bolts that hold on the grab rails on the tail. Then there is the top box option. My Givi has a back rest pad. I really like the top box. I use it all the time. Because I commute to work pretty much every day on the ST I toss in my lunch and shoes in the top box. It is easier to get in it than the saddle bags I think.
Wow - within 10 minutes of posting folks are already helping me out - thanks. I liked the looks of the one on the bike for sale on ebay. I guess I'll try searching there every now and then.
Here are some better pics of the Hondaline Backrest made for the ST1100...



Little pouch thingie on the back....

New they sold for around $325 or so.

If you can't find one, let me know and I can make a replica. You'll just have to get the pad portion someplace. Maybe from Spencer?
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