No more ethanol free gas in lower mainland [BC]

As a mechanic I remember when the fuel changed over, the biggest problem I had was the cleaning of the fuel system by the ethanol plugging up the filters as stated above. Most of the time in the FI engines the filter plugged because they are more aggressive filters to protect the injectors. In carbureted engines the filters tend to be more like screens and pass some of the contaminates which gums up the works. Also as stated above once the tank and lines are clean the problem goes away.
What I found beneficial was a step up on the jetting helped with cold weather lean condition which happens because carbs are only controlled by air velocity and ethanol runs slightly lean, unlike FI which monitors exhaust O2 levels and corrects it by adding more fuel.
Now the engine are designed for it so that went away. Us old hot rodders generally know how to tune the old stuff so we go by how it runs or dyno it somewhere
I have personally had no problem with fuel over the winter on anything I stored inside, My mowers are outside under a cover and I typically have to drain the carb every spring. But I live in mild weather area so my conditions are nothing like the rest of the world. Sta-Bil is a fine product that works as advertised.
I pretty much gave up on trying to deal with ethanol by additives because I tend to be lazy.
The biggest drawback has been on the much older engines that don't have hard valve seats and acquire valve recession into the head I have pulled old heads with the valve almost a 1/8 inch lower that took up the play in the lifter and burned the valve. The newer engines all have hard seats in them and many are aluminum so there isn't any choice but to use them.
One thing I have to say is on the cars in the 50s and into the 70s the engine almost always needed a valve job at around 60 or 70 thousand miles, that is gone. Seeing a oil burner was common at the bottom of a hill when the guides were leaking ( I have had them) Plus anything over a hundred thousand mile was something to be nervous about buying.
Now when the engine wears out the rest is pretty much gone too. Sometimes with decent maintenance over two hundred thousand miles isn't uncommon. Also the mileage is way more than I would have excepted it to be when I was younger.
Now off my soap box!!!!!!!!! My wife tells me to stop by whacking me upside of the head, most of the time it works.
It's not farmers that is issue. It is the middleman food-processors such as ConAgra and ADM that's driving it. They pay farmers peanuts and make HUGE profits turning corn into HFCS and ethanol.
Humans eat a different type of corn, sweet corn.
Based on a couple of articles that I have read it wasn't an issue of corn that previously went to human consumption being redirected to ethanol production, as in human grade corn being wasted on ethanol. It was a matter of farmers dedicating ever increasing amounts of land to the production for corn used to produce ethanol because substantial government subsidies made this choice more lucrative than producing corn for human consumption. Since there is only so much land available for corn production, the more of it that is used for ethanol production reduces the potential available for human consumption. As corn was a large part of the effort to feed starving populations along with things like rice and grains, this had a negative impact on these efforts.

True or not?
I find it increasingly difficult to accept at face value any news report that I see. Most seem increasingly superficial and often lack any depth or proper context- the era of the 15 second sound-bite. Researching everything going in the world one's self is not feasible, there just isn't that much time available unless one is interested in very little. Sometimes I just have to accept what is presented.
Based on a couple of articles that I have read it wasn't an issue of corn that previously went to human consumption being redirected to ethanol production, as in human grade corn being wasted on ethanol. It was a matter of farmers dedicating ever increasing amounts of land to the production for corn used to produce ethanol because substantial government subsidies made this choice more lucrative than producing corn for human consumption. Since there is only so much land available for corn production, the more of it that is used for ethanol production reduces the potential available for human consumption. As corn was a large part of the effort to feed starving populations along with things like rice and grains, this had a negative impact on these efforts.

True or not?
I reject believing solely "what is presented." One can research a single or a few issues of interest or importance.

If this is true then the shift to away from fossil fuel will render it of less consequence over time. Or maybe Ukraine's grain will once again ship freely out of Black Sea ports to developing countries. Is it a moral issue to help reduce world hunger by supporting a return to freedom of commerce in the Black Sea? The US may experience winds of political change or sudden fiscal reality of unsustainable deficient spending that reduce or eliminate farm subsidies. What is true today may be of less consequence in a short time.
problem with opinions is they take on a one or the other instead of maybe both are part of the bigger picture. It is really beneficial to take everything into consideration. This is what a discussion should be. Not a confrontation where each person backs into opposing corners
One can research a single or a few issues of interest or importance.
You are absolutely correct, this is more than possible on a single or a few specific issues as you stated. I wasn't referring to this specific issue, or any few specific issues however. I meant that in a more general sense, over a wide variety of issues, I can not do this on a perpetual basis on everything that is presented by various news sources on an on-going basis. A person would have to have a rather narrow focus of interest on only a few issues or spend a horrendous amount of time researching due to the time involved in doing that research.

As an example of what I meant with that comment;
I am one who watches my local and the international newscasts pretty much everyday because I like to be what I think is at least reasonably informed, or at least not completely ignorant. It is impossible for me to self-research and fact-check the volume of information that is presented to me on a daily basis. Doing so would mean that either I have an extremely narrow field of interest in an extremely small number of issues, or that I spend all of my time in front of a computer researching. The first option would render me highly knowledgeable in extremely few topics to the exclusion of everything else. This, in my opinion, is just a different form of ignorance. As the old saying goes, a specialist knows more and more about less and less. The second option, spending that much time in front of a computer, is not a life that I relish living.

The reality is that I may not believe everything that is presented to me, but at the same time I don't have the resources to research every issue that peaks my interest to my satisfaction. It is to big of a world with to many wondrous things happening in it to spend that much time in front of a computer.
To be clear, My intention was not a criticism in anyway shape or form. I have been guilty...guilty.... guilty of doing exactly the thing I mentioned, that is what passion and involvement is.
One thing it took me ages ( I am older whether I like it or not ) to figure out. The talking heads have to keep the stories short or end up with a longer news special at every story. Most real journalists do the best they can. With the internet it is possible to research what you find interesting.
My story is more observing myself than anybody else. I too have run into news stories that don't match what really is the best angle of the story. Especially when I am close to the story.
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