Thanks for the required starter fluid
@Obo , I too am "just getting started", and I'm on my third.
In keeping with Keith's morning musical melody for a Monday, earlier an old Jackson Browne tune popped in my head (and boy, is Jackson looking old these days), "I got no reason to feel this good..." Except Saturday I went to a second cousin's funeral, he was 71 and I only found out about it from one of his brothers who posted it on farcebook, I hadn't seen Marshall in quite a few years, maybe at my grandmother's funeral? And yesterday i visited a dear friend in the hospital who was having random memory lapses, he's 83 but otherwise in great health.
So in reality, I actually DO have a reason to feel this good. I'm not in the hospital and I'm not in the ground. And that's a damn fine start. How 'bout y'all?
I'd like to know who i can talk to, to get back that hour that was stolen from me over the weekend. A perfectly good 60 minutes that I no longer have, to waste. Pfffttt. Lock the clocks!
Saturday I got about sawing up that tree that fell 2 or 3 weeks ago, made 5 or 6 cuts and dang if that little e-clip didn't fly off again, losing the tiny roller bearing cage in the clutch basket again. So this is the 3rd or 4th time now, and as I don't have any spare bearings, it brought the chainsawdust operation to a full stop. The e-clip is the same as a c-clip / circlip that we've all seen, and works the same way... this ain't rocket surgery, and it's simple enough to make sure it's on properly, which I have been sure to do. A call to some tractor stores and Stihl dealers to get some ideas what's up. It ain't right, I tell ya.
First world problems, I reckon. If I had started Saturday with my axe, I would still be working on it, if I could even swing it for that long, which is nigh impossible due to a years-long absence of such activities.
Well I may have lost an hour of time to waste, but I'm working on wasting what time I have left. That's all the wasting for now, as it's time to take Kaiser to work now.
Find some reason to feel good today, eh?