Monday morning, you sure look fine...


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Jan 15, 2020
Birmingham, Alabama
2008 ST1300A
Are you kidding me? How can I possibly be the first one here with coffee? Plenty of Black Rifle - no decaf- in the kitchen.
Monday morning was supposed to look fine, but somehow the rain can after dark and stayed all night.
Might check in again later, but it guess I'd better make way for the REAL morning folks, or Joe will have to start merging threads again...
Hear the thunder?
Wake up, sleepy heads and slackers!
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Wow, Mark, who'd a thunk it? Good on you, pulling your weight.

I've been up over 2 hours, but don't usually post until I get to work.

Morning all, and thanks for the coffee.

Clear and cold, with a crescent moon in the sky. -9/-13 is the temp, headed towards 1/-3. Warnings in effect for overnight, with freezing rain and up to 15cm of snow. Winter's not ready to concede yet, without a few more jabs. It's not uncommon though, so we'll just push on thru I guess.

Hope everyone has a great day.

good morning. thanks for the coffee Sadlsor. 61F on the dog walk with clear sky and plenty of stars to view and enjoy. got gym this morning with nothing much to do in the afternoon. they are saying 87F for the high. maybe I need to give the A/C unit the once over to make sure its ready for summer. enjoy the day

stay safe
"A day without coffee is like...
(just kidding; I've no idea... :coffee:)"



Monday... yuch... :cautious:
9°/17°C today... despite the issued "rain warning" ze GF took the NT for commuting...
I dropped my trusty Toyota off at the w/shop... got a Yaris as rental... about the size of a pothole-filling... feels like driving a helmet... ;)

The rain warning was correct, downpour just started... will see if it eases up in the afternoon...

Office, typing offers, quotations, updating product prices...

gotta go, have a bright day!
Thx Mark!

7˚c/45f, overcast, 25mph wind, rain later.

Yesterdays performance went well, no major errors on my behalf.

Today I’m bicycling half an hour to meet up with my older sister, who is visiting a friend on the island.
She won’t come to our house because my brother is planning on turning the home we grew up in, into apartment buildings, destroying the nature and landscape of the farm, and it’s right next to my house…wanker!

Have a good one!

From the archives…….someplace near Byrkjedal

Good morning, and thanks for the coffee, Mark.

It's cloudy and 34, becoming rainy and rising to 44.

Yesterday's track training was okay-ish. Mostly a rehash of things we already know, and slanted toward SCCA. I've got no interest for flagging for SCCA, so I needed to "read between the lines", so to speak.

Today, I'll head out for a haircut, swing over to my friend's restaurant, and maybe the gym.
This might also be a range day.

Enjoy the day,
Good morning, all. Thanks for the coffee, Mark.

Last evening, we had about 10 minutes of weather, which dropped about 1” of rain along with 1/2” of pea sized hail. The front moved out as quickly as it came in.

Today is mostly sunny, starting at 53, and ending up with 67.

Erf. Yawn. Erf.

Wake up, sleepy head and slackers!

Awwwwww Mom, I don't wanna get up. Wah wah wah...

Thanks for the coffee, Mark.

It's a cloudy 47°F in Rockville with chances of rain for a couple hours either side of noon, and a high around 65. I'll spare you roughly 3,000 words of descriptive prose:




After a year and a half, perhaps as much as 21 months, of procrastination on my part I finally managed to connect with our back-fence neighbor yesterday for a conversation about the need to replace a part of said fence. It's our fence and our responsibility but it's quite close to the property line in some places. We've been advised that a retaining wall is needed, or we'll continually face erosion problems and constantly-shifting / leaning fence posts.

It's possible that at one end the wall may encroach on the neighbor's yard and we wanted to be sure that he didn't have a problem with that, and also to get his agreement on where we believe the property line is located. It's shown on the City and County websites as a straight line; the existing fence line is a very shallow asymmetrical "V" with the point facing our house and the tips of the arms lying on or very close to the line. Another neighbor had a survey done 15 or 16 years ago, so we have a reliable marker at that end. On the opposite end, where the new section of fence will go, we're assuming that another fence post is a reasonable indicator

We also wanted his permission to allow the work crews to access the site through his yard, as there's no easy way to get to it from our side. As an incentive to get his okay for all of that, we've told him that the "good" side of the fence will face him (it'll be a wood fence similar to this style:

His side will have the posts concealed by the fence boards. We did the same thing a few years ago when we replaced a split-rail fence with this same style, along about 2/3 of the same property line. We also let him know that the retaining wall (varying height due to terrain slope, but probably 3 to 4 feet) will most likely be timber rather than masonry, although that decision will only be finalized once we've talked to the contractors who will actually do the work.

No matter the material, at least one tree will have to come out; it's a tree without particular woodland beauty although it does provide lovely shade on our hardscaped area so that'll be a bit of a loss but it's clearly on our side of the presumed line so it's ours to deal with.

That's probably a lot more detail than you needed but that's the way I roll... :)

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them. Do it NOW, today, because tomorrow may be too late.
Good morning, all, and thanks for getting things rolling, Mark!

It may be spring, but it's a cold, wintry morning here; -3°C/27°F with a feels-like of -10°C/14°F as I type. It's been snowing lightly all morning and it will snow harder shortly. The precip will stop for a couple of hours at some point, and then it will start up again as rain as we reach the forecast high of 6°C/43°F with a windchill of 2°C/36°F. The rain will fall for several hours. So it's going to be a messy, sloppy day. @Andrew Shadow is taking me to the clinic to have my bandages changed this morning, so I won't have to limp around in th snow. Many, many thanks, my friend!

Have a good one, everybody. Stay safe and go safely.

I'm here, I'm here. Another sleep interrupted by Princess #2. I swear I could turn off all of my alarms and just rely on that's dog's bladder. Broke out the big mug for Monday's joe, so thanks for filling it up...twice!

Today is WFH. So, that with a few other distractions smattered in, which reminds me to clean up my desk of said distractions so I can work.

And whatever I said I'd do yesterday...I didn't. Ended up pulling a trash can's worth of weeds while the sod was still soft from the last rain. I keep telling myself that pulling then out gets the roots too so they don't come back...but they do. At least the ones I get only look big and daunting but pull up easy in the soft dirt. Anyhoo, my back wouldn't let me get them all but I got the worst of it. A little more rain today will keep things soft to go back later and finish it this week.

Welp, I can't think of anything else and my distracted Monday mind isn't helping, so I'll just end it now and say take care y'all!
Morning all! It is a wet rainy grey day out there which made the ride in a bit interesting but overall, I didn't hit many lights and traffic was lighter, likely due to March Break, so I'm going to count it a win. It's currently 8C with a predicted high of 11C.

Can't really recall what I got up to yesterday but I know I sure felt busy. One part I do remember was making stew in the crockpot for dinner. Enough was made that it'll be dinner tonight as well so no need for the normal "What do you want to have? What have we got in?" dance with my wife. There's something relaxing about puttering away in the kitchen with the tunes going, especially if there's no need to resort to the first aid kit.

Keith, that's quite an undertaking, what ever the best choice is, I'm sure you'll picket. Keep us posted....

Hope everyone has a great day, even if it's all a crock!
Good morning, thanks Mark for coffee and starting the club this cold wet morning, well 9 C/48 F isn't that cold really, but puddles at the Air Park are almost big enough to get a float plane off the ground. Been raining a lot for this time of year. Any way, another CT scan today at 2:45 pm checking my sinuses and lungs, on a previous CT scan of My stomach area my family doctor saw a spot on my right lung. So she prescribed antibiotics for pneumonia. Hopefully that got rid of the spot, will find out I guess. I have no pain breathing maybe just a computer blich. Made a little progress on organizing my tool boxes , and fixed the broken drawer on my dad's tool box, which I have decided to keep, It was my dad's do I need to say anything more? Well have a good day y'all, G
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