Wanted Looking for Lower Mainland Parts

Looking for parts in the lower mainland; need a couple muffler gaskets and band clamps.
I wouldn't consider either one of those items particularly viable as used parts purchases. I would go the easy route and just order them from a Honda dealer.
Hope my post doesn't get moved to another forum or deleted,
Why would it- Have you been a bad boy around here?
I wouldn't consider either one of those items particularly viable as used parts purchases. I would go the easy route and just order them from a Honda dealer.

Why would it- Have you been a bad boy around here?
Easy route is $120 through Honda. Might see if I can put a stop on the order I placed yesterday at Honda since seeing those posted by Obo [thanks!]. My luck I'll be in more trouble :rolleyes-2x:

Might have to go back and reacquaint myself with the rules... :wine2:


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I bought these clamps from Amazon.ca based on an exhaust thread here in the forum.

Worked great, and only $16.00


I can't help with the gaskets as mine were OK.
Thanks for the tip, [edited] I went ahead and ordered a four pack for $45.00 Canadian. Once I slip off the mufflers I'll try to measure the dimensions of the gaskets.
I wonder how many bikes are running hot for leakage at those gaskets or the cross over connection.
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When you put the clamps on, the driver side one needs to be rotated a bit to clear the center stand foot lever, if I recall correctly. I didn't notice it the 1st time as the bike was on said center stand, and only noticed when I went to take it off the stand.
IIRC, the muffler gaskets last a long long time and mine refused to come out of the pipe when I removed the muffler. Removing them later for replacement destroyed both. They are soft, so be careful if you end up buying new ones.

Ron Ayers shows them costing $25 USD each (18391-ML0-003). It might be worth a phone call to a dealer in the Seattle area and price them, you are not a long ride from there.
Left side gasket came out with the muffler; right side remains in the pipe. Measurements are gasket OD, two gasket measurements ID, and pipe OD measurement.
Thought I'd double check all the dimensions [of course after ordering the clamps] it looks like a 1.75" has a range to 59 mm. I'm measuring shy of 57 mm pipe OD [two ways] so I'd be at the bitter end of the clamp range.

If I had to guess, new gaskets would measure 48 mm ID, 54 or 55 mm OD, and about 32 mm [1 1/4"] long. Can't find any that size on amazon so might be Ron Ayers or someone that ships to Canada.


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S.C.I. sold them for far less than Honda.
Have a look at the below post from another member. You might have to ask @Bmacleod what the S.C.I. part number is because his link no longer works. There are quite a few exhaust gaskets listed on their site for Honda but I don't know which one fits the ST1300. Maybe he can tell you and save you the research.

Alternate exhaust gaskets from S.C.I..
I was able to use the link from a 2022 post on that link through Bing browser. Came up with what I think is the correct part. Drop down menu shows the gasket works for many models by specific year including almost [if not] all ST1300s.
Ordered a couple gaskets and a rear caliper rebuild kit which turns out is same part no for blackbird if I don't need it.
Thanks for the link to that thread, wow talk about great looking exhaust of a bike after 60,000 miles, and reusing the clamps! I've only got 45,000 km / 27,000 miles and one of mine tore off.
Sounds like there is a difference in length; mine are certainly 1 1/4 or 32 mm.
What P/N did you order from S.C.I?
The ones that I saw on the S.C.I. site that were listed for the ST1300 referenced Honda part numbers that are different than the part numbers listed by Honda.
[Al] Thanks for the offer, check your messages I sent you a message couple weeks back, can't find your number. I've got a four pack of 1.75 ISPINNER clamps en route, so yeah, I'll probably be selling or giving those along with a couple of complimentary cross over gaskets before long.
I probably don't need the gaskets, I removed both of my mufflers and they look good at this point but thought I'd have them on hand at restart in case there's any leaks.
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