Laminar Melts gauge surround....'97 1100


Celebrating flatulence daily
Nov 21, 2005
Parker, CO
'06 ST1300A
So I've got the laminar lip on my stock shield ('97 1100) and I've noticed the gauge surround is starting to melt right below the temp gauge...has this happened to anyone else? I think when the sun hits it at a certain angle it creates an intense magnification of the sun and literally melts the plastic...guess I need to start putting a towel between the shields when I park it at work?
There have been a few posts at about this same thing. It's related to the stock windshield itself not the laminar lip.

I've never had the problem, but I always leave my helmet stacked up between the bars which sheilds the gage set.
My dash was branded the first year I had the bike. I took it to the dealer and after a few conversations, Honda replaced the dash under warranty. BUT, Honda said they would not replace it again unless I kept the bike covered...what a bunch of cr@p. I did cover the windshield with an old tee shirt, but I decided later that was beginnig to become too much like work, so I covered the whole bike :confused:. Now the whole bike won't melt :D.

It has something to do with the time of the year and the angle of the sun as it relates to which direction (north, south...) you park the bike. At least that is the BS I got from mother Honda.

The tee shirt thing did help to keep it clean :rolleyes:.
My '03 branded... it's just the way it is. The angle of the shield in correlation to the sun, typically later in the day, will do it. That's one reason why you see so many guys put their jackets over their shields. It's just the nature of the BeaST. Most don't ever see this happen, some do..

I have a laminar lip on my '08 and I've yet to see any dash branding but it does take just the right angle of the shield as well as the sun before it will happen.
I appreciate the replies...I first noticed it when I parked with my back to the west...and in Denver, the sun is now I park with my back to the east and it's still there but worse...time for a properly placed rag...
Interesting - I have this same "characteristic" on my gauge surround and thought it might have been due to some cleaning chemical applied along the way (I am not the first owner). I'll have to keep a closer eye on this thread and my dash to see what develops.
suppose to happen around two oclock in the afternoon...the sun hits the shield at a certain angle and it acts like a magnifying about this somewhere about two years ago.
my windshield has never been clean enough to have these issues


The cut angle at the top of the shield is facing the back of the bike so it stays pretty clean...
That cut edge acts like a magnifying lens would to focus and 'brand' the dash.

But I agree with your washing technique! :)

A friend with a Wing and aftermarket windshield had significant branding. Looks like someone placed a lighted cigar on his dash and let it burn. He now places his jacket over the bars.
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