Knock sensor connector

Aug 30, 2020
My 2002 build st1300 has the rather heat damaged right hand side knock sensor wire that is fairly common. I intend to replace the wire and connector - which may well be fragile and crispy- without replacing any loom. I will just source a new connector before I start.

So does the connector at the knock sensor end have a type name that will make sense to a honda car dealer?

I will splice into the original wire, rather than go loom diving.
Many thanks.
Not sure about that specific connector, but the term Hitachi Connectors has been used before to describe a number of these quick connect terminals. I use the word 'quick' advisedly, since some can take you a long time to figure out what to press or pry up to separate the two halves (specifically the ones for the radiator's fans).
I don't know about the connector but Honda automobile P/N 30531-P8F-A00 is a knock sensor wiring sub-harness from Honda automotive. It is a short harness that has the connector to the knock sensor at one end and the connector that mates to the engine harness on the other. The knock sensor connector is supposed to be the same one as is used on the ST1300. It is not a very expensive part so simply cut the engine side connector off and splice it in to your existing harness. The other end simply plugs in to the knock sensor.

Above information comes from @skipcurt in this thread- Knock Sensor Connector.
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D'ont know how I missed that thread in my search.... many thanks for pointing me to it.
Good stuff. I hope you found the right one. Keep us informed about what you receive, and whether or not it fits - that sort of information is invaluable for anyone with the same problem in the future.
Will do jfh. I will talk to a honda car dealer about that part no. 30531 -P8F-A00 .Thanks for your input.
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I will go with the andrew shadow post recommendation above, and talk to a honda car dealer about that part no. From his thread part number 30531 -P8F-A00 worked well.

This is not from my thread. I have never replaced this connector so only know what I have read on this forum.

I took the information from @skipcurt as he reported in this post- Knock Sensor Connector.
I am pretty sure that if there was a problem with the connector he would have reported back about it. I didn't see where he did so I think that we can be confident that it works.
I don't know about the connector but Honda automobile P/N 30531-P8F-A00 is a knock sensor wiring sub-harness from Honda automotive. It is a short harness that has the connector to the knock sensor at one end and the connector that mates to the engine harness on the other. The knock sensor connector is supposed to be the same one as is used on the ST1300. It is not a very expensive part so simply cut the engine side connector off and splice it in to your existing harness. The other end simply plugs in to the knock sensor.

Above information comes from @skipcurt in this thread- Knock Sensor Connector.
D'ont know how I missed that thread in my search.... many thanks for pointing me to it.
I found this. It looks similar, but who knows ?

That is indeed the same exact part. Bought it over the counter at my local Honda auto dealership. I have had it on my bike since that thread date with no further issues. Obviously that's not what fixed the problem. I apologize for my tardiness. I was on 3 day road trip this past weekend to Key West, FL while it was still cool enough to enjoy the ride.

Thanks for your useful input skipcurl, and no need to apologise for goodness sake !!! :) , I am just glad that you are enjoying life .
I am very envious of your trip, I and 60 million others are in our third lockdown here , probably until the end of Feb. ....
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