Jammaman 2022-02-02

From John Smick (SourKraut):

Doug Mills (Jammaman) lost his fight this morning.

Prayers to his family!

I'm sure everyone that knew him could relate a funny story. I know I have many. I can't remember where the location was that I first met Doug but I know it was an immediate affection. Thinking it may have been one of the DinkieSTOCs. Doug wore pajamas all weekend and to this very day his tradition continues in my household. Doug never had a problem making conversation. He was certainly articulate. I only knew him for a relatively short time but he made it sound like he worked hard and played hard in his younger years.

I remember going to NatSTOC and Doug was there as well. For the ride home we planned to ride together with a few others. I always had ants in my pants on the morning of departure anywhere I went. In the wee hour of the morning I got out of my tent only to see Doug sitting in his camp chair right beside his Goldwing full clothed in ATGATT. He didn't want to miss the departure, I guess. His tent and other items were packed in a long tubular bag he called the "Big Green Weeny" and strapped to his bike. On the ride home we stopped in a very small town and found a diner. Doug ordered breakfast fit for a king. We left there and got back on the road. We had to stop shortly after again for a "break." Doug got off of his Wing and headed for a tree in the yard of the rest stop. He had had his stomach stapled in an effort to control his weight. Apparently his king size breakfast was more that the staples could handle so he offloaded that breakfast. When he stood up, his comment, which I can't remember exactly what it was, had me rolling in laughter.

God bless you, Doug!
This news makes me terribly sad, of course, but I'm also glad his suffering has come to an end.
Condolences to his family and loved ones. Doug, I hope there's some great riding wherever you're going.

Wow!! Hard to imagine that he is gone. Doug was a great guy and we will miss him and his humor. Prayers to his family at this tough time.
I only met Doug once, at Ferrystoc, but he was the kind of person that you’ll never forget.

RIP Doug.
So sorry to read of his passing, was always a great person to sit and tell stories with and a great potato chip holder.
I think that I first met Doug at the Moonshine Farm. That was also the year that I met Ron (Skidlid) and Sourkraut. I think it was Saturday morning after a rather fun filled night that Doug and I started conversing. Ron, Doug and I had all tented in the same local area of the camp. Doug is just laughing about Ron and his previous night's sleep pattern. I had a snoot full so I crashed just a little bit before they did and I missed the laughter and antics. This particular night was the one that Dinkie, Ron and others were singing the "Rodeo Song" at volume for quite some time. It was memorable. Poor Sourkraut came flying out of his tent that night when Dinkie decided to start the tractor that the tent was set in front of. It was certainly an event full of laughter and characters that year.

According to Doug, whose tent was next to Ron's, after Ron got into his abode he started a regular routine for quite some time that caused Doug to laugh many times over. Doug tells me the story the next morning as we watch Ron suffering an obvious hangover that won't shake easily.

Doug: "Did you hear that guy there in his tent last night? (slightly points to Ron) He almost had me pissing my pants I was laughing so hard at how drunk he was."

Me: "No, I missed it. I zonked out pretty fast last night."

Doug: "I listen to him get into his tent and settle in and then I hear a laughing giggle, "OMG, I'm so f***'ing drunk!" Then, he starts singing that Rodeo Song again in his tent, at volume. "Well, it's forty below and I ain't got a truck and I don't give a **** and I'm off to the Rodeo." And then that transferred over to all out loud snoring as he passed out from his alcohol. That guy snored so loud that he woke himself up, claims while laughing, "OMG, I'm so F'ing DRUNK!" and starts singing that song AGAIN! And again, he passes out, wakes, giggles, curses, sings, passes out and repeats the cycle numerous times. I was having a ball in my tent listening to this guy and having the time of my life this weekend! Are all these events this much fun?"

Me: Every event is different but we always have laughs and memories of good times.

Thanks, Doug. That was a great way to start off the AM. I've never forgotten that little treasure in the memory bank. We sure shared some laughter over the years. I was always glad that we had had the chance to meet and spend some time together. After all, that's what it's all about. Laughter and memories. Rest peacefully, sir.

Pensive in thought during a Crazy Rummy game at the coldest of the OzarkSTOC events.
Thanks for that memory, Randy. I wasn't at Moonshine but I remember Doug telling that story. Knowing the characters, I can see it happening like I was there.

I wish I knew exactly what was going on when you took that picture at OzarkSTOC. We played a bunch of card games while watching it snow and sleet. Sure glad Tom rented the cabin so we had a place to hang out. That is one of my most memorable events and almost positive that's the last time I saw Doug.

Doug was good for many laughs. I am constantly amazed how one motorcycle brought so many characters together from all over North America if only for a brief time. Doug and so many others are missed these days but one thing is for sure.....when they are thought of they bring a smile to your face followed by great memories.
This particular night was the one that Dinkie, Ron and others were singing the "Rodeo Song" at volume for quite some time. It was memorable. Poor Sourkraut came flying out of his tent that night when Dinkie decided to start the tractor
Oh lordy yes… I was there, my firST Moonshine, JimSTer talked me into going down and to the farm. Crazy memories. What a hoot. Spent some quality time with Doug… and many others.

Requiescat In Pace, Doug.

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