It's On. Monday 6 January coffee and weather


Still above the sod
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Jan 8, 2015
Rockville, MD, USA
Bikeless (9/29/2019)
What's on is the predicted snow event. It began around 0130 local time and may continue for 24 hours or so. We've already got a couple inches of accumulation with many more to come.

What's not on yet, and I stress the word yet, is the coffee. I'll get to that presently but in the meantime I'm going to go back to bed, leaving a carafe of virtual coffee ☕️ behind for you to enjoy while I nap.

It's 25°F in Rockvill and snowing fine white crystals quite steadily. I'll have to move many of them before the day is done.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
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Good morning and thx Keith!

0˚c/32f, gale, snow event on it’s way. Schools closed.
The portion of my driveway which was not cleared yesterday, is now lost for a few days, it’s solid ice.

An interesting slippery walk awaits, and then some cooking.

Have a good one!

From the summer adventures……Hardangervidda…..
"Virtual" my aunt Fanny! I need proper coffee and I need it now!
I spose the Italian Dark Roast will do.
That's better.
Snow you say, our couple of inches sorted itself out, no intervention was required. Today is a "wintry mix, cold and windy in the NE", in short, winter.
It won't be an outside day, thank the lord, there is a god. But some'at or t'other will come along, as they do. I was thinking of uke practice but that would be a hard sell to Er'Indoors, mainly because I haven't got the required basis of such an endeavour, the uke.
All you travelling around be careful out there, it's slippy thee knoost. The latest socialist governmental advice is as follows...
Even though we have removed the pensioners winter fuel allowance, ensure you put the heating on.
If that isn't possible walk to your nearest "warm hub", but when doing so walk like a "penguin" to prevent slippage.
Do not do this journey during the hours of darkness, slippage is more likely and they're closed.
All over 65's should be visited.
That's gotta be worth a Pffffffftttttti'ttttty Pffffffftttttt.
Av a gud un and remember, walk like a penguin.

Will he or won't he.
Good morning and thx Keith!

0˚c/32f, gale, snow event on it’s way. Schools closed.
The portion of my driveway which was not cleared yesterday, is now lost for a few days, it’s solid ice.

An interesting slippery walk awaits, and then some cooking.

Have a good one!

From the summer adventures……Hardangervidda…..
Remember, like a penguin.
Nice snow poles.
good morning all. thank you Keith for the coffee and have a nice nap. 42F on the dog walk with a cloud here and there but not too many so the stars are having a good time showing off.
with all this talk of snow and ice. glad I'm retired so even if I lived in a snow region I would be sipping coffee looking out the window thinking wow I don't need to go out in this mess. our afternoon high should be 70F. enjoy the day

stay safe
Good morning all, Thanks for coffee Keith and dark roast Ray. At the risk of sounding selfish I'm turning on the Keurig today but there's plenty for everyone. Normally not a fan of single serving plastic anything but as I'm in Florida and society in this place isn't kind to the environment I doubt a K cup or two will have much of an impact. All this talk of snow has me longing to be home in WI and my tolerance for Florida is coming to an end. I hope to be on the road north to the frozen tundra by this time next week. To use Ray's terminology Florida Pffftttt! Hope I said that right?

Wife's little dog woke me up with her alert to a loud truck on the road, Doberman slept right through it! So starts another day of 44 and 75 with some rain this afternoon. On the subject of the Doberman I was playing with him the other day, he's 13 and doesn't know it, and I bent my fingers back really hard. Hurt like a B__tard! Not sure what I did but whatever happened totally quieted down the arthritis in my left hand. I'll take it!

Have a great day everyone, enjoy your weather whatever it may be and Remember to be safe out there.
Morning all and thanks to someone for the coffee. At this point who knows what's what....

I do know it's cold here. -14C/-17C windchill, dark and clear. Will hit -5C/-12C windchill and sunny later on.

Ice, snow, cold.... just another Summer's day in Canada.

Enjoy whatever you've got, because it could be much, much worse.


Good morning, all, and thanks for the virtual coffee, Keith! I'll have a spot of Ray's Italian Roast, if I may.
Edit: Ooh, Keith's real pot is ready...I'll have a top-up of that, please! :biggrin:

We have a mainly sunny but frigid day on tap, with temps ranging from the current -15°C/5°F to -9°C/16°F, with respective windchills of -20°C/-4°F and -15°C/5°F. It's brrrr, to be sure, but I'll gladly take the sunshine; it takes the edge off the cold, dark winter months. And the days are gradually getting "longer," so there's that.

It's back to work for me this morning and it looks like there's already quite a lot on the agenda, so I'd best get my ducks in a row and get quacking.
Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

No snow here, but with temps cycling between -2C and +2C quite slippery surfaces...

The mind-hamsters mentioned prevent me from falling asleep in the evening... happens rarely, but if, they're quite lively...

Was awakened abruptly around 0400hrs by a disruptive engine rumbling circling the house...
Ze winter service on his ISEKI gritting the walkways of the premises... tried to doze off again... not much joy...

2 mugs of Joe (equals 4 aluminum capsules which go into the appropriate container for recycling), skipped breakfast though...

Sifted though the data of the trail cam placed near the bird feeder:
Great Tits, Sparrows, Robins, Red-Tailed, Blackbirds, Wood Pigeons, Black Crows, Hooded Crows and during the night our celebrity: ze Pine Marten...

Then an 1130hrs brunch consisting of crusted fish fillets with herbs cheese filling and mashed potatoes... yummy... stuffed now...
That air-fryer is a brilliant appliance, only 20 min for those 6 fillets for ze GF and me and they where perfectly crispy...
The kitchen stove wouldn't even be preheat in those 20 Min...

Will drive by the bike shed later, storing the boxes with the cataloged Honda NOS spares... then head to my place... off to work again tomorrow... yuck...

enjoy your start into the week!
Good morning, and thanks for the coffee start, Keith.

It's 17 and overcast here in MA, and it'll rise to about 27.
The wind will be 10 to 15 mph, which is a bit lower than the last two days.

We went to Carl's, yesterday, for breakfast, and I'll have the leftovers for breakfast, shortly.
That's about all we did all day.

Today, I'll swing over to my friend's restaurant to check out another leak, bring Freya to the vet for a checkup and her rabies innoculation, and try to stop by the gym.
The painters are here to do the final coat in the kitchen and bathroom, so the push to the end has begun.

Enjoy the day,
Good morning, everyone. Thanks for the coffee, y’all.

Brrrr….Only 30 of them little F’s this morning, with the wind dropping it to 17. I thought about asking for some relief, but remembered that this bunch likely won’t give a F. Looks like the high of 30 is all for the day, and also the high for the entire week. Wouldn’t you know, the coldest week of the year is the week where I have to drive to town, 4 separate days.

All over 65's should be visited.
Get off my lawn!

We had really heavy rain last night, flooding everywhere around here, had to take several diversions just to get to Sainsbury's (our usual supermarket for weekly shop). Got to climb in the loft as well as we've got a leak drip, drip, drip above our heads whilst in bed.... it's a known leak, had two different sets of roofers purportedly fix it... so I'll have to try and find a more reputable builder... difficulty is interesting them in actually bothering to come out and have a look.. grrrrrr

From the summer adventures……Hardangervidda…..
Look here @STooRay. I don't want to see photos of Norwegian roads showing tarmac. Driving up to Geilo at the end of Jan/start of Feb for a skiing week so I need snow :giggle: We will be driving up via Sweden and Oslo, then the current plan is to drive across to Stavanger to see Norwegian friends after the ski week, so we should be driving that stretch of road... albeit a little bit whiter I suspect :smile: Last time we drove across the Harangervidda was in Dec 2001... -20c that particular day brrrrrrr

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Thar beeee snooow in SoMD! Thx for the joe, Keith! I woke up to 28°F and 6+ inches on my back deck. It had just started sticking around 2am, so it really cranked up overnight. Flakes are bigg-ish thanks to the air temp, quick to pile up but the radar looks like it'll taper off here soon. Drove the wife in to her night shift (she's a nurse), and sadly we'll hafta see if she has to stay for a double, the poor gal. They were talking about another shot after a lull, so we'll see. At least the Town got our street plowed already.

Time to tank up and tackle that, eventually. I mean, it'll be there for me no matter when I go out, right? Take care y'all!
Pour me another, please. Since I was here, only 1 1/2 hours ago, we got dusted with snow and Teddy is ecstatic about it. He went out and started doing zoomies across the yard and laid down so his belly could get cool. Pffftt. I fed the birds and came back in.
Good morning, up early due to mind hamsters and a stomach saying it wanted food, good to be hungry. Coffee will be a little later today, thanks Keith and Ray .
Weather foggy,33 F and still dark, phone says Sunny by 9 am. High 46 F at 2 pm. Nice weather for a walk need to get more exercise in.
Have a good day Eh
the radar looks like it'll taper off here soon.

We're up to about 5 or 6 inches but also tapering here, 50 or so miles from you. It's not over, though.

My neighbor and I got most of the other neighbors' driveways and sidewalks cleared a while back, in time for one of them to depart as scheduled for intestinal surgery later today. I still have a couple more neighbors on the to-do list, but had to call it quits early because my fingers got intolerably, painfully cold after 45 minutes or an hour's worth of work, even with my lobster claw mitten replacing gloves.

I reported this same phenomenon in the Coffee Club a couple years ago and @Obo suggested it could be Raynaud's Syndrome; certainly my observed symptoms are in line with the online description. Looks like my future will include mittens rather than gloves, and chemical hand warmer packets, or winter relocation to places that don't get snow. Can't say that'd bother me terribly, although it'd mean maintaining two residences (or finding a short-to-medium-term rental property) and moving between them so it's not a cheap solution.
Morning all! Still dark here but, as with Gerard, we are promised some sun later. 5C right now, 8C for the high this afternoon sometime.

Heading back into work today after working from home last week. Should be an increase in productivity and a decrease, hopefully, in waistline expansion due to limited access to sugar laden holiday treats.

Keith, I sympathize with your finger plight. I've long suspected I had some version of Raynaud's. When I was ski patrolling I switched to pretty substantial mittens due to it, even though there was a prevailing nonsensical idea that real patrollers wear gloves. Using a snowblower exacerbated the issue due to gripping cold metal. Sounds like you're on the right track with respect to a solution. Maybe some battery powered heated gloves?

Hope everyone has a great day and if someone gets on your case, give them the finger :D !
I reported this same phenomenon in the Coffee Club a couple years ago and @Obo suggested it could be Raynaud's Syndrome; certainly my observed symptoms are in line with the online description. Looks like my future will include mittens rather than gloves, and chemical hand warmer packets, or winter relocation to places that don't get snow. Can't say that'd bother me terribly, although it'd mean maintaining two residences (or finding a short-to-medium-term rental property) and moving between them so it's not a cheap solution.
The wife (who's teeny-tiny. 4'11") has Raynaud's, and she struggles finding small enough gloves that also keep her warm. So, I understand. I haven't gone out yet....yep, snow's still out there. I'll get to it.
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