iRadar bluetooth detector.

Aug 5, 2011
Hi all,

My old detector died a couple of weeks ago so I went out looking for a new one. Main use would be in the truck but in the back of my mind I was thinking about the bike.Mainly because "thinking about my bike" is all I can do at the moment..-16F, -41F windchill, but I'm not bitter, nope, not bitter at all......
At Future Shop I came across the iRadar Atom by Cobra. $200 Cdn. The thing I like about it is that it bluetooths into my iPhone or my Android and then into my headset. I've been playing with it for a week and it's not bad. In Canada I use it on my Android with an unlimited data plan, the iRadar software on the phone seems to work quite well and there is a crowdsourcing aspect to the warning system. There's plenty of reviews out there, but the kicker for me is the fact that I get audio alerts through my headset while listening to my music and using GPS software all off my phone. There are some downsides, battery life on my Galaxy s3 really sucks so it has to be plugged in but it really seems to work. For the price, I could see me installing one behind the fairing permanently, all the controls are on the software after all.

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