Ignorance is Bliss


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Jul 22, 2021
Gages Lakes, IL
1993 Honda ST1100
As spring approches, even though the temp outside is Zero headed to -8 farenheit tonight, my garagre is a balmy 35 degrees just warm enough to go out and play with my new micrometer. What shoud I measure first, oh I know, I was planning on replacing my front brake rotors this year lets see how bad they are. Ok, well the first is just under four mm. Lets check the other one. that can't be right, try this again, no I must have messed up. Double check the first one again no that is the same as before. Recheck the second one - 2.5 mm - insert bad word(s) here!

My plan was to replace the rotors, brake pads and rebuild both caliers this spring, but this kinda proves how much I need too! I always thought that the brakes were a bit weak but never had a situation that I didn't have more than enough braking power. I am looking frward to this project as the bike doesn't move till this is done. I will admit I feel like a fool for not checkng this sooner, as I like to keep up on my maintence, and I just rebuilt the rear caliper and did brakes late last summer.
You sure it's that thin. I put 400,000 on mine to hit 4.1 mm before I replaced mine. I can't imagine the pads would work with a 2.6 mm disc, the caliper itself would rub the disc "rivets" or disc metal. that's what mine did at 4.1 mm.
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Do you have any drill bits to use as a guage? 1/8" drill bit equals 3.175mm. Measure the bit where you would chuck it up on the shank and it should be to size or just below size at the shank.

1/8" should be 3.170 to 3.175 usually exact size at 3.175mm.
That difference should be visible to the naked eye! do they look different? measure again be sure to NOT touch mike adjustment.
Yes unfortunately it is correct. Triple checked it plus took it to work and checked it again on som .040 aluminum.

Next question becomes any suggestions finding replacements.
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