How Do I Install GWing 12v Cig to ST for XM?

Sep 25, 2005
Chico, CA - Khao Lak, Thailand
I have an OEM leftover 12v Cigarette Power outlet that was to be mounted on my 2004 Goldwing, but never did. (it simpy plugged into the existing connection behind the glovebox). I now want to install this 12v cig recepticle on my 2003 ST but not sure how to do this.

I need to power up my XM RoadyXT and if I can use this leftover 12v outlet, then I don't have to hardwire. I don't think I want to drill any holes to permanently mount the outlet, so maybe if I can just put the outlet under my seat, then route the cigarette-style plug that came with the XM radio, all should be great....right??

Help me out, fellas. I have a long haul from Chico, CA to Grand Canyon this coming Tuesday and hope to get this done. I don't have time to order parts, so I am hoping that this outlet will work somehow.

What wires do I connect to?? Will it be fine even if the XM needs only 5 volts? Doesn't the XM power plug do the reduction in volts??

I'm a mental electronic midget (as self-described in past posts) so please be detailed in your answers and maybe I can be blessed with catching up with my favorite talk news shows while on the lonely highways of Nevada. I'll even send you a nice postcard from Hoover Dam.


does it have a hitachi connector on it? do you have the quartet harness? I would think that would be the simplest way...

1. Yes you can use the 12V power socket (but not sure about powering the XM - read on)...

2. You won't find somewhere on a stock ST that it will just plug into. You will need to connect it direct to the battery. To do this simply snip off the small plug from the end of it. Now, the lead that goes to the middle pin of the socket should go to the +ve battery terminal and the lead from the shield to the -ve battery terminal. Now you will have a 12V accessory socket permanently powered. However, I wouldn't use it as a trailing socket as you describe. The wing socket is designed to be mounted on a surface and as such has a bare metal shield, while this remains connected to the -ve terminal it would be fine but if that lead were to break or work lose while it's powering something, you could end up with sparks under your seat as it randomly touched other earth points. Not a good idea. You can buy such sockets with a plastic shield specifically for trailing lead applications.

3. If the XM only requires 5V and cannot take a 12V feed then you would also need a some sort of voltage reducer in line with the socket. I don't know enough about XM to comment.

Please don't take offence at this but if you're really as electrically inept as you state and appear I don't think you should attempt to do anything on the bike and instead take it to someone who knows what they're doing. 12V isn't a high voltage but it's more than enough to cause explosions and fires in the right circumstances.

Assuming you're using the cig plug that came with the XM, it takes care of the voltage change to 5v since it's designed to plug into a 12v receptacle.

You can safely use the cig type power outlet you have as a trailing lead by insulating it. Just wrap the outside metal shield with electrical tape so it won't short out by contacting other parts under your seat. This would work fine for a temporary mount but you should look for a permanent mount in the future.

Don't forget that a direct wire to the battery (best option for a temporary mount) won't be switched so power is always on.
It sounds easier than I was expecting.

I recently installed my Stebel horn, but not with lots of fanfair. Though I am not as inept as I sound (on most things, that is :hurt1: ) I find myself often erroring on the side of caution.

After inspecting my 12v outlet, it does have two wires.

One White/Black with a 3amp inline bottle fuse.

One Green direct to the outlet.

If I understand correctly, just connect the Wht/Blk wire directly to the battery's "+" and the Grn to the "NEG" side. I'm not a big fan of bottle fuses, so I many replace it with a wafer fuse with a sealed unit. Did that for my Stebel.

QUESTION: It comes with a 3amp fuse. Should I keep it at that?

Thanks for the help, guys. I only have two days to get this done and off we ride.

Well, I did it. Done. Not such a big job after all.

I took the Goldwing 12v socket and removed the 3amp bottle fuse holder. Then I wired a new 12 gauge wire from the "+" battery side with a new waterproof wafer fuse (3amp) and strung it along the left side of the bike. I like to keep the fuse closer to the battery, so if anything starts to melt, it doesn't have far to travel before stopping at the fuse.

I then cut a 30mm hole in the leading side of my left glove box. Inserted the socket and put the ground to the bold that holds the fairing support bracket to the frame.

I fed the XM power cable up throught the hold at the bottom of the glovebox. By removing the screw that supports the lowest part of the glovebox to the inner side of the side fairing and replacing it with a zip-tie, I was able to keep the power cord in a position to not move, but still keep the box secure.

All my wires are wrapped in wire shield and ends are heat shrunk for tidiness.

All is well and we have music!!

Tomorrow we leave for our Grand Canyon trip...2,500 miles.

Johnny and Ronng



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