HEATED GRIPS! The Bikemaster Brand

I just put a set on my bike and have rode twice with them in 38 degree weather. I found they work fantastic if you understand they are not magic. They warm the bejesus out of the palm of your hand, but my thumb and fingertips got chilly.....i got to get some winter gloves, my summer gloves are asking alot of them....lol. I cannot attest to their longevity or dependability but hope it is good. They are a tad bigger then my stock heated grips, which is a real plus for me....
After installing and running the heated grips I am not sure I would like the power drop, in voltage, with a complete compliment of electrical goodies. I havent done much gunkulating power usage but I am sure LEDs in the HL lowered power consumption close to 45 watts. With lower aux lights, phone charging, grips running I have a .4 or .5 voltage drop. So it looks like I am starting to deplete extra energy.
so it's time for some heated grips
I'm not familiar with that kit but it looks like a good deal for the money.

My hands get chilled to the bone easily. And I don't ride in cold weather. A heated jacket liner keeps my chest and heart warm so blood flow to extremities isn't as impacted as without the jacket. I've got heated gloves but that's just for the tops of the hands. My palms get cold after a few minutes. Heated grips and gloves are the way to go.
Yes, heated grips are a nice upgrade.
However, if you ride in cold weather you really need heated gloves.
I'd also suggest a heated vest.
As so many have posted once the get heated gear... 'why did I wait so long to get heated gear'? :potstir1:
I agree.. heated grips are nice to have when the weather surprises you some.. but, if it's real cold, heated gloves are a dream/along with jacket liner of course.

And... I agree w/above on the oxford, good quality and the battery saver / monitor helps make it a nice easy install.
I just put some on the Super Tenere and they are better than the oem ones I had.
I also recommend the Oxford heated grips. I put a set on my ST last year. I wish I had done that years ago. They work better than the factory heated grips on my Triumph and my BMW.
I also have Gerbings heated gloves, jacket , pants and socks. I don’t get cold anymore. :biggrin:
Well then I think a full ST-Owner review is in order! Seeing as the Bikemaster grips are running $40.00 bucks from Amazon, and the Oxfords are sitting at $90.00, I'm going to go the cheap route this time and see how they work! I always love an underdog, and I'll post the results in the form of 27, 8x10 color glossy pictures with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one.

I've ridden many years on cruisers with no heated anything, but after taking my father-in-laws Wing for a ride when it was 30° outside and I had his grips turned up to 30%, I was sold. I find that my hands are really the only part of me (in the cold weather) that really bother me after a few miles since there is so much plastic to hide behind on the ST. But once I have the grips on and my hands nice and toasty, I'm sure that those smaller annoyances will start to stand out a bit more.
had the Bikemaster for 3 years now.. get hot , no complaints . I hooked them up to a relay so the work key on only. They are suppose to be hooked up to battery and when it sees a no charging state they will shut of but I won't take that chance and get stranded in the middle of nowhere with a dead battery.:wind1:
One thing about heated gloves, they don't heat the palm side of your hand. you really need a combination of gloves and grips! I only have gloves and my palms and fingers at the grip get cold!

Yes, we do have cold weather in SoCal! I'll see (Low) temps below 30F for a month or two, during my commute.
I installed the BikeMaster grips that have the electronic display with voltage reading earlier this year. Just had a chance to try them out the other day and they worked great with bare hands and were VERY warm on the lowest setting. Also tried them with summer gloves and they worked great as well.

Why would you ride without proper gloves? Even if you dump it 10 feet from your driveway, you'll have road rash.
I had the Bikemasters on a 650 Vstrom and they worked perfectly. I chose them over the Oxfords bcsause I liked the smaller switch better and the price was much less. I had them hooked up to a fuse block so the lack of an automatic shutoff was not a factor.
I would definitely buy them again.
I actually bought them because of recommendation from forum member. Says he has been using them for years. dr phil or similar
I put Symtec heated elements on my ST when I had it. I went with these because I wanted to put BMW grips on. The Bikemaster and Oxfords look like great units, but you are stuck with the grip they give you. I wanted the option to be able to put what ever grip on the bike that fit me. I had them hooked up to a relay so when the bike was off, they were also off. I would start them out on high to get the bar warmed up. After that, I would turn them down to low and they would keep my hands nice and warm.


Just throwing out another option.
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