Google MyMaps Question

Dec 12, 2004
Weatherford, TX
'16 Versys 650LT
Hoping there are Google "MyMaps" gurus here!

I am trying to learn MyMaps and have hit a brick wall when it comes to the final product. I put in all my waypoints, created layers, then in preview displayed the assembled map. All looks fine except I can not figure out how to display the map without the waypoint labels. I've googled the problem but everything that is offered as a solution, either don't work or the suggested menus don't exist.

Preview mode of map. Want to show only the route line & not the lables
I am assuming that the labels you want to turn off are the lettered points along the route. Just un-click the check box and they should turn off.
I am assuming that the labels you want to turn off are the lettered points along the route. Just un-click the check box and they should turn off.

What you see in the picture shows only two layers (in red) turned on. The rest are unchecked. If I uncheck one of the remaining two layers, that entire segment of the route disappears.
Interesting. When I look at mine points and routes are in different layers and can be managed independently. Okay here is what I have found. Mine were imported from a KML file that was exported from Basecamp. If you create the points in a New map and then do driving directions no route geometry is in the layer.

Look at the screen shot and you can see a separate geometry for the route and points. There is the difference. So here is something that may help. Create a New Layer, and make sure that is the active layer. Now go to the Draws Line Icon and the top option should be Draw a Line. If that option is greyed out you do not have an active layer selected. The Line geometry must have it's own Layer.

Maybe someone else can shed some light on this.

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