Helmets Flip up helmet with sun visor, like it or not?

I'm riding with a Schuberth C3.
Best helmet ever made!!!!!
It's very light, fits perfect and the quietest ever.
Not cheap but I'm lovin' it.
Don't no if Schubert is a big brand in the US but here in Europe it's the best.

gr. Peter
I have my third flipflap helmet now.
I insist on a built in sunvisor. (and also on a flip flap, because I wear glasses)

First: Caberg Justissimmo: heavy , lot of noise, construction of sunvisor is not working well after a year.
Second: Airoh A555 (??) also heavy. less noise and good sun visor.

Third : Shubert C3.
Two words: this is the best helmet ever!!
Very small scale, so very light weight.
Excellent comfort around the neck
Perfect sun visor
Built in pin lock
Most silent flip flap I ever had!

The Shubert C2 caused me claustrofobia. I thought I could not breath in that helmet.
The C3 is different!
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