Good morning, folks, and thanks for the coffee, sourdough goodies and entertainment, Dave.
"Spunky Old Broads Day," eh? Hmmm. Various interpretations there.
So it's February. The month of harshest cold and wickedest winter storms in this part of the world. Ah, but one must always see the silver lining, must one not? There are a few good things about February. To wit:
1. It isn't January.
2. We're halfway through winter (Feb. 3 is the halfway point this year).
3. This is when we really begin to notice that it's getting light earlier and dark later.
4. Quebec's Winter Carnival (lots of frosty fun)
5. Ice sculpture competitions (beautiful)
6. February only has 28 days (well, 29 if it's a leap year...which 2025 isn't. So there.)
Hands are marginally better than yesterday, but still really bad. Heat is helping a little.
@steve3b3, you mentioned Voltaren yesterday and yes, I've used it many times. The gel is a little problematic for use on the hands, though, as we use (and wash) our hands so often...and if you've just put it on, you don't want to forget and rub your eyes, etc. I actually take a powerful wallop of a prescribed med called Diclofenac - it's actually the same thing as Voltaren, but you take it internally (stronger). You have to also take it with food and along with a stomach buffer because it's harsh stuff. But it works. Sadly, I was out of it and my prescription had expired, so my pharmacist asked my rheumatologist to fax a new one. It's ready, so I'm off to get it, shortly. Should help a lot, once it kicks it.
OK, time for more coffee (still can't pick the mug up properly, but I can use a little more than just my wrists today). Everyone have a good one, stay safe and go safely. Oh...and if you don't know what white rabbits have to do with anything, go ask Alice...I think she'll know.