End of the (work)week coffee and weather, 7 March

Morning Keith & All from another Wintery day in Southern Utah!

Currently it is 34F, up from 28F and heading for 39F. We have a slight breeze now, but later, the winds will becoming from the N@17 to 29mph. We are also expecting some more rain and/or snow, but won't know until it hits the ground...if it does!

I got nothing done yesterday on the bike, today, I'm hoping to get out there, once the garage warms up. Right now it's only 50F out there. I'll warm it up in a bit.

Eggs, bacon, toast & OJ to start the morning. Pepsi(s) to come later.

anyone :bl13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
Update, had to buy new headlights for the Mazda 2 , went back to incandescent bulbs, seems Mazda wired the headlights different than domestic cars they switch hi/lo on the ground side of the circuit opposite of domestic cars which switch on the positive side. So now I have two expensive wreaked LED lights.
2:14 AM Morning, yeah having problems falling asleep,oh well. Got the headlights adjusted properly on the Mazda,left one was pointed to the Sky. Needed that famous 10 mm socket and ratchet and ratcheting wrench. Of course the left side is hardest to adjust.because fuse panel is close behind it. As well late last evening, installed the smaller bore Clutch Master cylinder on the bike, noticably easier to pull in. Lucked out,got it bleed from the upper fitting by the master cylinder,no Tupperware removal. Next oil change will flush the slave at the same time.
Weather, Night time, Dark outside and raining 6 Celsius. Probably going to miss the full moon as according to phone will be Raining all next week. Agenda for today Hopefully Sleep. See Y'all tomorrow coffee club. Good night, G
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