End of the (work)week coffee and weather, 7 March


Still above the sod
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Jan 8, 2015
Rockville, MD, USA
Bikeless (9/29/2019)
Good morning everyone

There's fresh hot Peet's Coffee French roast in the pot. If you're up and about getting ready to go to work, or already at your job, stop and have a cup. If you're a retiree or otherwise not working, stop and have a cup.

It's 33°F in Rockville and feels like 14- brrrrrrrrr! - due to ongoing breezy conditions. It's not expected to be AS windy as yesterday but it will tick up around sunrise and stay breezy until after sunset.


Despite conditions being not as clement as expected when I booked a mid-day tee time several days ago, I think I'll stay with it and open the 2025 links campaign. It may well be one of the more challenging rounds of the year, at least from a weather perspective.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Morning all, and thanks to Keith and Peet for the coffee. <sip> Hmm a hint of peat indeed.

3C and still down pouring hard. Many roads were flooded on my commute home, but I managed to get thru without hydro locking the engine. Today, many of those are now barricaded closed. Lots of washouts to look out for, as well as gravel and whatnot on the roads. High winds, flooded basements, etc. You get the idea.

Temps will drop steadily thru the day to well below freezing, which is going to make driving dangerous, and everything a mess in general.

High tide (5:31am) hasn't helped as it was 7.54m / 24.7' above sea level. Low tide will hit at 11:48 with 1.39m / 4.6'. High tide will be back at 6:03pm, but a bit less at 6.97m / 22.9'
Yes, tides here are crazy. Highest in the world.

Hope everyone has a great Friday!

Good morning, everyone. Thanks for the cup, Keith.

37/61 with all-day clouds.

I had a good ortho visit yesterday. My hip surgeon said no more visits if I’m not having any pain. He cleared me to ride, saying I wouldn’t damage the new hip by holding the bike up. Temperatures are in the 70’s next week, so I’d better hurry and get the oil changed in both, and get the new rear tire on the sidecar rig.

Thx Keith!
Don ‘t know much about golf other than the winner buys the drinks….
How hard are you actually trying?
Sorry, it’s one of those days…

7˚c/45f, rain, grey and a little windy.

Today, the usual.
Cleaning house.
Buy shrimps and wine.

The amount of wine will depend upon if I’m driving my strongly disliked mil to the airport tomorrow morning.
Everyone expects me to volunteer, but I won’t.
She will have to ask, preferably politely and humbly.
I don’t do favours to people who cheat me.
Now that was a rant, don’t let me disturb you..

Have a very good one!

From the summer archives 2024, May28th, Obrestad

Good morning, and thanks for the coffee start, Keith.

It's 27, rising to 39 in MA this morning, with wind predicted for the day. 25 to 35mph.

I was doing okay, cold-wise, until late afternoon, when the caughing began, and just wouldn't stop.
Ironically, the red wine helped attenuate the caughing. ...Or, maybe I stopped noticing!

Today, I'll stop by my PCP for a scheduled visit. Hopefully, He'll have a fix for this.

Enjoy the day,
"So much day,
so little coffee..."


0°/18°C, sunny, blue skies, hard to chose clothing when its F_cold in ze morning, and F_hot during the day...

Spent the last two days out on product training, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries air-conditioners... quality stuff...

In ze afternoon I'll get my trusty Toyota back, new windscreen, hood freshly painted, MOT passed... missing the old rig...
The Hundi does the job, but hmm...
the decent Sony HiFi system in my Toyota alone is a joy-bringer...
then the rumbling suspension in that Hyundai, which absolutely does not like passing over humps/recesses in corners... buck and wiggle...
vs the fully independent suspension of that Toyota sucking itself to the road like a fresh cut steak to the cutting board...

a well, gotta run, have a nice w/e!
Good morning, everyone. Thanks for the cup, Keith.

37/61 with all-day clouds.

I had a good ortho visit yesterday. My hip surgeon said no more visits if I’m not having any pain. He cleared me to ride, saying I wouldn’t damage the new hip by holding the bike up. Temperatures are in the 70’s next week, so I’d better hurry and get the oil changed in both, and get the new rear tire on the sidecar rig.

Hip Hip Horay! Hip Hip Horay!
good morning all. thank you for the coffee Keith. 44F on the dog walk with a lot clouds hanging about. but I did get to see some stars. I over slept this morning so Mr. Moon was gone by the time I got out.
got a doctor's appointment this morning at 0800 and he is across town. so I must get going. our high should see 55F. enjoy the day

stay safe
G'mornin y'all from SoMD! It's a blowy and chilly 35F/1C outside, but as Keith report, the winds have died down from yesterday. Thanks for the liquid kicker, too! I briefly considered riding in to work yesterday but I'm glad I didn't...would've been even more miserable after an awful big-wig meeting. But before each manager stood to report major happenings in their department, the base chaplain spoke for a good 20 minutes. I had flashbacks to church sermons as a kid, sitting and squirming, then nearly falling asleep. He's very kind and a good soul, helped out on the waterfront when the plane and chopper collided here a month ago. Just not the kind of pep talk I needed to help deal with all the "change" that was happening.

But this isn't what an all-hands meeting is supposed to be. It was an hour meeting that should've taken 30 minutes. NTM we had to walk 10 minutes in the cold wind to get to the venue, and back. They did provide pizza which caused me to be sleepy as my body was busy digesting during the droning on. Ugh.

Anyhow, plenty going on at work, just doing it from home today. Another cup and then a little breakfast. Take care y'all!
Fer Peet's sakes, Keith, I'll have a cup! or 3, and thank you for it. It's a cool morning, but it's the end of the working week so that's cool, and we'll be near 70 later. And I'll be nearer 70 myself, every day.

Watched the Idaho Backroad DIscovery Route last night, instead of catching up with Itchy Boots. Can't remember which ones I haven't seen yet, but I enjoy the production quality, as I do Noraly's. Every BDR is a little different, but the scenic routes they map out are always nice to watch. And they usually ride the big ADV bikes, which tells me I can do it too. In Idaho, the Klim CEO broke his leg in a fall... on Day One! and had to be airlifted out. The fire watch / lookout towers are always impressive, sitting way up high with panoramic views. They are usually the toughest part of the ride, as well.

Next week a local bike shop is premiering the Southeast BDR, and I'll definitely show up for that. I've seen some of the previews the BDR has put out, basically it runs from North Florida up to Tennessee, through parts of Alabama and through Georgia. Sounds like a summer ride, I can do part of it nearby, even if I can't do all 1300 miles or so... that takes most riders about a week to ten days. And as I get to ride on trips so rarely, I would not want to have to rush through it. I've probably ridden parts of the BDR in Georgia, as they will be going (or did go) through the Chattahoochee and Nantahala forests.

And just think... if money were not an issue, I could take my time and do all of them. Before I'm too decrepit to make it.

So, I'll resort to my tired, worn out old cliche once more: mankind's problems often come right down to time and money, when you think about it. And I believe mankind created both of those constructs. Which tells me, we usually are responsible for making our own problems.

I should ease that harsh reality as I leave, by inserting one of the many uplifting quotes I find... but I ain't got time now.

Happy Friday to all my friends here, and don't fret over the rain coming tomorrow, for this too shall pass.
Good morning all, and thanks, Keith, I'll most certainly stop by for a cup or two.

It's colder here today, and will eventually be mainly sunny, once this grey pall departs. We're currently at -6°C/21°F with a feels-like of -14°C/7°F, and we'll see a high of -1°C/30°F with a windchill of -8°C/18°F.

I'm still messing around with paperwork and trying to get everything sorted and organized, so off I go, once more into the breach. Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

thanks to Keith and Peet for the coffee. <sip> Hmm a hint of peat indeed.

Hmmmm... that must've been from the (blended) scotch I "accidentally" spilled into the cup before pouring the coffee.

Don ‘t know much about golf other than the winner buys the drinks….

Not with us. We alternate. I'd drink for free 98 percent of the time, otherwise.
Morning all! The sun is just starting to poke its head above the horizon. We'll have sun with cloudy periods until the evening when it starts to rain. Just in time for the weekend. It's currently 3C with a high forecast to be 9C.

Obo, I believe it would be my son-in-law-in-law.

I have some meetings this morning and then catching up for the rest of the day. Then....cleaning before my mother-in-law arrives tomorrow. But first, there's dogs to feed and showers to take.

Pics are from dog walk at lunch yesterday. Funny how that seems to recharge the batteries and combat the afternoon head droops.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Good morning, make breakfast or check in Coffee club? Coffee club it is. So survived Colonoscopy yesterday, then went out for dinner at Hooked Fish Bar at Crescent Beach, Sea food chowder soup and fish and chips was delicious. Going to be a partly cloudy day, high of 9 C by 2 pm. If my body is up to it, Ladies Master cylinder was in my mailbox yesterday will be installed. But probably should find out why low beam on the Mazda is not so good, before I play with the bike. Might have to buy a repair manual on line,ugh. Checked all the easy to get at stuff and new Dimmer switch is installed , not the problem. Which means it's either a wiring or Daylight running module issue. Probably should clean the ground wire like I'm always suggesting to do. Keith have fun at hitting the white ball into the tullies, and thanks for the coffee. G
@Sadlsor "The life you want to live is on the other side of the ***** you don't want to do."
This is likewise true, and stays close at hand in my amazing collection of truisms.
I've also seen it, with the word ***** replaced by Fear. Both equally true.


Time is the only currency that you spend, not knowing the balance in your account. Spend it wisely.
Spoken like a true wise man.
(Unless, of course, like me... you only collect witticisms. But in your case, you're certainly wiser. How do I know this? 'Cuz you're retired already.)
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